Tomball Results


We would hope that, when taking our time and watching every little nuance that the conditions offer, as experienced Shooters, we can pretty well tell the difference when the Rifle is working, and when it is not.

If we could not, nobody would ever get one of these things in a competitive tune.

When I practice, I am either trying to figure out how well the Rifle is shooting, or how well I am shooting. When working up a competitive tune, I try to keep as much of "Me" out of the equation as possible. When I am practicing for match conditions, on the clock, then the very first thing I have to start with is a Rifle that is tuned as well as my abilities will allow. Then, I can see how well I can, or cannot, shoot.

There is an old fallacy that floats around this Forum quite a bit. It is, "well, the Rifle can shoot better than I can anyway". That is not nessessarrilly so.

Sooner or later, shooters must progress in this game to where you will have a pretty good idea whether the Rifle is working, or not.......jackie