Your difinition of how NOPD works is correct and well stated. You seam experianced and knowledgable in the subject. I believe you are saying that the bullet leaves the barrel before the reactions of the particles has any damping effect. Correct?
I have not studied the reaction time of various type of particles but I have seen test results showing that tungston has the best damping effect.
I would like to see a test done with multiple holes drilled in a barrel with non compressed tungston or sand filled about 1/2 way then caped. If the pockets were near the muzzle there would be more of an oppertunity for the damping to have an effect as the vibrations are traveling at the speed of light and far ahead of the bullet.
We have been able to "tune a barrel " with a device on the muzzle, on the side or bottom of a barrel and on the receiver when its floating. The point that I have found to be the most sinsitive and tunable is about 13 inches in front of the receiver with a 26 inch barrel.
There is a old patent that claims that by adding weight to the muzzle you can stabilize vibrations. I think they found that 8 oz worked the best. I will try to find it again.
We also used visco elastic materal on the outside of a barrel with metal curved plates with sharp edges. The concept was for the plates to transmit the vibrationd out of the barrel at the poing of the sharp edges. As we constrained those plates we lost damping effect. There was an optiom thickness of the visco elastic that delivered the best damping effect on the high frequencies.
I have felt that a team comprised of people with a varity of knowledge and skills is what it will take to solve this vibration tuning the best.
Your difinition of how NOPD works is correct and well stated. You seam experianced and knowledgable in the subject. I believe you are saying that the bullet leaves the barrel before the reactions of the particles has any damping effect. Correct?
I have not studied the reaction time of various type of particles but I have seen test results showing that tungston has the best damping effect.
I would like to see a test done with multiple holes drilled in a barrel with non compressed tungston or sand filled about 1/2 way then caped. If the pockets were near the muzzle there would be more of an oppertunity for the damping to have an effect as the vibrations are traveling at the speed of light and far ahead of the bullet.
We have been able to "tune a barrel " with a device on the muzzle, on the side or bottom of a barrel and on the receiver when its floating. The point that I have found to be the most sinsitive and tunable is about 13 inches in front of the receiver with a 26 inch barrel.
There is a old patent that claims that by adding weight to the muzzle you can stabilize vibrations. I think they found that 8 oz worked the best. I will try to find it again.
We also used visco elastic materal on the outside of a barrel with metal curved plates with sharp edges. The concept was for the plates to transmit the vibrationd out of the barrel at the poing of the sharp edges. As we constrained those plates we lost damping effect. There was an optiom thickness of the visco elastic that delivered the best damping effect on the high frequencies.
I have felt that a team comprised of people with a varity of knowledge and skills is what it will take to solve this vibration tuning the best.