the end of general discussion

The problem is guys that this decision effects D the most. That is why he just won't let it go. That right there to anyone ought to prove why he was in fact here from the get-go.

Wilbur has rained on his parade, and now he is stomping his feet.

Life will go on D.
I was at a flea market this morning and noticed a fellow trying to make a deal on a cheap used fan... he only needed the blade as a replacement for a broken one he owned. The fellow selling the fan of course wanted to sell the fan, not part of it...

It went on for a while with the "buyer" whining ... "but I just need the blade"...

It ended with the seller saying, "I don't give a crap about what you need."... and ended the dickering.

What is the point of posting this?

The point is one person owned the property and could do whatever he wanted to do with it... it doesn't matter what anyone else may want.... and it does no good to whine about it...

Something like Benchrest Central... only Wilbur is more of a gentleman.

But... Yes it does!

I don't want to sound bitter but politics simply doesn't belong here...

Seems to me that issues like the Supreme Court's decision on the second amendment are of great interest to many guys here. Is this political? Of course--if only because the president, an elected official, appoints the SCOTUS justices.

A universal ban here of all "political" issues prohibits all discussion of issues like this.

Maybe it's high time you show the ones who keeps questioning your authority that you mean business and it's not up for debate and close this puppy.

Some people know matter how politely you say it just don't know how to take no for an answer.

When Wilbur said no more politics, he didn't mean maybe a little, or every now and then. No more means no more. That means none. Now if you have a problem with that take your mouse and go elsewhere if you like. It's your choice.

Like I said this is a shooting a forum about benchrest. And a good one at that. That should be our main objective here to promote. Not politics.

Maybe it's high time you show the ones who keeps questioning your authority that you mean business and it's not up for debate and close this puppy.

It's clear that this has been your agenda from the beginning, that is to close the General Discussion Section! No one has ever disrespected or challenged Wilbur's right to control his forum. We all respect his word, so stop trying to goad Wilbur into fulfilling your agenda to shut down General Discussion and censor any opinions you don't like!

Everyone will honor Wilbur's final decision, how about letting him make it rather than you?
D ain't the whiner.
The whiners are the ones that want to have their say and when anyone questions what they say or proves them to be totally wrong, start in with the hey, this is a shooting room or we shouldn't discuss politics or religion or whatever or just comes with the raw abuse.
Look at the other threads that have popped up in this forum since the ban on politics. How many of them are political? Most of them right? Oh, some of them were posted "for information only", hee hee hee. But often the same old bunch wanting to have their say but without a rebuttal.
I've been lurking in this room for quite a while. Back before they had all these rooms. And pity the poor hunter or varmint shooter that blundered in and asked about a good hunting load or how to set up a varmint rifle. Then, like now, there were some really great guys that would give out some excellent, useful knowledge and gently tell the person that maybe they might be happier in xxxxx room. But there was always the same half dozen or ten that did their best to scald the hide off the poor bxxxxxd as they shamed him out the door, them being bench rest shooters and all you know. And so, Wilbur set up the different rooms so the purist wouldn't be bothered by us great unwashed. And so what happened? You followed us. If we didn't agree with whatever knee-jerk idea you had and questioned it, then we got called names and were told "this is a shooting room. Politics has no place here." It seemed to have a place until your ideas were questioned. And you told us we should go to a political room. As if you owned this room. The real question is, what are you doing over here and opening up this thread if you don't want to discuss politics? The simple truth is, you don't mind discussing politics as long as everyone agrees with you.
But let someone disagree with your position on abortion/religion/politic/ad infinitum and you go whining to Wilbur. No, D ain't the whiner.
You gonna get whupped on like you ain't never been whupped on before, for that assessment.
But it is quite accurate.

Thanks for saying for saying what I wanted to say, but decided I'd better soften up a little! :D
SRO license

In another life, I was taking the plant "walkthrough" part of a senior reactor operator license exam and failed to understand a question asked by the NRC examiner. He sensed that I didn't grasp the simplicity of the question and offered a hint. With that hint and some dancing around I was able to come up with a mildly satisfactory answer. Thought I got away with it until I read the evaluation report. The examiner wrote...."candidate recognized answer when shown." I live in that context more and more these days. Any wisdom I had has been consumed by confusion.

If you'll show me where I favor one over the other I'll try to fix it.

My hat's off to you as I know how grueling that test can be. I stayed out of operations for that reason and transferred to station maintenance at the first opportunity. I used to be in the Reactor Engineering group and assisted ops in all kinds of power ascensions, etc. Too much under the microscope for my taste plus I'm lazy. Never really wanted to work that hard or study that much.

As I recall, that was a dual unit PWR run by TVA?
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Mr. D

I used to shoot bench rest, not well, got my but kicked a lot. Before that, I used to play golf passionately. i did fairly well until I started to have my back and neck problems.. I could still play a littly, but I am not willing to play as poorly as I would have to now. I gave bench rest and golf up, because I am as competitive as anyone you know. Now I love to banter back and forth with people like Mr. D. and Vicvanb. I know I am not going to change their minds, and they know they aren't going to change mine. Mr. D has never insulted me, and I have tried not to personally insult him. That's why I wish we could continue with tome politics. For goodness sakes, it's election season! Wilbur, I know it's your site, but I am asking to be allowed to continue to talk politics civily. People awho cannot honor the rule to be civil should be sanctioned. This is being done on the centerfire site with one individual. I know that there have been people banned from the site. You could give one warning and then out. As for myself, I promise to be a good boy. Thanks for at least reading this, Rusty
Good Post Rusty...

I used to shoot bench rest, not well, got my but kicked a lot. Before that, I used to play golf passionately. i did fairly well until I started to have my back and neck problems.. I could still play a littly, but I am not willing to play as poorly as I would have to now. I gave bench rest and golf up, because I am as competitive as anyone you know. Now I love to banter back and forth with people like Mr. D. and Vicvanb. I know I am not going to change their minds, and they know they aren't going to change mine. Mr. D has never insulted me, and I have tried not to personally insult him. That's why I wish we could continue with tome politics. For goodness sakes, it's election season! Wilbur, I know it's your site, but I am asking to be allowed to continue to talk politics civily. People awho cannot honor the rule to be civil should be sanctioned. This is being done on the centerfire site with one individual. I know that there have been people banned from the site. You could give one warning and then out. As for myself, I promise to be a good boy. Thanks for at least reading this, Rusty

....I enjoy a good ribbing as long as it stays clean and I also agree know one will wake up and change minds. Politics if just tough & we have seen the baiting and trolling. Unless the banned enforcement is in place, I'm afraid it will get dirty again. I 'think' this is what Wilbur wants to avoid but just a wild guess.

I'm open one way or the other as I can play elsewhere to get my fix but totally understand why many forums do not allow certain topics. It's all up to the owner of the forum and how much policing needs to be done. There are certain issues going on that I would love to hear from some of you guys but it will get nasty always does.



It remains in service. Only unit one is active. TVA never put unit two on line. I believe it was never completed. If I remember correctly, they didn't need the additional power.
.... we have seen the baiting and trolling. Unless the banned enforcement is in place,



Baiting and trolling is in the eye of the beholder and often just claimed because we don't like the comment. I suggest we not try to use a crystal ball to determine people's motives in posts and just deal with whether their language is civil and respectful. When it is not they sure be warned and then sanctioned if they continue to be insulting.

Isn't that the real issue?

I am just guessing here but surely everyone is thinking the Oakland Raiders will win the Supebowl this year.Clearly they will view there tapes from last season and not make the same mistakes again.
I also think when your making homemade Italian Sausage the biggest secret to a great recipe is soaking the seasonings in the red wine for several hours.This allows the flavors a better distribution and truly makes the best sausage.
If Nascar allowed exotic metal parts instead of insisting on there magnet test the teams could really get some impressive dyno numbers.14 pound titanium cranks would not be unheard of and without the extra stress a heavier crank puts on the bottom end durability wouldn't be an issue.
Does anybody know a good website on natural child birth? I am wanting to paint my jeep for the upcoming deer season and thought I would ask what temperature reducer I should be using in this heat.I'm not sure if I'll use a desert camoflague pattern or not.I will follow there advice.
Additional power

It remains in service. Only unit one is active. TVA never put unit two on line. I believe it was never completed. If I remember correctly, they didn't need the additional power.

There are a number of cancelled nuclear units of that vintage that were never completed. Hope Creek Unit 2 in New Jersey, The Fulton plant in PA. are just two that come to mind. Ironic that we are now talking about a resurgence of nuclear power to meet our growing energy demands. We may see some of these cancelled units coming back as the new generation of reactors that has been on the dwg. boards for awhile. After all, the construction permits and the environmental studies were already performed for the cancelled units which will save money.

Along with completing the moth balled units, the NRC and Bechtel need to make the new plants mirror images of each other.
Generic nukes

Along with completing the moth balled units, the NRC and Bechtel need to make the new plants mirror images of each other.

This has been tossed around for at least two decades; generic design and construction of pre-licensed units. The problem in the U.S., as you are well aware, is that we have different designs and contractors who built these plants. There are PWR's and BWR's, each with their own nuclear steam supply systems which are either General Electric, Westinghouse, Babcock & Wilcox, or Combustion Engineering. Then there are the contractors who build the plants; Bechtel, United Engineers, Sargeant & Lundy, Fluor, Kellogg, etc.

I don't care much for the French but they have run their nuclear program intelligently and efficiently. Most of their plants are the same common design. They can utilize the same parts, procedures, maintenance crews, fuel, etc. Everything we have is one of a kind custom which drives the operating costs up.
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I am just guessing here but surely everyone is thinking the Oakland Raiders will win the Supebowl this year.Clearly they will view there tapes from last season and not make the same mistakes again.
I also think when your making homemade Italian Sausage the biggest secret to a great recipe is soaking the seasonings in the red wine for several hours.This allows the flavors a better distribution and truly makes the best sausage.
If Nascar allowed exotic metal parts instead of insisting on there magnet test the teams could really get some impressive dyno numbers.14 pound titanium cranks would not be unheard of and without the extra stress a heavier crank puts on the bottom end durability wouldn't be an issue.
Does anybody know a good website on natural child birth? I am wanting to paint my jeep for the upcoming deer season and thought I would ask what temperature reducer I should be using in this heat.I'm not sure if I'll use a desert camoflague pattern or not.I will follow there advice.

All interesting subjects to someone! I'm glad you have such wide interests! :D So how would the discussion of any of these subjects harm you????? :confused: