I used to shoot bench rest, not well, got my but kicked a lot. Before that, I used to play golf passionately. i did fairly well until I started to have my back and neck problems.. I could still play a littly, but I am not willing to play as poorly as I would have to now. I gave bench rest and golf up, because I am as competitive as anyone you know. Now I love to banter back and forth with people like Mr. D. and Vicvanb. I know I am not going to change their minds, and they know they aren't going to change mine. Mr. D has never insulted me, and I have tried not to personally insult him. That's why I wish we could continue with tome politics. For goodness sakes, it's election season! Wilbur, I know it's your site, but I am asking to be allowed to continue to talk politics civily. People awho cannot honor the rule to be civil should be sanctioned. This is being done on the centerfire site with one individual. I know that there have been people banned from the site. You could give one warning and then out. As for myself, I promise to be a good boy. Thanks for at least reading this, Rusty