Tomball Results

jackie schmidt

New member
We had a beautiful Morning to shoot our final club match of the season.

Conditions in the first two matches were really great, but by the third match, the typical "Tomball Crap" started coming in. Not only did the X count suffer, but shooters who have not dropped a point all year saw some nines appear on the target.

The results were.:

Factory Class:
Faron Frederick........248 10x
Trisha Hanka..........241 4x
William McLaughlin...218 2x

As a note, that excellent score shot by Faron Frederick was with a out of the box 308 Savage. Great Factory Class score.

Modified Class:
Art Bosco...............245 3x
Joe Duke................243 11x
John Mulomber.........240 9x

Benchrest Class:
Geramo Villarreal.......250 20x
Vic Smith.................250 18x
Russel Mathews........250 11x

Tomball Guin Club Shooter of the year. Based on best 3 out of 4 matches:
Vick Smith.........750 50x
Ed Bernabeo.......750 50x (lost tie breaker)
Russel Mathews...750 48x

As a note, Russel Mathews was the only shooter to shoot "clean" for all four matches.

Thanks to all of the shooters for coming out this year, to John Jones for cooking, and to the Tomball Gun Club allowing us to have a place to shoot.

We will do it again next year..........jackie
Congrats all...!

As a note, Russel Mathews was the only shooter to shoot "clean" for all four matches. Jackie

Top notch Russel! That's a tough accomplishment to pull off...!

Thank you

Jackie, Thank you for the work you and Johnny and the others have put into holding these matches. It has been fun all year long and we do appreciate the chance to get out there and shoot.

Thanks again for the use of your flags.

Great shooting to those who won.
Vic, you hung in and made it count at the end. Congratulations!
Geramo, What can I say? You put on a clinic today!
Art, congratulations on winning the modified class.
Faron, That was very good shooting and an excellent score to win the factory class.

Guillermo Villareal aka Villarealair

Congrats to my good friend Guillermo on your well deserved win!!!
20x's is a great score. Just think how good you would be
if you practiced....:eek:

A big thank you goes out to Jackie Schmidt, Johnny Jones,
the Payne Family and Art for for all their hard work and
providing the food for FREE!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

The new season will start with the first Sunday of Febuary

Hope to see you there....
Pictures from the Score Match

Sorry I do not know all the names of the competitors.




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More Pictures of the winners




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Saved the most important guy for last (THE COOK)

John Jones (The Cook)

Jackie, I know how much everybody appreciates your hard work putting on the matches. Thanks go out to you and John Jones for all you have done. Congratulations Vic for winning Shooter of the Year!...............GW