Supreme Court - 5-4 In Favor of Individuals



In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, not subject to membership in a militia; that firearms can be owned and used in self-protection, and lawful activities.

Great News

We need to wait to see the majority opinion so as to see just how far reaching this is.
But at least, the Court has finally answered that age old question concerning the true meaning of the 2d amendment.
What is disturbing is it went 5-4. ......jackie

This is a fantastic day for us!

It will change nothing for now, there will have to be many law suites filed to overturn some of the laws.

What I see as the big gain, is this will make the politicians that promote these anti gun laws will have to think twice about how much money and effort it will take to skate around the 2nd Amendment.

Have no fear, this is not going to stop the anti gunner, but now we have a Supreme Court ruleing behind us.

Boys and girls, mark this day down on your Calendar!

Jackie, my friend, you are so right, it is sad and scary that we are faced with a Supreme Court Justices that are willing to ignore the Constitution in favor of their agenda.

I have already had 3 of my shooting buddies call saying we need to throw a BBQ this weekend, sounds like a good party to me :D

Now, the 2 nd amendment reads "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That is all it means. Good case for using the fewest words when there is a choice. The stuff about the militia was just put in to confuse the confused.

Concho Bill

The court says individuals have right to own guns! craig
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)

"Aim small miss small", :D:D:D:D

Kennedy........................................... ................

Must own some guns!!! Strike one up for America and one down for the lib's!!!:D:D
I really wasn't worried..... it was pretty clear to me but I am surprised & MAD at how close it was.

I can't believe 4 of them can't read....good day.

If this doesn't scare you into voting for JM, nothing will.

Wait to see how the liberal infested media spins this. I'm sure their opinion of this historic ruling will be as far removed from reality as usual. Desperately trying to still convince us what they think the Second Amendment really means.


We should have it declared a national paid holiday for gun owners with the money for paying the holiday coming from special taxes collected from non gun owners.
Remember! We "only" "won" by one vote. This issue "should" have been closer to unanimous.
Second Amendment ruling

I'll bet all the Socialist/Marxists are having a hissy fit now. Like rats trying to find their way out of a burning building. Hope none of them make it.;)
I just read the courts decision and I find the reasons used in the liberal side of the court as reasons to restrict the right covered by the second amendment to be very telling, I recommend you read the whole decision to see why we need to have more conservative judges on the court. The link is above posted by Glenn Chism.
I think............................................. ...............

most of the FOR were republican appointee's and most of the AGAINST were democrat appointee's................imagine that!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Do we really want Osama appointing judges??? The "BLACK DEMOCRATIC" mayor of Washington has stated on the news that he was against the ruling and have already thrown a lot of paper work out there to slow the process down!!
Kennedy was the swing vote. The NRA spoke today after the decision, and stated they will file suit in other cities that have infringed on our rights!!
Looks like law abiding citizens will finally be able to defend themselves.;););)
Can someone confirm this:

7 of these were appointed by repub potus!!??

Paul.............................................. .......

Your correct!!! Thomas-George Senior.. Alito-George Junior..Scalia-Reagan..
Kennedy-Reagan..Roberts-George Junior..Stevens-Ford...Souter-George Senior.

2 Democrats..Ginsburg and Breyer-Clinton.

The five that past it were all republican nominees!!

The 4 against...both democrats and 2 republican nominees!!

looks like a sweep for the consevatives FOR a tie for the AGAINST!!
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Stevens Ford

Scalia Reagan

Kennedy Reagan

Souter G. H. Bush

Thomas G. H. Bush

Ginsburg Clinton

Breyer Clinton

Roberts G. W. Bush

Alito G. W. Bush

The green ones voted to support the 2nd Ammendment.

The real story here is that the 2nd came within one vote of being ruled nonexistent. And here comes the most liberal president in history.
TomD.............................................. ................

I agree!!
I heard one dimwit whining that the Supreme Court decided today that the Constitution took precedent over policy decisions because of this decision. It's funny that the left can find "rights" in the Constitution that are non-existant, while not being able to find RIGHTS that are directly written in the document.

The Supreme Court is the most wonderful part of the government when they suit the fancy of the leftists, and the worst when they actually interpret it to mean what it says. Imagine that. :eek: