The objective of Rimfire Benchrest



I believe the objective is to strive to attain the highest degree of accuracy possible. To meet this objective it requires a combination of the best ammo, gun, and shooter. In further of this objective I test new ammo, accessories, and techniques constantly. THIS IS NOT ALL I DO. On the other hand I simply like shooting and have a number of non-benchrest guns also for my pleasure and enjoyment. The objectives of these guns are plinkeng, hunting and simply getting together with others to shoot rocks, cans, deer, rabbits,squirrels and other forms of competitive shooting. Suffice it to say I LIKE SHOOTING, any type,any where, and any time. However, I don't confuse one type of shooting with another. Many on this forum have suggested some great forms of competitive shooting that does't cost an arm and a leg; and all of them sound like they would be fun and challenging (e.g.see Bill Wynne's Fun-FIRE shoots in Tx.) I hope to shoot some of these targets this summer. However, this IS NOT RIMFIRE BENCHREST SHOOTING. It requires shooters to compromise the objective of rimfire benchrest which is to attain the highest degree of accuracy possible.

The point of this thread is not to degrade any form of shooting nor is it to suggest that one is more difficult than the other, it's simply pointing out that one form should not be confused with another. Experience has shown me that it is much more difficult to hit a 2" target with open sights than to shoot a 100 on an ARA target. For what it's worth. Fred

Good point!!

There are many games, just pick one or more that suits you best.
The feature of one such as the fun fire proposal is that it gives guys like me, with a stock Win 52 and a stock Rem 37 a more level field to play on where we're not running uphill against the custom actions and isn't as pressure filled (IMO). So, while I enjoy shooting the RFC fun matches, I've not been to a live match where I've benched next to a guy shooting a Turbo with a 2 oz trigger off a Pappas rest, where I'm significantly outclassed.

I admire those shooters who have the drive and discipline (and dollars) to shoot to achieve the ultimate accuracy out of their rifle/scope/rest/ammo/flags & technique, and am jealous of their results. I just don't have the drive, discipline, and dollars to do so, but I'm happy with my 513T, Caldwell rest, and the 50-yd A-23 target.

Different strokes for different folks.
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To me the object of any shooting competition would be to attain the highest level of accuracy possible with in the rules of that event. Limiting the equipment doesn't change the goal, just make's it harder to get there.

To me, if his fun fire is rimfire's shot from a rest on a bench, it would count as RIMFIRE BENCHREST.;)
There is no argument here

Cadillac Jack is right in his thinking that FUN-fire is not the same game as the unlimited ARA or 50/50. It is not meant to be the same but it is still rimfire benchrest competition.

I, just like Jack, love the all out competition of the ultimate in unlimited rimfire benchrest. I love shooting so much that I would enjoy shooting offhand at a tin can by myself.

I think we all know that the reasoning behind FUN-fire is to attract more shooters even younger shooters into our sport.

I don't know what FUN-fire or something like it will ultimately be. It may be a stepping stone for higher forms of rimfire competition for some and it may be a perfect game for many. It may be both but if it increases the shooters at our ranges it will be better than doing nothing. We are trying it at our range and we hope others will follow this year.

Feel free to contact me about this.

Concho Bill
Just wondering:

do folks use rail guns or real heavy Cruiser Weight RF rifles for the unlimited?
They are legal in ARA but I have not seen one on the line for a couple of years. They have no advantage over the guns we shoot.
Well said! Benchrest, as in rimfire Benchrest, is the ultimate. It is a hard game, no matter the discipline. But playing benchrest and competing Benchrest is a whole different world. To those not taking those steps, it's like "The Road Not Taken".

John M. Carper