Super Bowl XLIX

Chism G

Active member
Did anybody watch it? Seattle needed one yard to win their second straight Super Bowl with seconds to play. For some strange reason,they decided to throw a pass in an obvious run situation.

Heck…Butch Lambert could have called the right play.:rolleyes:

Great game,right down to the last seconds. The fans who paid $4,000.00(Minimum) for an unscalped ticket, got their money’s worth, in this one.

Now I can get busy neck turning some brass. I should be done before Valentine's day.,

If the Hawks are smart they'll keep the identity of the person who called that pass play secret for eternity. Three more chances to run it in from the one and they blow it. They had it won. :mad:
I certainly watched, we do every year.

This was one of the best Super Bowls I have seen in years. The ebb and flow of the game changed several times, and the ending was about as strange as any I have seen.

The simple fact is, if Wilson would have completed that pass, we would be talking about the brilliant move of calling a inside pass on the One Yard Line.

But, a young rookie cornerback made a phenominol play by reading Wilson perfectly, stepping in, making the interception, and giving Tom Brady his 4th SB win.

It's really that simple.
One yard to go, time for probably two plays, best short yardage back in the known galaxy, little to no chance for turnover, karma for the team that probably should'nt have been there to begin with.
One yard to go, time for probably two plays, best short yardage back in the known galaxy, little to no chance for turnover, karma for the team that probably should'nt have been there to begin with.

You got it Tim,

I’ll tell ya what would have been a simple choice. Give the ball to your running back Marshaun Lynch.(The Beast) This guy averaged five yards per carry against New England’s defense. You’ve got one time out left(Important) and three downs to make a one yard trip to score the winning goal. One running play and Seattle would be celebrating the victory.

It was a bone head decision to put the ball in the air,where anything can and did happen. I’m certain,The Seattle Coaching staff would like to have that one back.

This was clearly a coaching mistake that will be a topic of discussion for years to come. I guarantee.


I certainly watched, we do every year.

This was one of the best Super Bowls I have seen in years. The ebb and flow of the game changed several times, and the ending was about as strange as any I have seen.

The simple fact is, if Wilson would have completed that pass, we would be talking about the brilliant move of calling a inside pass on the One Yard Line.

But, a young rookie cornerback made a phenominol play by reading Wilson perfectly, stepping in, making the interception, and giving Tom Brady his 4th SB win.

It's really that simple.
I agree with Jackie, the defender wanted the ball more. He simply took it away from the receiver!! It WAS one of the best Super Bowls ever!
Woody Hayes of Ohio State and three yards and a cloud of dust used to say. When you pass,three things can happen and two are bad.
So, when you run the ball nothing bad can happen?

Of course, running backs fumble the ball,occasionally. Never said nothing bad could happen when you run the ball. When you're on the one yard line and you've got a freight train running back,give him the ball. Simple.

In similar situations ,"Hall Of Famer ', Jim Brown,used to say. "Give Me The Ball"

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Sneaky Pete, Seahawk head coach said...

he called the pass play after they saw NE put their eight biggest linemen in for that play expecting the run. Remember, NE had stopped the Beast behind the line of scrimmage several times during the game...Marshawn in the end zone was not a sure thing. Still, you have to wonder...

Good game except the half time show didn't impress me. Looks like Katie Perry has gained a little girth.
Kathy, what's her name, did not impress me, we do not get to see the commercials, but all in all it was a good game, yea somebody called it incorrectly, but what the hell, it was a good game. End of story!!!!!!!!!
The only time I watch Football.
It was just a ball game!

If the worst day you ever have in this life is at a sporting event, you are doing alright.

Concho Bill
Pete Carroll was the Patriots coach in the late '90's. he got fired.

I guess he can now say...." My coaching finally got the Patiots to a Super Bowl win";)
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SEA had a 2nd down, 1 time out and 26 seconds left on the clock and 1 yard to go for TD. Lynch carried the ball in the same situation 5 times during the regular season and only scored once (20%). They have to pass on one of the 3 plays. If they run it and don't score then they have to burn a time out. Now with 13 seconds and no time outs they have to pass. With the defense that the PATS showed they went for a high percentage completion slant route pass play on 2nd down. It could have been a fade pass to the corner of the end zone. Turned out that Butler made a great play on the ball and intercepted it. End of story. Was it the right call? Maybe.