The Big Bang!

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Saw a vid yesterday that stated the recent volcano near Tonga was the third largest volcano ever recorded. The report also stated we can expect several years of the earth cooling as a result of the gasses and dust ejected some 32 miles upward and rising, which will spread out over the entire atmosphere up there. Perhaps we won't all have our wax wings melted!

How can they speak of car emissions and power generators causing global warming when one ittyy bitty volcano can do all that stuff?
So the Global warming just turned into global cooling. It makes one wonder who is really charge of this place the Creator and what he has planned for us or the so called experts who never get it right.
One thing is for sure

So the Global warming just turned into global cooling. It makes one wonder who is really charge of this place the Creator and what he has planned for us or the so called experts who never get it right.

Nothing Man can do can alter what nature did in one big bang that took a day or two to go up 32 miles and spread out. What global Warming is all about is funding for Universities and their control once they start getting the money. They convince the Jelly Heads who listen to them into thinking Man is an evil being. Again, about their funding and control.

So, wool clothes may come back into fashion :). It is unknown why there was an Ice age as far as I know but it could just be the numbers of Big Bangs that occurred on a more frequent basis was the reason and that the caldron beneath us that gave birth to them. So, fire ultimately cools well beyond what Man can deal with is quite a conundrum, isn't it? Think of the waste we are creating running down the rabbit hole of Global Warming !

How can they speak of car emissions and power generators
causing global warming when one ittyy bitty volcano can do all that stuff?

When Mt Pinatubo exploded it cooled the whole planet for most of a year.
High altitude (>75,000 ft) was especially hard hit.
Both U-2 and SR-71 had significant abrasion of paint on leading edges, and far lower
temperatures than we had ever seen before.
So the Global warming just turned into global cooling. It makes one wonder who is really charge of this place the Creator and what he has planned for us or the so called experts who never get it right.

So who was to blame when the River Thames froze over and the planet experienced a mini ice age just a few hundred years ago?

Some things are beyond the control of even the most well funded experts!

All life on this planet is subject to the vagaries of the sun. So who controls the sun? This is way above my pay level.

* doggie *
Wonder how Greta will react

or who will get the big prize or award for this? Will the collective "Science" be rewarded handsomely for creating this bulwark to stave off the end of the earth? I find it amusing, to say the least.

or who will get the big prize or award for this? Will the collective "Science" be rewarded handsomely for creating this bulwark to stave off the end of the earth? I find it amusing, to say the least.


friggin greta..... the fact that she got airplay, at all says it all.

when there are no adults left in the room.....ANY room....... 5000yrs of "children are to be seen and not heard" goes by the wayside.