Texas State 200/300 results

Many Thanks to Dwayne, Richard, and Larry for putting on two well run but brutal matches.
Many Thanks to Dwayne, Richard, and Larry for putting on two well run but brutal matches.

Congrats to Clayton, Jackie, Larry and especially to Joe for the Big, overall win.
Great shooting gentlemen in some rough conditions.
Would like to see the scores for the other shooters too.
Thanks for posting these results.
Congrats Mr. Duke

Congrats to Clayton, Jackie, Larry and especially to Joe for the Big, overall win.
Great shooting gentlemen in some rough conditions.
Would like to see the scores for the other shooters too.
Thanks for posting these results.

Some of us would like to have those scores suppressed and locked away for a few years before being released.

It's tough to shoot 300 yards and hit a little dot when you can't even see the 10 ring (or any ring for that matter) to know where to hold.
I have never seen the mirage so bad....

For those guys to have turned in some of the scores they did was absolutely incredible.
I was fortunate enough to sit by Mr. Joe Duke on Saturday, and I had the time of my life. :)
Great Shootin

Wow, great shooting guys. Mirage can be a #@$%&, but sometimes the wind blows them in too. One of these days I'm going to make Tomball again, and this time I'll shoot with my right hand.:rolleyes:

Best to all,
300 yard target

Some of us would like to have those scores suppressed and locked away for a few years before being released.

It's tough to shoot 300 yards and hit a little dot when you can't even see the 10 ring (or any ring for that matter) to know where to hold.
I have never seen the mirage so bad....

For those guys to have turned in some of the scores they did was absolutely incredible.
I was fortunate enough to sit by Mr. Joe Duke on Saturday, and I had the time of my life. :)

I finally just centered the crosshairs on the whole bull. Couldn't see anything else to aim at. Held off left or right depending on conditions.


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Texas State 200/300

You missed a good one Virg.

I got talked into attending this match by a long time Acquaintance of mine, Danny Keeney. Danny built two 30br rifles, just so that he could check em out at this match. I was assigned the duty of shooting one of the rifles. I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse. A free trip and plenty of Gator Ade.:

Danny had preloaded enough ammo for both the 200 and 300 yardages for my rifle and his. One heck of a nice guy.

I recruited another friend from the DFW area,Mike Miller, to come along as a witness to watch what was to occur. Just so happens ,Mike is a new shooter and he has a purpose built score rifle chambered in 30BR. He decided to be a participator rather than a spectator.

We all got up early Saturday morning and drove to the Range at Walker County. I had already shot a group match,200/300yds, at the Walker County Range about three weeks earlier. I didn’t tell my traveling buddies about the Wind and Mirage.

The match kicked off about 9:00Am,at 300yds. The wind was light and switchy, with occasional gusts that were very difficult to read. After the second target, the Mirage totally washed the lines off the target. When you shoot score, you need to be able to see the lines on the target and bullet holes.

I don’t believe anybody shot clean at 300yds. The sighter target was useless because I couldn’t clearly see my bullet holes.

Sometimes I thought I was seeing two bullet holes on the sighter.:( Couple that with the floaters that kept getting in the way(Old eyes) and you can imagine how my day went.

The 200yd match that afternoon brought more of the same. Heavy Mirage and light gusty winds.

I could occasionally see a bullet hole, if I strained. I mostly had to rely on a young shooter sitting at the bench next to me,to tell me where I was hitting the target. He had one of those Night Force 36X scopes

I dont shoot many registered score matches. I had one helluva a good time. Owner Larry Deese and Family is doing a great job. The Walker county benchrest Range project is getting off to a great start.

Congratulations to Joe Duke and all the top finishers, as well as those who braved the elements and contributed to making this fun sport possible.

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Shooting score st 200 and 300 yards is tough when you can actually see what you are shooting at, and really tough when you don't even know where any of your bullets went untill they hung the targets. It was that bad.

Larry decided to take as much time between relays as needed so before we came to the line again, we could see the previous target. At least you could get an idea if you had to move the sight picture up, or down, or left, or right, or something in between. Sighters were useless.

I can't ever remember a Score Match where you used the previous match as the sighter for the next match.:rolleyes:

Aside from a HHHHUUUUGGGGEEEE bone head mistake by yours truly, I had a great time. We have had some great Matches so far this year in the Gulf Coast Region.
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Texas State VFS

When I first heard that the Pullum's and Larry Deese had decided to hold a match at Tomball shooting 100 / 200 and then a match at Huntsville shooting 200 / 300 and combining the scores to determine the Texas State championship, I thought is was a great idea. Little did I know what a diabolical plot they had hatched up.
Turns out that a fresh cold front was blowing at Tomball and the operative word is "blowing". Now I know the wind is supposed to blow some out and some in but this wind was blowing em all out.
Then we went to Huntsville for the second leg and what a difference. Pretty light winds but not a cloud in the sky and mirage like you couldn't believe. It didn't seem to matter what scope power you had or how young your eyes were. You just couldn't see bullet holes. Like others have said, you just had to hold on the big circle and hope they went somewhere close. I think the only target I saw clearly all day was the last 200 yard target. It was late enough in the afternoon to clear up all the mirage. What a difference.
I was lucky enough to make it through the entire ordeal without a major screwup. You can't imagine how happy I was to bring home the big trophy in the midst of all the good shooters participating in these two matches. It truly was a privilege.
"Thank you" to all who were involved in putting on the matches and to all who came and shot. Without match directors there are no matches. Without shooters, there are no matches.
Can't wait for next year!

Results WCB

200 yds.................................................. 300yds..................................... Grand
Clayton Gray...............250-3x........... Jackie Schmidt..............245-3x........ Larry Tilley............485-7x
Jim Guillory.................247-6x........... Larry Savedra................242-1x......... Renard Alexander...484-4x
Larry Tilley..................246-4x........... Dickie Pustejovsky.........242-0x........ Joe Duke...............484-3x
Paul Boedanowiez........246-4x........ Joe Duke......................240-2x......... Dwayne Pullum.......483-7x
Richard Pullum............245-8x......... Larry Tilley....................239-3x.......... Darryel Martin........483-4x
Dwayne Pullum............245-6x........ Renard Alexander...........239-1x......... Richard Pullum........480-9x
Wes Johnson...............245-4x........ Gary Walters.................239-0x.......... Ed Bernabeo............479-8x
Renard Alexander.........245-3x....... Dwayne Pullum.............238-1x......... Gary Walters...........479-4x
Darryel Martin.............245-3x......... Darryel Martin...............238-1x.......... Larry Savedra.........478-8x

Congratulations Clayton, Jackie and Larry

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Results Texas State VFS TGC 100/200 and WCB 200/300 Combined

Joe Duke.......................977-13x
Dwayne Pullum..............975-20x
Richard Pullum...............972-25X
Renard Alexander...........972-21x
Gary Walters..................965-19x
Larry Tilley.....................965-18x
Clayton Gray...................962-22x
Larry Savadra.................958-15x
Mike Wall.......................956-22x
Gardner Rose.................951-12x

Congratulations Mr. Joe Duke!!

Joe Duke.......................977-13x
Dwayne Pullum..............975-20x
Richard Pullum...............972-25X
Renard Alexander...........972-21x
Gary Walters..................965-19x
Larry Tilley.....................965-18x
Clayton Gray...................962-22x
Larry Savadra.................958-15x
Mike Wall.......................956-22x
Gardner Rose.................951-12x

Congratulations Mr. Joe Duke!!


Thank you, Richard.