The "Crawfish" Shoot

William Smith

New member
It's gettin close to "Crawfish" time already, with only 50 days and a wake-up left! Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club will once again host the Florida State IR50/50 Championship Match on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd with the first being a practice day from 8:00 am till dusk. This year, we will draw for benches begining at 3:00 pm on friday and you will draw 2 numbers. The first will be for Saturday's yards match and the second will be for Sunday's meters match. We will not rotate benches! This will save time an allow all the travelers to get an early start home on Sunday. Match on Sat will begin at 9:00 am, on Sun we will start at 8:00 am. Breakfast and lunch will be available on Sat and Sun. Sat after we award the winners plaques and "Door Prize" drawings are over, we will have an AYCE, Shrimp, Crawfish, Cole Slaw, bread and drink Feast. Water and Soda, FREE, will be available all 3 days. Scales for weighing rifles will be available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will have tables set up for Registration and additional tables for "Swap Meet" items for sale or trade. Tent spaces will be available on a first come first serve basis. The club has a few Camper spaces with water and electric hook-ups, just let me know if you want one and I'll make the the arrangements for you with the office. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please feel free to call me or E-mail me, all numbers are on the web site contact list. I'll need a head count as soon as possible so that I can make sure to get enough food and drink ordered. Looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones. We always gaurantee a good time and great competition. Bill,
I don't see anything that will keep me away this year! Looking forward to it.

Bill, You can add my name to the list, looking forward to it also. Gerald
Bill: Add me too, my first visit to the Crawfish and looking forward to it.

How about some hints re; motels please. bob
Thumper, please count me in. Looking forward to it.

Bill P.

Bill I will be there save me a tint spot tony Boyers and Wendall dean also thanks bill hinegardneruh
Mr. Bob Finger---I sent you an answer about the Motels---but just in case you didn't get it, most of the shooters stay at the Hospitality Inn, which is the closest to the range 1-800-772-8929, Ms. Jane Miller is the one to speak to and mention you are here for the Shoot.

Todd---Your space is secure and will be dry and more secure than previous years. Always room for Kathy, Bear and Max.
Bill: I did get your e-mail, and sorry, I did not respond with a thanks. I should have. Looking forward to the match, not the trip down 95....thats never any fun. bob
Crawfish Shoot

Hey Guys and gals, 36 and a wake-up left till the Crawfish Shoot! Our arrangements are moving forward and things are really coming together fast. The Plaques have been ordered, the caterer contacted, etc. We are having good support from some of the finest people in our sport in offering some fantastic "Door Prizes". It's time to start chiming in to let me know just how many to expect so I can make the food order match what ya'll can eat, and I know that some of you can put away some serious amounts of steamed shrimp and crawfish. So let me know so arrangements can be made smoothly. Thumper
PS: If anyone called the Hospitality Inn and were given a higher rate than what I put on this site, you can call back and have them correct it or notify them upon arrival that you are a competitor for the Fl. State Match and they will lower the rate to $49.00. 1-800-772-8929, The Director of Sales is Ms. Jane Miller. Any questions, call me. Thumper
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I just made my reservation with Jane. What a pleasant lady to chat and do business with. If the motel is any where near as nice as she is its gonna be a fun trip. Thanks Thumper! bob
Thumper, I'm not sure how you could make my spot any more dry or secure than it has been! Kathy can't get time off from work and Bear's hips are starting to bother him, so it'll be me and Max making the trip this year. Can't wait!