Triple Crown results


1. Todd Wooten
2. Jason Thornhill
3. Ivan Wells
4. Dan Killough
5. Richard Gorham
6. Fred Sears
7. Noah Johns
8. Jerry McFall
9. Mark Penrod
10. Bob Collins
With all due respect

to the winners, those who shot well and those who traveled far to participate, was anything proven? I guess it sort of leaves me feeling like I should be feeling more something.


to the winners, those who shot well and those who traveled far to participate, was anything proven? I guess it sort of leaves me feeling like I should be feeling more something.


Pete, I don't think there was anything to be proven. I think it was to get like -minded people together & enjoy the event. That certainly happened.
Something was proven to me however. I now know why the IR target is called the "feel good target". That ARA & PSL target is tough!

to the winners, those who shot well and those who traveled far to participate, was anything proven? I guess it sort of leaves me feeling like I should be feeling more something.


Well . that must be a pretty large rock you`ve been living under there Pete!
Was anything proven

Not out to prove anything but better than shooting Air Soft Beads into a trash can!
Nope Slick

Well . that must be a pretty large rock you`ve been living under there Pete!

I know you are deeply into this deal but it seems anti-climactic to me somehow. I expected MORE somehow is all. Some revelation or something. As an observer who is interested in the Shooting Sports I just feel empty somehow.

I think Keith,

Pete, I don't think there was anything to be proven. I think it was to get like -minded people together & enjoy the event. That certainly happened.
Something was proven to me however. I now know why the IR target is called the "feel good target". That ARA & PSL target is tough!

It only takes looking at those targets to know they are tough and why folks throw as much time, effort and money at rifles and ammo that's good enough to deal with them. The rest of us simply try, at our level, to enjoy our segment of the sport that keeps us out of the bars and off the streets. As I see it, the Benchrest Sports are more about Local Level shooting, vs. Big Events. Shooting, at any level, is an individual endeavor. We only compete with ourselves, with what we can or will afford to compete with. How well we do depends on how much time, effort and money we invest. Most orgs are structured toward a season's and/or lifetime's performance, not one Big Event.

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To me, it was quite significant to see three sanctioning bodies work together for one big match. I don't know, but I think that that's unprecedented in the world of BR...RF or CF.
I guess Pete was expecting the second coming at the conclusion of this event with a divine revelation. This was a well hyped match and in the end it was a high level match which was won by a shooter who is well experienced with all three games. (Congrats Todd). The thing that all the primarily local level shooters should know is that to perform at the highest levels takes a dedication of effort that borders on obsession and even that is no guarantee of success. That has been the formula for success for many years. This match, like all high level matches, just goes to reinforce that fact and should not be a revelation to any experienced shooter.
Enlighten me as to how you arrived at this conclusion that the IR50 target is "Feel Good" or as implied "easy" versus the other 2 being so much harder to shoot.
Looking at the scores shot in all 3 venues I have come to a different conclusion than you and need to know what I didn't consider.

In My view, regarding the targets

It's pretty much about the scoring rules. If IR used the same scoring system as the other two, well just think about it a bit. In the end, usually the best prepared shooter wins, from what I have seen so far.

Enlighten me as to how you arrived at this conclusion that the IR50 target is "Feel Good" or as implied "easy" versus the other 2 being so much harder to shoot.
Looking at the scores shot in all 3 venues I have come to a different conclusion than you and need to know what I didn't consider.


I think it depends on your perspective. The first time I ever saw and shot the IR5050 target was at the Triple Crown in the first relay of Sunday.

It's a feel good target if you are looking for a target that is "easy" to get a perfect or near perfect composite score (Xs not relevant here) of 250 in comparison to the PSL target or such. It was the worst in terms of forgiveness for missing a shot as if you drop below a 250, you're out of contention and that's surely rough. You can miss the PSL bull entirely and drop 100 points and potentially still come out with a 2400 probably winning the target. A 249 usually won't get you much.

I placed poorly and I knew I would coming into the match. I just wanted to be there and participate. I managed a 250 on my first attempt at the target couldn't manage to even come close to repeating it. I struggled with IR just as much as any other target.
Pete: Different scoring rules? You compare the IR50 to both ARA and PSL scoring. ARA is worst edge, the other two are best edge scored. ARA has a ten ring that does not exist on the PSL. ARA does not have an X. IR50 has more scoring rings than the other two. On the PSL you have to obliterate the dot for an X, but just touch it on the IR50 card. Protests in all 3 disciplines are decided by scorers and a plug. Yes the targets are very different. I fail to see point(s) in your protestation. Please explain. bob

I think Kieth was referring to how easy it is to shoot not how easy it is to score good. If you had been there and shot the ARA and PSL you would know why those were harder to shoot, the wind was up on Saturday and you had holdoffs in the white outside the red and blue rings of the target and most of the time just had to guess at where you were holding, I think that is what he was referring to, as you know the IR target has many rings out to establish your holdoffs. I was shooting a brand new rifle I had just picked up Friday( a mistake on my part) and ended up doing a big tuning session, should have shot new blue and would have had a better chance. It was the most fun I have ever had at a match, with three relays we were never in a hurry and had much time to hobnob and cut up, the match was over in plenty of time that we had a really good night time as well. You and Ken should have come down and shot Ken would have had a good chance and you would have as well. I really don't know what Pete was expecting but he didn't compete so its irrelevant in the total scheme of things, there is always someone on the sidelines who is going to complain about something they were really wishing they had participated in, hell if he had come down he could have straightened out the Eley guys, they gave a interesting seminar and took a bunch of questions maybe he could have verified what those "lads", that he got all his misinformation from, told him. But to say the least it was a HOOT and a very fine person and very good shooter won it, Congratulations again to Todd Wooten.Next year all you IR guys need to make plans to come and shoot the tournament you will have fun I promise you will.
ARA/PSL/IR50 as ONE Event!

I know you are deeply into this deal but it seems anti-climactic to me somehow. I expected MORE somehow is all. Some revelation or something. As an observer who is interested in the Shooting Sports I just feel empty somehow.


I hope that you IR50 shooters will participate more next time ,not sit on the sidelines praying for it to fail! It came off with a event that brought all three disciplines together working as one for a common goal and that is the revelation that occurred ! Dan ,Dawn and Wayne gave it their all as did others ! If you are feeling empty ,its because you missed it! You missed it in your prayer list and now somehow want to belittle the humongous success it was! No where, no time ,no other event in 22BRRF comes close , you missed it Pete, you missed it Doug, you missed it Sam , We missed a lot more pessimistic folks and that was OK too , that was all your decisions ! Just show up and shoot ,pissing on the ashes of success is for very small minded people! I truly hope that we get a few of the shooters that want to promote 22RFBR in the 120 slots of the next Triple Crown , cause we really had about as many as we could handle efficiently ! Join us ,it was one helluva event; Just ask Todd and anybody else that was there!
I didn't pay a lot of attention, truthfully

I have been competing in Benchrest since the middle 90's I have traveled as far west as northwestern Iowa to attend National Championships and attended a lot of big matches during those years. This, to me, seemed like any of the others, having done my time on the road, for my taste anyway.

What I didn't know was the PAYOUTS, until I read Wayne's post on a different channel a bit ago. That probably would have colored my thinking a bit in a more pleasant color. I wouldn't have attended but would not have thought of it the same. I don't pretend top be one of the top shooters. Don't practice or spend a lot of money on guns and ammo. I am not interested in the sport at that level. I do wish now I had educated myself better about the total event so that I might have not had the feelings I previously articulated. The payouts were pretty good, in my opinion.
