Sure name in the forum?

I live in England we can not have firearms for self defense,these been a couple of case gun owners shooting burglars and going to jail.
I need a green card and get out of here.
Do it quick then - because there are those who would have it the same way here in the US.
simple reason(s) 1/ how would you like for a dishonest person to find you talking about a gun you own, , zero in on all 'net sources to see where you live, and arrange to steal your gun(s)?
2/ how would you like for any government agency, especially BATF, (or private company, for that matter). snooping on who is a gun owner, either to go after them for no good reason or to sell the list to anyone?
Just imagine, an unfriendly party looking for legal machine guns. Got your name, google your address, check out your drivers license and other info for further info. Go to google world to get a picture of your house. The rest, why a 5th grader could do all of this.

I know a guy who sells gunsafes. He operates out of his home. His address on his card is no more than a PO box.
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Hooch migrated over from

If one is that paranoid I have to assume they live in a cave or a basement ,grow their own foods, and receive no mail.

Well you DO have to remember the old truism
"Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean that someones not really out to get you".

It's a valid point - just the long way around Miss Sally's house to get there.

Turns out Osama bin Ladin was safe so long as he remained in the caves, and people WERE out to get him. But the rest of us tend to live a more interconnected existence.
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I don't think the use of real names is the issue. The fact that some people( and certainly not all) find it much easier to be an a** if they think you don't know who they are is the issue and there is no easy fix to that. You can't have a rule or law for everything or nothing works.
I don't think the use of real names is the issue. The fact that some people( and certainly not all) find it much easier to be an a** if they think you don't know who they are is the issue and there is no easy fix to that. You can't have a rule or law for everything or nothing works.
Very well put.
simple reason(s) 1/ how would you like for a dishonest person to find you talking about a gun you own, , zero in on all 'net sources to see where you live, and arrange to steal your gun(s)?
2/ how would you like for any government agency, especially BATF, (or private company, for that matter). snooping on who is a gun owner, either to go after them for no good reason or to sell the list to anyone?
Just imagine, an unfriendly party looking for legal machine guns. Got your name, google your address, check out your drivers license and other info for further info. Go to google world to get a picture of your house. The rest, why a 5th grader could do all of this.

I know a guy who sells gunsafes. He operates out of his home. His address on his card is no more than a PO box.
mike is my real name....
i know very few people on these forums, so there is no need for a last name.....
i know a few, they know my last name.....

its sorta like life........
you can pick and chose your friends, but not who you know......
since i do believe in not trusting big govenment, nor big business, if i can make it harder on them, better....
if your name and phone number are in a phone book, and its most likely you can easily be found by using the internet.
being on this forum means you like use and own guns.
one would simply check the local match and choose a day you are at a remove some of your valuables, guns or not.
so i will refrain from putting my last name on these forums.....
mike in co
Joe I am just the opposite about people knowing I own guns.
I see people with bumper stickers and so forth and to me all that is, is an advertisement, come to my house and break in and steal my guns.
With crime the way it is now days I see no need to advertise I have one of the highest theft items in my house.
Gun safes may keep the guns that are in them somewhat safe but it didnt keep them from taking the other things that werent in the safe.
Thats just my 2 cents worth.

Now on to the real issue of this thread.
Using our real names or supposed real names will not stop people from using bad conduct on this site.
I was following another thread recently on this site where they were getting pretty bad in the name calling areas along with throwing common decency and manners right out the window. Why because they can.
Most people communicate differently if they are face to face to avoid having their face rearranged.
I doubt there is any way to make or force grown men (and women) to act and talk in a decent civil manner ONLINE.
I will say that some just may not realize how they come across. There is a poster here that used to irritate the geebers out of me over how they would respond to others.
One day I had enough and sent them an IM.
We got to talking back and forth and they didnt seem to realize how they were coming across and to this day they seem a lot more subdued than what they were a year ago. Turned out he was actually a pretty nice guy when you got to know him a little.
Thats 4 cents worth and Ill stop there.
I just retired from a long IT career with a fed LE TLA, much of it spent working security issues. OK, the "argument from authority" should set off your Sagan baloney detector, I accept that. I'm just not willing to post a full biography and CV, along with illustrative examples, to justify my opinion.

Among people who spend time on social forums and study the resulting interactions (with the specific exception of opt-in, circle-of-friends-style "new" social media) this question was settled long ago. Feel free to google away to find books, warnings from official sources, and doctoral dissertations on the subject.

Never use your real name to register on any public talk forum, ever. There are too many personal security issues.

If the anonymous users are disruptive to the forum, then better (which is not the same as "more") moderation can control the problem. Again, there are many approaches to that issue, too.

This forum, this site, and all the subforums are some of the most civil and useful on the 'net. I see no problems here that the use of real names would address. Of course, I've spent so much time in places where mudslinging, devious conduct, and outright fraud are the norm that this place is an island of serenity to me.

You want a place where real names would help? If you've spent any time in some of the forums where stolen identities are bought and sold, then you know that the places where real names are truly needed will never allow them to be used.

My basic take is this. In controlled, air-gapped-from-the-world intranets, real names should be mandatory. In the "walled gardens" where you approve who gets to see you and vice versa, real names are a highly optional option. On the clearnet, they are almost always a bad idea. On the darknet, they can literally get you killed.
Francis that goodness you didn't give out were my basement is located and the mushrooms are doing just fine in the dark.
Hooch migrated over from

If one is that paranoid I have to assume they live in a cave or a basement ,grow their own foods, and receive no mail.
There are two Lynn Dragomans. I know them both and they are good guys. They are both like me, sorta. Tell things the way they are. No sugar added. If you can't get along with guys like Lynn, Lynn, and me, then you have a soft shell. Or, you're a liberal democrat. :cool:

Ray (my real name)
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My name is Bill Gammon, I post under the name of Bill Gammon and it is very rarely, if at all, that you will see me answer to a posting or Email under timbucktoo, stungun, or other. I want to know who I am talking too, may not agree what they are saying, may not agree to what they are thinking, but at least you have the balls to say who you are. Oh! I don't want other people to know I am, Cool!! as long as you understand that I will not answer your request.
Bill Gammon
I'm retired law enforcement. A lot of us had unlisted phone numbers.
I never did and only had one fool call me.
But in this world, I like using screen name.
No Facebook either.
But anyone who is regular here, I will gladly identify myself if you don't know.
No trolls HEH HEH

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I have seen it done before

I used to race motorcycles and the racing organization has a website and forum. The lack of civility and quantity of people acting like idiots led the moderators to completely start over and only allow you to register in your real name. They knew who you were because you had to be a member of the organization to register so you couldn't use John Doe. There was a huge improvement in the quality of the forum and politeness of the posts. It was easy to make new friends since you weren't conversing with a ridiculous screen name. I do understand the other viewpoint about privacy though, and would lose a lot of posters.
There are two Lynn Dragomans. I know them both and they are good guys. They are both like me, sorta. Tell things the way they are. No sugar added. If you can't get along with guys like Lynn, Lynn, and me, then you have a soft shell. Or, you're a liberal democrat. :cool:

Ray (my real name)
Ray, I'm not a tenderfoot, I'm not a democrat (and in interests of full disclosure, I'm not a republican either). I do think however, and when it comes to shooting, am not prone to accept revealed truths (aka religious truths). Sorry, I can only pay attention to one of the Lynns.

Charles Ellertson

It's that thinking part that keeps one, in terms of political parties, from being either a republican or democrat...
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Jerks are always going to be jerks so it doesn't matter whether their name is Charles or CHucky Cheese. Chances are, I'm going to call them by another name anyway!

Stick around here long enough and it's easy to tell who's worth your while. That doesn't mean that the mods or the owner should let people misbehave though.

On to a worthwhile thread...........
Anybody been out shooting lately?
I'm all for "real" names but give me a method that won't be a full time job. I'll explain using "Vibe" as an example as I don't think he'll mind.

Let's say Vibe had initially registered as "Jim Smith"...would that be considered a real name?

Let's say (and say it quickly) that all registrations had to go through a screening process. What would that process involve? How would I respond to an email that Vibe wrote from a hotmail account..."Hi Wilbur, my name is Jim Smith and I'm a new competitor from Montana." Anybody can get a hotmail account in minutes - Further, If I simply mandated that folks use their real names, some valuable members would just stop posting.

A few days ago I took the first step to implement a sort of credibility rating and Charles said it was stupid. I didn't like it either...back to the drawing board.

Wilbur sir, first thanks you for your reply.

To be honest to you I can't give you a method etc, because I do not know how. I don't/never had a forum and I'm 'quite genius' in computer thing.

Bill Gammon gives a very valid point in post #58. I would take Bill Gammon's or Francis's advice to try 51.2 gr H-4831SC on my .284win, rather than from 'paranoid392X*&%', for instance. Not because I have met Mr. Gammon for several times before, but it is always nicer to talk with someones with integrity, and know with who am I talking about or listening. I do not care with 'paranoid392*&%' words.

I personally think that accident or bad thing (or whatever) can happen, whether you are at a public place, at highway, at home, or even in a deep bunker! Yes you can always 'prevent' things, or be a paranoid, but it's their choice.
***I'm not pointing this at you Mr. Harris, it's just for instance only.

I am a cave man and live in a third world country, which crimes can also happen every day, but I do not afraid at all when people know my address, my work,my guns, etc etc. I do believe in God, when things must happen, so be it! (this might sound 'stupid' for some of you, but in fact I am still alive & never a thief or criminal stole my stuffs or attacked me).
Also in my little country, there is no relation between firearms, hobby etc - with getting a job, or so. So it's really surprising me when some members here tell it is in the States!. I would myself even pick employee that can shoot, even my main business is not shooting related.
If you search 'seb sebastian lambang' in the net you'll find a ton of info. So what!?? Everyone, especially gun nuts are welcome to visit me.

I can understand when people use only their first name in this forum, as long that is true anyway. But if you notice - troubles, big 'talk' etc, usually came/come from the 'keyboard shooters'!
This forum (BRC) is a serious BR forum, imo. We love to read valid datas / stories / quality reports etc, come from valid people.
How can I believe someone with stage name 'cowrdxxx' says 'this gun shoots quarter inch all day long'?...or when he says 'been there done that before etc'....??? Also how could you share your knowledge etc if you don't even know who 'they' are? We normally don't talk with 'strangers'.
Again just for instance.
So when people seek info here, it will be more correct & polite to use real name, or real fist name at least, IMO. And I believe majority of you here agree with this.

Yes, every-thing has it owns consequence, I fully understand that.

You must a have a (wise) way, I believe.

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Hi GG,

Fortunately I'm glad that I know you mate.

Re: name.
'What's in it a name', but I would mind if you call me hey 'pig'! or hey 'SOB'! because my name is Seb.:D


Edit: add a word "but" between name & I.
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the two things no one can take away from me is my name amd my mind......
they are both mine.
mike in co