The worth while changes to IR 50/50 / attendance increase

More clubs holding matches

One thing that would help would be for more clubs to hold matches.
I live in NE Ohio and there is not a single nearby (1.5hrs) club holding weekend matches. Lancaster (2.5 hrs) does hold an occasional weekday match.
My club would be a nice venue but the helm is manned by 3p shooters and pistol shooters who don’t want to hear about sanctioned matches. Regardless of the format.
It is not a sport for the faint of heart or monetary restraints. Regardless of the class.
Deserves a look

Another rule that needs to be looked at is the sand bag rule. It says only stock may touch the sand bag. Lots of stock tape out there. Stock tape should be allowed on all guns or stock tape should not be allowed on all guns. Don't think it makes a difference either way but the rule should be clarified.

Thank you for your words of wisdom. As you said anything is worth a try, or even a re try.

The important thing is to keep on doing something, rather than sitting back, and watching it be lost without expending any effort.



I do not shoot anymore. This whole thing is getting side tracked, changing rules for existing shooters will not change a thing.

Want new shooters ?

Have a sporter class with factory actions and factory profile barrels, have heavy gun matches with the same. Most younger shooters,do not have the money to compete. (They are told here and every other benchrest forum they read and post on.)

This use to be a gentlemans sport, but now just bickering.

Want younger shooters to join in ? Go look in Rimfire Central.
all things tried- the number of shooters is not really dependent on the venue- but rather on their personal upbringing - we have had 40+ years of anti gun sentiment state side, longer( like centuries of repression) over seas and this is what effects participation more than anything else. we enjoy using tools that have been maligned for most of the younger generations lives, this has a major effect. Eventually a few discover that it isn't the god awful tool that is the problem-contrary to what they have been taught and then the light dawns. Disposable income ( as it is refered to in sales circles) has been and is tight for a major portion of the younger crowd. Their life style differs quite a bit from our own at that time in our lives.

Just general observations I have acquired being as I am one of those terrible deviates. Note I grew up hunting and fishing, farming and the like putting food on the table using these god awful tools. A far cry from a factory or glass walls and cubicles. Yes, I worked in those areas also and hated every minute of it, paid the bills for a family of 5 which was the priority.
On the Factory Class:

Anyone who has been around shooing for a few years knows that Factory Classes have been tried without success. IBS has a running Factory class and there are very few people shooting in it. Sometimes one per match and most often none. I think UBR has a Factory class but I am told that it is populated with Cooper rifles so where is the cost savings?

Factory classes end up being dominated by those who spend the most money trading rifles until they find one that shoots. Been there, done that myself in the beginning. It's simply the human thing to do. People who want to win will do whatever they can do to win, it's only human.
