Super Shoot and small groups

Another method is a Hood scope checker....Most of the time I use a Locked/Glued scope as the standard.

... While Billy and I were testing at 100 yards in mild conditions the gun would shoot two shots in a hole and then pitch one up and left out of the group (with paper).

A scope that moves will shoot four threes and a .130 at a hundred yards. The four threes will have most of the shots in a wad....

Check your scope!...


Sell ... and start over.....

I've shot a few targets as described (even had four 50s and a shot outside the five ring on a 200 yard score target -- reshot the missed bull and put it in the 10 ring). Where do I get one of dem scope checkers? Also, how do I get one of dem locked/glued scopes? Or should I just sell out and buy a March?

I Bleeb you be Pur-Zackly correct
Point taken!

What I am looking for is more of a reflection of your "every now and then" in order to indicate a broken scope. I believe a broken scope will never create a good agg, despite allowing some the groups in the agg to be great?

Sorry for hijacking the tread.
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I would love to own a March scope. However, if I had to choose I think I might go with the new NF comp series. I sure love, and trust My NF BR series scopes. I'm kind of brand loyal. If a product works well for me, ill stick with them. NF, and Leupold for that matter have for me. Lee
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"..... ill sick with them. "

Was that a typo or deliberate? :)

FYI - I've seen folks send scopes back again and again when their rifle wouldn't shoot a three at 25 yards.
Directly behind the scope

The equipment directly behind the scope may be flawed. This is the part w/2 eyes, 2 ears,
I've sent 2 or three scopes back for checking, but I did not really know there was a problem w/the scope, except for one 40 X Leupold, that produced 5/8" groups @ 100yd all of a sudden.. I replaced it w/my spare 45 X and rifle was revived. The 40X Leu,, seems to be good now, since the repair.
