Super Bowl 50

the American flag can fly 24/7 IF it is lit during hours of darkness.

Did you notice how many football fans were wearing their hats, and players wearing their helmets during the singing of the National Anthem? It comes down to simple etiquette. Hundreds of thousands of people leave the American flag flying 24-7. Read our flag code, also. It's really a matter of tradition, rather than a show of respect.
Well, it's all over now. Houston has the next one. Woopdidoo.

They are already talking about how many dollars will come in.
But then, in the next sentence, tell us about how many tax dollars we are going to spend to "upgrade" things so we can be up to the task.
Truth is, the majority of the fans will be at one of the many Strip Clubs that permiate Houston, or be on the internet ordering up one of the thousands of "working girls" who follow the money from town to town.

At the last Super Bowl we had back in 2004, the City Council was actually going to transfer funds to put more Vice Officers on the street to curb such activity. That is, until some big envelopes got handed out, reminding those buffoons where the real money was spent, and who spent it.

Yeh, the night before the big game, we are all going to the museum district, or maybe catch a show at Jones Hall, or visit Tanquility Park.

Super Bowl 38

Hey Jackie. The best Super Bowl Game I ever watched was in Houston at Reliant. Carolina Panthers and the New England Patriots. The one when Janet Jackson accidentally flashed a nipple to the crowd during the half time show.:cool:

Take away the humidity and Houston would be tolerable.

Character, impression, humility, etc. and the judgement of others!! You may think pro-football is just a game you are watching, OK But try to think of it as it really is at this level; a billion dollar business where 300lb men are hitting you so hard it would cripple most people first strike. They are trying to take you out of the business in which you are so talented and richly paid. To set in judgement of a person because of a few words and mannerisms can go to character as well. Its whats in a mans heart, not his hand over it. He is paid for being good at his trade, not for being a monk. I would rather see better character in congress than on the gridiron. I'm a Packers fan, not a amateur character judge. Play ball. ART

I knew something was wrong-wrong team.
Bill: I too saw the Ice Bowl, but I was on the 40 yard line trying to stay impossible task. bob

Bob, I have never met anyone who was actually there. I was cold in Texas in my confortable living room watching it on TV. There were two tough teams that played that game.

Can you remember the temperature?

Concho Bill
Bill: It was about -10/-15 F. Wind chill was the killer. In those days snowmobile suits were not as warm as they are now. If I had to do it again I'd have one of the suits that plugs in to sled or motorcycle and carry a big 12 volt battery to power it up. That would work better than the quart of Brandy we had back then.

Coldest I remember when living in frozen tundra was -53 F with no wind. I had taken the car battery inside the night before. Got the car started but had to wait until it got to maybe -45 before I could drive it. Wide 70 series tires were frozen and each had a flat spot. Now that is cold! Car was a 1971 Camaro SS, so it had to be 1972. bob

ps I was lucky to know several of the Packers back then. Bart Starr was a really nice guy!
ice bowl

I remember the game. I was a little kid. Watched it at my cousins house. Being from Mo. we were chiefs fans. It didn't turn out well for the chiefs. I saw Bart Starr on tv not to long ago he was asked what play Lombardi told him to run. Coach said, Run the son of a B**** in and lets get the hell outa here. He was cold too. It was a good game.
Doug: The Ice Bowl was the 1967 NFC championship game between the Packers and Cowboys. Packers won. There were many other cold games and will be more in future. Football IMO is always best when played in inclement weather. bob
ice bowl

Sorry man . I thought you were talking about the first super bowl, my mistake. Was that the one where Bart ran it in behind Jerry Cramer? I got my games mixed up. I guess Id been 11. Doug
Doug: Sorry I don't remember much about the actual Ice Bowl game. Sitting in the stands one had brain freeze coupled with a Brandy induced haze, and it wasn't from eating ice cream. And I don't think I saw the first super bowl...I was probably at work. To bring this back to the original intent I did watch almost every play of SB 50. I thought it was a terrific game, but I like good defenses. I'm from the 3 yards in a cloud of dust school. Vince Lombardi walked on water back then. bob
I would have been a young man of 27 when the Ice Bowl was played. The next year was the first Super Bowl and it was a big deal. It was unbelievable that they woiuld play a game in Green Bay when it was that cold but they did. The weather was beyond inclement at more than 10 below zero. Several of the players had permanent frost bite injuries.

As a side note: We were all Cowboy fans down here and still are.

Concho Bill
Sorry man . I thought you were talking about the first super bowl, my mistake. Was that the one where Bart ran it in behind Jerry Cramer? I got my games mixed up. I guess Id been 11. Doug

Cramer(best guard in football) was able to get under Too Tall Jones and plow him out with Bart behind him.
I can still see him digging in his spikes to get a good push in the frozen field.
Field crew somehow screwed up something with the turf and it ended up freezing like concrete.
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skull cap

That's for sure. That "Big D" did the deed.

I am disappointed in Cam Newton. He had come a long way in rehabilitating a tarnished image with outstanding play civil behavior during the season.

But your character is revealed not so much when you win, as when you loose. He might not think of himself as a role model, but he is.

Time to grow up.

One telling moment was even before the game started. While Lady GaGa was doing an outstandinding job singing our National Anthem, the camera panned around to various players, coaches, and fans, with their hand on their heart.

Not Cam. He was doing his "it's all about me" thing.

His agent was probably cringing, thinking of all those endorsement dollars flying away as fast as the Blue Angels flyover.
He also didn't take his skull cap off when the national anthem was being played.