The Tack Driver Showdown sponsored by IBS

Nothing against all

When motorhomes dont show up thats half of benchrest crow we must be careful

but not at score matches. They are rare.
Therein lies a huge difference in score vs group. One is a week long event for a big match and the other is a day or two.

Nothing wrong with either one. Just sayin'.
T-Shirt sponsorship

We will be taking sponsorships for your company's logo to be on the back of the T-shirts for this event. If you or anyone is interested please call me at 843-957-6546. Thanks JC
Attracting new shooters

In the interest of growth of the Sport, I think this is a great idea. For me and many others, the journey began with fun matches like this. If just a few eventually migrate to Benchrest Competition,you win.

Don’t forget to invite some knowledgeable Benchrest shooters. Have them bring their most attractive rifles to include Rail Guns. Just for show. Us old timers call it “planting the seed”.

Wish I could make it.


No return to battery - so no Rail Guns. Just bag guns. But allows F-Class which are, what, 21 or 22 pounds?


Jeff...I meant Rail Guns just for Show.(Display) Not to shoot. Some may have never laid eyes on a Rail Gun.

When I first saw one, "in the flesh":), I dreamed about what it would be like to shoot something like that. Its about the exposure. I ended up buying one.:D

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I am personally calling every competitor as their registrations arrive. If you have not heard from me then I haven't received your yet. I expect it to be maxed out shortly only have about 50 spots left. Thanks JC
amazing turnout

Sounds like there is lots of interest in a match like this. That is a good sign. Should be great fun.

What seems to be the breakdown between short range, long range, intermediate, etc? Or can you tell by the entries yet?

Texas will be represented. :cool:

Sounds like there is lots of interest in a match like this. That is a good sign. Should be great fun.

What seems to be the breakdown between short range, long range, intermediate, etc? Or can you tell by the entries yet?

Texas will be represented. :cool:


There is a wide representation from all sides. Looks like group, score, long range, egg shooters, tactical, groundhog shooters and several others. Still looking for some F-Class and PRS representation.
Tack driver practice

I will be opening the range at 9am on the 13th. I have had numerous request to come do some testing, so I will open it early morning on the 13th.
Less than 20 spots remaining

Less than 20 spots remaining. Make sure you get your in the mail ASAP if you are planning to shoot this event. I will start a waiting list after I fill up and you WILL NOT be required to send in your $20 until I can get you placed in the field. Thanks JC
If you are planning on attending this event and you have not mailed your form in yet, please call me before you do so as we are almost full. Thanks jc 843-957-6546
I see all sorts of talk of running out of parking...... but I've got a kid lives only 3hrs away......How close are you to topping out the registration?

al-onthewayhomefromthecapitol-inwa, if you go to SC and drive/fly through Atlanta (that's in GA, you know) I'd be glad to treat you to a dog, fries and a Coke at the Varsity. Let me know if you're interested.
al-onthewayhomefromthecapitol-inwa, if you go to SC and drive/fly through Atlanta (that's in GA, you know) I'd be glad to treat you to a dog, fries and a Coke at the Varsity. Let me know if you're interested.

A Coke @ Candler field........... it's got history at least :)
I am sure there are a few people that are anxious to shoot. I have not been pushing to fill the last few spots in the Tack Driver due to the circumstances we have been facing. It looks like things are freeing up as of now and I am starting to get some calls. There are a few spots left and they will be taken on a first come first serve basis. Just so everyone knows Roy Hunter said he had it won already and if you show up you will be second at best! This will be a match to remember and I will have plenty of BBQ sauce for his crow he will have to eat so it will go down easier and wont be so dry! Looking for a few more of the BEST shooters in the NATION to attend.
I have reached out to everyone I currently have registered for the Tack Driver for your T-shirt size. I have 3 spots available and looking like possibly only a few cancelations at this point. If you are planning to shoot this very competitive match you need to get registered. I will be calling mid October with bench/relay assignments. Thanks JC
I have reached out to everyone I currently have registered for the Tack Driver for your T-shirt size. I have 3 spots available and looking like possibly only a few cancelations at this point. If you are planning to shoot this very competitive match you need to get registered. I will be calling mid October with bench/relay assignments. Thanks JC

Jim, this might not be practical, but I will ask.

I have a set of National Rotation Flags that I have used at several Score Nationals. They include some with large vanes for easy visual out at 300.

Would it be possible to sponsor a bench rotation. I could set the flags on the bench I start on, and move them to the bench I rotate to for the next morning. I could even set an identical set 10 benches down, as that will be where I rotate to, and those would rotate to the Bench I started on.

If you would rather not mess with something like that, I understand. But as a Short Range Benchrest Shooter, a flag setup is paramount in a Match such as this.
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Ibs national group shoot

IBS should be spending more time with regard to a location
for the their NATIONAL GROUP SHOOT as compared to a
nonregistered shoot.