Triple Crown results

As I said

I hope that you IR50 shooters will participate more next time ,not sit on the sidelines praying for it to fail! It came off with a event that brought all three disciplines together working as one for a common goal and that is the revelation that occurred ! Dan ,Dawn and Wayne gave it their all as did others ! If you are feeling empty ,its because you missed it! You missed it in your prayer list and now somehow want to belittle the humongous success it was! No where, no time ,no other event in 22BRRF comes close , you missed it Pete, you missed it Doug, you missed it Sam , We missed a lot more pessimistic folks and that was OK too , that was all your decisions ! Just show up and shoot ,pissing on the ashes of success is for very small minded people! I truly hope that we get a few of the shooters that want to promote 22RFBR in the 120 slots of the next Triple Crown , cause we really had about as many as we could handle efficiently ! Join us ,it was one helluva event; Just ask Todd and anybody else that was there!

I intended to miss it. I'm too old and road weary to get excited about events such as this these days. I did fall on my sword in another post though so I don't feel that I have done anything wrong other than not paid enough attention earlier n the process. I will admit when I am wrong about something when given proper information, which I have done.

We are running our first ARA match in a little bit today so we are getting on board :cool:.

Well, I for one would like to have been in there shooting the first triple crown. But recovering from hip surgery a month ago, and learning to walk again kept me away. No way I could have done it, but wished I could have been there. Originally, I had plans on attending.

From what hear Sam is laid up as well, from spinal surgery, so I guess he kinda had to miss it
too. Not much choice.
Well, I for one would like to have been in there shooting the first triple crown. But recovering from hip surgery a month ago, and learning to walk again kept me away. No way I could have done it, but wished I could have been there. Originally, I had plans on attending.

From what hear Sam is laid up as well, from spinal surgery, so I guess he kinda had to miss it
too. Not much choice.

We really missed you guys too Kent, maybe you folks will be able to make it next year it was a hell of an event.BTW that 3 groove reverse taper is shooting very well for me now I want to thank you for getting it for me it is very much appreciated.
Kent: I too had to cancel out because of health issues. I decided I could not make it 3 or 4 days before the TC. It darn near killed me to call Paul and cancel, but we were there in spirit. Next year perhaps you, Sam and I can make up the "Cane Gang" and give everyone else a rest while we set/move our flags. We missed a really good show. bob
Kent: I too had to cancel out because of health issues. I decided I could not make it 3 or 4 days before the TC. It darn near killed me to call Paul and cancel, but we were there in spirit. Next year perhaps you, Sam and I can make up the "Cane Gang" and give everyone else a rest while we set/move our flags. We missed a really good show. bob

You were one of the ones I wanted to make sure I had an opportunity to speak to at the match. I'll just plan on it at the next one. :cool:
Enlighten me as to how you arrived at this conclusion that the IR50 target is "Feel Good" or as implied "easy" versus the other 2 being so much harder to shoot.
Looking at the scores shot in all 3 venues I have come to a different conclusion than you and need to know what I didn't consider.


Sam, I had heard that the 50/50 target was the feel good target on one of the websites. I didn't invent it.
I never understood it until theis weekend as I hadn't shot an ARA match or a PSL.
I do now understand why it was phrased as the feel good target though. It is a little easier to get a better score on in my opinion. The reason for me is the scoring rings. They give a better reference for hold off in my opinion which should improve your scores.
I'm not calling it easy by any means. Just easier to shoot as stated above & therefore one would have a higher score.
Now I heard some of the ARA guys saying they felt it was tougher. That surprised me at 1st, but in thinking on it I guess its what we're used too.
Hope I've explained myself.
The Triple Crown was a GREAT event & I hope it will continue. I shot poorly but thoroughly enjoyed myself nonetheless .
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I hope that you IR50 shooters will participate more next time ,not sit on the sidelines praying for it to fail! It came off with a event that brought all three disciplines together working as one for a common goal and that is the revelation that occurred ! Dan ,Dawn and Wayne gave it their all as did others ! If you are feeling empty ,its because you missed it! You missed it in your prayer list and now somehow want to belittle the humongous success it was! No where, no time ,no other event in 22BRRF comes close , you missed it Pete, you missed it Doug, you missed it Sam , We missed a lot more pessimistic folks and that was OK too , that was all your decisions ! Just show up and shoot ,pissing on the ashes of success is for very small minded people! I truly hope that we get a few of the shooters that want to promote 22RFBR in the 120 slots of the next Triple Crown , cause we really had about as many as we could handle efficiently ! Join us ,it was one helluva event; Just ask Todd and anybody else that was there!

Kindly disabuse yourself of the notion that somebody like friend Pete is representitive of anything other than a long history of comments that are best kept private. I've heard nothing but praise, before and after, for a very well run and tough compitition, before durring and after.