the end of general discussion



you might as well shot down general discussion-- hardley any one has any thing interesting to say any more-- i learned a lot from the people who were not smart azzes and ignored the ones that were-- to bad
I am sorry that your life was consumed by the political bickering that was posted. It sure did not add anything to Benchrest Central... and I am sure no one changed their political mind about by what they read here.

3 cheers for Wilbur as far as I am concerned.
Tom, I totally agree. I believe there is a void here now and an uncertainty in what we can and can't discuss, how we can discuss it, and who we can discuss it with.

Dennis, despite the political bickering you so eloquently stated, there were other things being discussed here that were interesting. Many of these topics or posts on these topics have disappeared. It's not the politics that were the problem, it was the bickering. I've seen bickering in every forum available here at this site but it has been allowed. Of course those were specific forums about br, shooting, equipment, etc. It was my understanding that General Discussion was for things not related to benchrest. So no, it did not add anything to benchrest, but it wasn't supposed to was it?

Wilbur might as well do away with this forum as it's a ghost town now and use it for some other specific category.
This makes two. I don't miss the "you are all stupid becasuse you don't think what I tell you to think" attitude.
I am sorry that your life was consumed by the political bickering that was posted. It sure did not add anything to Benchrest Central... and I am sure no one changed their political mind about by what they read here.

3 cheers for Wilbur as far as I am concerned.



it is not the bickering that i miss it is the facts that i learned - and in politics there is a lot of smoke and mirror --i miss it

I guess I missed the whole boat here? I thought this was Benchrest Central and the General Discussion Forum would be used to talk about the more cmmon aspects of accuracy such as were to find a part,who in my area can paint a stock,which muzzlebrake do I want on my factory rifles and stuff like that.

Didn't The Chairman of The Board(Mr Wilbur Harris) say no more politics?

Do a GOOGLE search for politics if thats what your after and visit here for gun related topics.
I have yet to see a single post anywhere else on this site from Mr. D. I have to count that as a good thing about what Wilbur did. Doesn't anybody notice that without the politics Far fewer people post anything at all.

Of course you have to wonder why people that had a problem with this in the first place didn't exercise the option of not reading the posts? Yet they felt drawn to them, for material to complain about?

Reminds me of my wife when she hears me yell at the TV NEWS, "if it upsets you, then why do you have it on"? I have not had a reasonable answer to give Her. Perhaps we all have a little to much bulldog in us to ignore a fight?:D
So what has Wilbur done? Apparently, I've missed something here.
Wilbur did what he needed to do. It's his website, and he pays the tab afterall. Keep in mind he did give us warnings. I know why he did it. And I understand it fully. When you stop and think since he stopped the political posts, I can't think of 1 incident out of the norm.
I have yet to see a single post anywhere else on this site from Mr. D.

Then you haven't been paying attention Big Al! You are right that I don't post a lot about benchrest issues because I'm a varmint hunter and interested in this forum as to how it applies to accuracy shooting.

Let's all get a little honest just for once!

The real reason that politics was a problem is because a number of members are unable to carry on a civil discussion related to politics or religion. The problem was never discussing the important political issues of our country, it was those who cannot bear to hear anything but their own narrow opinions without getting enraged, uncivil and calling names! When some members hear a different view from their own they get enraged and go into attack mode acting like spoiled children spitting insults. Wilbur got tired of seeing the childish bickering and I don't blame him at all. Thank God non shooters don't see the uncivil, childish things said by those who ardently defend the right to keep in bear arms. If you can't control your mouth and temper then why would they want you to have firearms????

I like discussing politics, religion, philosophy with those who think differently than myself because I learn from them and my views change and broaden from exchanging ideas. Frankly, I've sort of given up on most shooters on this forum having the ability to discuss important issues in a rational way. Many on this forum see it as a Holy War to be won by attacking an enemy! That's sad, but it explains why the world is in the shape it is!

As I say on my signature, "Debating is about learning from each other, not winning!" Wilbur is right! That is not possible here! It doesn't speak well for the shooting sports when we can't even speak openly to each other without someone getting enraged and uncivil!

We need Jack Nicholson here to say, "Discuss politics like an adult, you can't handle it!"
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you have to take into consideration that there a a good number of "perfectionist" who go to alot of thought and trouble to form their opinions, much of this is painful and unhealthy in regards to the toll it takes on us. I'll be one to cast the fist stone as to being classified as a "Type A" personality. This blessing or curse is a basic personality trait many of us have, some adapt better than other's. It's not limited to shooter's it covers many dedicated people who " strive", and I use that word reluctantly, for perfection in most aspects of our lives. The opinions we form wether they be right or wrong depending on what side of the fence your on, are firm in our hearts and minds some of us who are capable will live longer and healthier lives if we can flex alittle or find humor in thing's that would normally p*ss us off. This adjustment could in many case's aid us in avoiding a life altering health issue.
There are obviously many good people on this forum and I'd say 95% are type A, there are some that handle it better than other's but bottom line is we're all brothers. If you care to do a google on type A personality it will enlighten you on our good and not so good aspects of our personalities.

Mr.D, I notice on a rare occasion you'll use the term "macho" in regards to some of the attitudes of the guy's on this forum and I have to say that that term offend's me and the reason for that is because I have spent aro. 10yrs., on the BR circuit and never found any shooter in BR to conduct themselves in a macho manner. Few if any shooters may seem to display that attitude but I find them highly motoviated, overzealous or just happy to be part of the brotherhood generally they calm down afer a few trips to the "wailing wall" :D
The guy's that scare me are the once or twice a year patrons who visit our clubs not to mention the public ranges, there you will find the macho gunowner nearly every visit.
bringing the message

I still think it was not so much what was said, it was how it was said. Think of cars driving down the street in front of your house. Nice quiet evening. Normal traffic bothers no one. Bring on the squealing tires, loud pumping music and way to fast and the neighborhoods jaw tightens and the attitudes come out. It's all in the way its presented.

I always thought polyticks was finding more than one tick crawling up your leg when hunting. Gosh, I learned something. ;)
Gripe / Politics Forum

would get my vote, but since this is Wilburs site and he's done an excellent job, do what you think is best Wilbur
Some people look at a glass of beer as half full, other see it as half empty...;)

My guess is if people moan and groan and complain enough they can make a failure of this forum...:rolleyes:

Hopefully better topics get discussed.:)
Some folks felt that the Gunsmithing forum was not needed and would not get much activity. It has done well.
A Poli board would be fun, stay away if not interested. I'd like to see Wilbur give it a try. If there is no activity, dump it.