To ALL of you Intellectual Morons out there who keep insisting that Bill Calfee can not possibly know what he is talking about: I have but one question for you. DO ANY OF YOU NOW, OR HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER OWNED A RIFLE THAT HAS HAD A DEVISE SIMILAR TO ONE BEING REFERRED TO IN THIS DISCUSSION ATTACHED TO IT?
If not, how can you be so critical, because it is you who does not know what you are talking about?
And, if so, WHY?
Is it so difficult for you to understand and accept the fact that some country boy from Indiana may have landed on something by using nothing more than inspiration, perspiration and good ol' common sense, then had the confidence in himself to go out and follow his idea to create, then test his ideas by using nothing more than the age old method of trial and error because that was all that was available to him? And, even after seeing time prove how well his creation was working, he was never satisfied! But, instead was more driven than ever to continue refining that creation to the point where it is now ready to enter into its third stage of development.
And, as for whether or not Bill has used the politically correct phraseology when trying to discribe to us, the common man, what is happening, or what end results are being sought, Bill has always used language that most of us can relate to: he has put things into Laymanology! (Is that a word, or am I too going to be chastized and publically humiliated? Lord knows, it won't be the first time!)
Most of us don't give a hoot whether you refer to the area being targeted as a parallel node, antinode, flat spot, sweet spot, hell, call it bulls**t, it just doesn't matter.
The point is; every word that Bill Calfee has ever written on the subject of trying to make a barrel shoot better, whether it be by attaching some sort of thingamabobby devise with spin-on doodads at the muzzle while trying to reposition this whateverthehell word you can understand, or whether it be by slugging a barrel to find the optimum points for positioning the chamber and muzzle, or how to properly lap a barrel have all been done with only one intent: that of trying to help ALL of us make our guns shoot more precisely.
And Lynn, I like my muzzle devise too!
Okay gentlemen, fire away!