The Parallel Node, Calfee

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Friend Mike S

Friend Mike S:

Per your post, I won't quote it, but:

MY friend, YES.

MIke S, the only reason a muzzle device improves accuracy is for the reason you quoted from my PS article....

My friend, the dead spot in the vibration pattern of a rifle barrel, when fired, is not shaped like and X.....if it was, it wouldn't do a thing for accuracy..

The dead spot is, like I said in the article you quoted, a little, short, dead parallel section of the barrel, which if we can move it to the muzzle, the bullet leaves straight away, not at an angle if the node was X shaped.

MIke S. there are some changes coming, as I type this, concerning muzzle of the biggest disservices to accuracy was when someone tagged my muzzle device with the name "tuner"......this error is getting ready to be everyone will derive the absolute best from what a muzzle device has to offer in improving accuracy.

I've got so much more to say...I'm going to start another thread with some information that will be extremely important to all of us....

Thank you Mike, your friend, Bill Calfee

PS, Friend Ken are correct my friend...bc
Bill (Kathy),

You probably won't answer this question but I'll ask.

How do you explain rounds that are different velocity going in the same hole down range. Do you disbelieve that a slower bullet will hit lower than a faster bullet if both are fired from a barrel with absolutely zero movement?

Thank You
My old bunny gun used to do that. Sighted in at 100 yards with most high speed ammo, Leader would be in the same group. Of course, the Leader shot way high at 50 yards.

Is that what they call compensation.
Friend J Pendergraft

My friend:

If you will send me a self addressed, stamped, envelope, I will answer your question.....

My address is on this forum in several places.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
This is a point of zero velocity but at maximum acceleration. [/B]

Could you explain this? I dont believe you can have acceleration without velocity.

Or did you mean "zero acceleration at maximum velocity"?..........Don
For Don:

I think that pacecil's example can be illustrated thusly:

Throw a rock straight up in the air, perfectly vertically. From the moment the rock leaves your hand, it is accelerating downward at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared (acceleration of gravity). On the way up, we can define that the rock is losing velocity. At the point in time that the rock reaches its highest altitude, the rock changes direction and by definition its velocity is zero (velocity requires both speed and direction). On the way down, we can define that the rock is gaining velocity. However, the rock never stops accelerating towards the earth at 9.8 meters per second squared.

At least I think that this example supports pacecil's earlier assertion.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... We could discuss this tuner stuff until the end of time, but Pacecil, Vibe and myself are correct, and Bill Calfee is wrong. There is absolutely no such thing as a "parallel node", and he cannot even define the term that he has fabricated.

If it's okay for him to say it, it's okay for me to say it. The difference is that I am right.

Stevem, the rock never stops accelerating? What happened to the thing I learned in school about terminal velocity? Maybe my teacher was all wet.
There a many ways to skin a cat, but, you are still skinning a cat.

A few of the top shooters could sit behind a rifle and within a few rounds could tell you if it is tuned, IF the ammo and or rifle WANTS to perform on that day.

Ask anyone at the Barn how consistant their rifles shoot in what should be an IDEAL environment.

A friend of mine recently shot a 250-21x, a 250-16x, and then a 245-9x.
The sun came out for the last relay and the rifle or ammo would not shoot.
I also heard that the same day, a top shooter dropped a point and promptly switched rifles, in which he then shot 10's through out the remainder of the target.

Did the barrel suddenly die? Did someone change my tuner setting?
Is my scope broke? Did I suddenly forget how to shoot? Is someone else shooting my target?

Now if at that time, you were at home trying to get the rifle tuned, you would be lost.

Another thing to think about, is, how do sporters shoot anywhere near the 10.5 and Unl rifles? Without a tuner, they should not even be close.

Look at the records.

It looks like when all the stars are aligned, with the shooter doing the business, the rifle wanting to shoot, the ammo working like it should, then records are shot.

The ammo seems FAR too finicky to do the job every day and this is the biggest reason that so many shooters are always seeking 'tune'.

You pay top dollar for ammo that should be consistant and you/we/me are not getting what we are paying for.
Perhaps there is another way to skin this cat. If I have correctly understood Bill Calfee's description of barrel vibration and "tuner" function, the barrel vibrates in some sort of a wave figure, and the muzzle is sort of a loose end with the maximum displacement, while the node or "stopped" part of the barrel is at some point (or points) behind the muzzle.

The function of the tuner is to alter the barrel's vibration pattern so that the node (point of minimum displacement) is moved to the muzzle. Somewhere along the way Bill mentioned ringing the barrel. I think of this in musical terms, i.e., the note or frequency of the barrel's vibration could be used to determine where the node is and how much weight needs to be added in front of the muzzle to move the node to the muzzle (1/2 of the wave length). Is this correct?

Now for the other way to skin the cat: What would happen if you counterbored the muzzle to a depth equal to 1/2 the wave length?
Constant Acceleration

"Stevem, the rock never stops accelerating? What happened to the thing I learned in school about terminal velocity? Maybe my teacher was all wet."

I naturally assumed that you would be standing in a very large vacuum cylinder when you threw the rock straight up. Then the resistance caused by the presence of air would not limit the rock's terminal velocity. Only the strength of your throwing arm would be the limiting factor.

-Seemingly an experimentor with a finding that seems to have an improvement or advancement but who lacks the science, time, and money to explain the process or the serious money to improve on the possible advancement, if it is new. That takes engineers and NASA type money for dedicated experimentation and results imterpretation.
Too bad we are still using late 19th century methods to prove or disprove a theory when 21st century methods are available in the form of computer modeling and etc. Where is Bill Gates when his money is needed?
Or you could just answer it here, and nobody will have to spend any money, and many will learn. I see you give answers similar to this to so many questions. If you're willing to tell someone in a letter that you'll mail to them, why are you unwilling to type it out here?
My friend:

If you will send me a self addressed, stamped, envelope, I will answer your question.....

My address is on this forum in several places.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Velocity & acceleration...

It's pretty difficult to change some posters vibration "theory". It seems to be their theory and you aren't going to change their mind, no matter what you say. You believe things in this universe follow natural laws. They are simply in another universe where a different set of laws apply.

There seem to be some posters who are having a little trouble understanding acceleration and velocity. Maybe this will help: Acceleration of all things, be they barrels or balls, follow this law: F=Ma What this says is: if you apply a force F to a mass M it will cause it to accelerate at a rate a. If applied F is zero then acceleration is zero, but velocity could have any value, even zero. Rearrange the equation to a=F/M.

If you throw a ball in the air (vacuum), the mass M (weight) of the ball doesn't change, and the force F (gravity) doesn't change. Put a constant F and M in the equation and acceleration a comes up constant, always the same - same on the way up, same at the top, and same on the way down.

Now if you bend a barrel, as happens in vibration, where the muzzle points off at an angle, there will be forces (stress) F in the barrel that will try to bend the muzzle back and accelerate it toward the axis. These forces are high when the barrel is bent to the maximum, and fall to zero when the muzzle reaches the axis. Acceleration will be maximum when forces are highest and then acceleration will fall to zero when muzzle passes through the axis. (If vibration is in vertical plane then weight of barrel will add to, or subtract from, forces in barrel.)

Posters who decided acceleration should be zero when velocity is zero were right....but, they have to also assume time has stopped and zero time has passed. Once a little time DOES pass and the ball has started back down, or the muzzle starts back, then acceleration starts, and remains same in the case of the ball, or starts to fall off in the case of the muzzle. In all cases - a moving ball, muzzle, bullet, automobile - there is no relationship between velocity and acceleration. Velocity may be low while acceleration could be high or low or zero, or velocity can be high and acceleration can still be high, low ,or zero.
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Friend karlssoni

My friend:

Thank you for your comments and question....

Your description of how a muzzle device works is pretty much correct.

A muzzle device of the proper weight and location ahead of the muzzle, can move the "parallel node" to the exit of the crown. When this happens, the muzzle is stopped...... Ringing the barrel gives an approx weight needed for the muzzle device....other things influence the final weight too.

Your question: Paraphrazing.......can we just bore back to the parallel node and arrive at the same point.....the answer is no.

If you can obtain a copy of Precision Shooting Nov. 2002 and read my article titled "Play it again Sam, or, I'm feeling those good vibrations" this writing I tell the complete story of how I developed the first muzzle attached, muzzle devices, some folks call them a "tuner".

In this writing I explain why one can not simply bore back to the paralled node.

Thank you again for your comments and question.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
In all cases - a moving ball, muzzle, bullet, automobile - there is no relationship between velocity and acceleration. Velocity may be low while acceleration could be high or low or zero, or velocity can be high and acceleration can still be high, low ,or zero.


"In physics, acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity, or as the second derivative of position (with respect to time). It is then a vector quantity with dimension length/time². In SI units, acceleration is measured in meters/second² (m·s-2). The term "acceleration" generally refers to the change in instantaneous velocity.

In common speech, the term acceleration is only used for an increase in speed; a decrease in speed is called deceleration. In physics, any increase or decrease in speed is referred to as acceleration. See also Newton's Laws of Motion.

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. At any point on a speed-time graph, the magnitude of the acceleration is given by the slope of the tangent to the curve at that point."

see the following for acceleration formulas;
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To ALL of you Intellectual Morons out there who keep insisting that Bill Calfee can not possibly know what he is talking about: I have but one question for you. DO ANY OF YOU NOW, OR HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER OWNED A RIFLE THAT HAS HAD A DEVISE SIMILAR TO ONE BEING REFERRED TO IN THIS DISCUSSION ATTACHED TO IT?

If not, how can you be so critical, because it is you who does not know what you are talking about?

And, if so, WHY?

Is it so difficult for you to understand and accept the fact that some country boy from Indiana may have landed on something by using nothing more than inspiration, perspiration and good ol' common sense, then had the confidence in himself to go out and follow his idea to create, then test his ideas by using nothing more than the age old method of trial and error because that was all that was available to him? And, even after seeing time prove how well his creation was working, he was never satisfied! But, instead was more driven than ever to continue refining that creation to the point where it is now ready to enter into its third stage of development.

And, as for whether or not Bill has used the politically correct phraseology when trying to discribe to us, the common man, what is happening, or what end results are being sought, Bill has always used language that most of us can relate to: he has put things into Laymanology! (Is that a word, or am I too going to be chastized and publically humiliated? Lord knows, it won't be the first time!)

Most of us don't give a hoot whether you refer to the area being targeted as a parallel node, antinode, flat spot, sweet spot, hell, call it bulls**t, it just doesn't matter.

The point is; every word that Bill Calfee has ever written on the subject of trying to make a barrel shoot better, whether it be by attaching some sort of thingamabobby devise with spin-on doodads at the muzzle while trying to reposition this whateverthehell word you can understand, or whether it be by slugging a barrel to find the optimum points for positioning the chamber and muzzle, or how to properly lap a barrel have all been done with only one intent: that of trying to help ALL of us make our guns shoot more precisely.

And Lynn, I like my muzzle devise too!

Okay gentlemen, fire away!
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What is a STOPPED muzzle???????

It has been mentioned on this thread before but I think it worth revisiting. If the muzzle is stopped: meaning not moving up nor down, left nor right, then bullets traveling at faster speeds will hit higher on a target than bullets traveling slower. Please read that one more time! If I'm wrong please tell me.:confused:

If stopped means stopped, neither moving up or down, left nor right then there is no way one is ever going to get bullets of different speeds shoot into a single hole/group. There has got to be some vertical. ""GRAVITY""

It has also been said that a "TUNER" can allow a faster bullet to leave the muzzle while pointing slightly lower on the target and a slower bullet leave while pointing slightly higher. Therefore, allowing rounds of different speeds to hit at the same POI. If that is true, it is certainly fantastic!:cool:

Now everybody and their bother believes tuners work. I think they help, but I've never shot a perfect target. Is it possible that those that have shot perfect targets just got lucky? Or said another way, they missed what they pointed at but hit something better. :D:D:D
Name calling?

"To ALL of you Intellectual Morons out there who keep insisting that Bill Calfee can not possibly know what he is talking about"

Is name-calling an approved activity on this forum now? If so, I've got a whole big collection that I've been waiting to use.

It's Bill Calfee who insists that he alone knows EXACTLY why his muzzle devices work, and that all the science and engineering in the world isn't going to convince him otherwise. In fact, it seems that he is only willing to reply to posts that agree with him, and puts up ridiculous statements and offers to "send him an SASE if you want the answer".

If he wants to say "Here, put this on your gun and it will shoot good", that would be sufficient for most. But he doesn't say that. He comes up with a model for barrel vibration that cannot be explained by physics. There is absolutely no such thing as a "parallel node" in nature or science. No amount of common sense can explain away the fact that his parallel node theory is just plain wrong.

Do you think that common sense put a man on the moon? Perhaps some good ol' boys with a great big shotgun just "led" the mood a bit, pulled the trigger and sent the astronauts on their way? Wouldn't that be the "common sense" way? "We don't need no fancy science or engineering to put these guys on the moon, we've got this big ol' shotgun and a lot of practice shooting quail"

Do you own a jet airplane? No, neither do I. But I still understand how they fly.

I believe that muzzle devices (tuners) do work. However, Bill's insistence that his theory is the only possible explanation for barrel behavior and why his tuners work is the reason that people think he is not credible.

If you do not mind I thought I would butt in. We can argue some-others theories all day and night long. I will say this again. There is a fundamental difference between knowing something and knowing about something.

"Knowing about" is what we believe in our minds eye. "KNOWING" is reserved exclusively for DIRECT EXPERIENCE, which leaves NO DOUBT. Bill Knows without a doubt it works, while others just know about or believe about through others experiences.

Everything you carry around with you that you call a belief has become your own largely because of the experiences and testimonies of other people and it comes to you from a source outside yourselves, regardless of how persuasive the conditioning process might be, and how many people just like you worked to convince you of the truth of these beliefs, the fact that it is someone else's truth means that you receive it with some question marks or doubts.

Some will understand and some will not care less.

Bottom Line we need to make up our own mind and live by our Knowing.

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