stiller action


Active member
Would the stiller lone star action be as potentially accurate as there 1500? I know zero about rimfire BR. I am looking into building a 22LR BR rig for a local aspirin shoot. I would like to do all the work myself, so I am in the market for components. There is an lone star action on another site for sale. What makes one 22LR action better than the next? Why did stiller make the 1500 if the lone stare was already being produced? Any general info would be great. Lee
I suggest you pick up the phone and call Jerry Stiller and ask him. Jerry is a wealth of information and he won't lead you astray. By the way the new action is the 2500x.

The short answers to some of your questions in my opinion are; action stiffness, smooth loading and bolt closing and most important of all in rim fire IGNITION.

FWIW I'm building my 2nd 2500x just now. bob
In my opinion

Would the stiller lone star action be as potentially accurate as there 1500? I know zero about rimfire BR. I am looking into building a 22LR BR rig for a local aspirin shoot. I would like to do all the work myself, so I am in the market for components. There is an lone star action on another site for sale. What makes one 22LR action better than the next? Why did stiller make the 1500 if the lone stare was already being produced? Any general info would be great. Lee

There are some Benchrest Myths associated with actions, in general. I will repeat what an old Gunsmith told me years ago. I asked him about how important actions are to the accuracy of rifles. He said' "Think about this, once a gate is closed, it's closed." What he meant was it's what is ahead of the action that makes a great rifle.

I have seen a number of rifles over my years of shooting Benchrest that were lasers and sported either Rem 700 actions that had no additional support to them and any number of Rimfire actions that almost anyone would consider to be inferior, including my Hall Sporter, by many. There is no denying that the 2500 is probably as good as they get but not necessary to have a winning rifle, IMHO. There are still many Suhls and 40Xes out there winning. The latest and greatest is nice to own, having owned a few over the years but not necessary to win matches.

Curmudgeon Pete
The Lone Star is basically a 40X action, which is to say it is a good action. The 2500X is a new action with rear lock-up like the Win 52 and Turbo/clones. It uses an improved 40X type ignition system.

As I see it, there are two major aspects of a great rimfire benchrest action. One is great accuracy-inducing features and the other is convenience/shootability.

Accuracy-inducing functions/features such as strong and consistent ignition, full lug contact, sufficient stiffness, and good closing cam all benefit accuracy. Quality control is of utmost importance.

Shooter convenience/shootability is not often discussed/considered when discussing actions but IMO is very important for consistent BR success. The easier an action is to load/operate the faster it can be shot, which is important when one is running a favorable condition trying to get off as many shots in that condition as possible. The smoothness of the action and the amount of effort needed to close the action is important. An action that is too hard to operate or close the bolt will upset the rifle in the bags and will take extra time to operate. Excellent extraction/ejection is also important. Who enjoys digging a partially extracted spent case out of the chamber or flicking an un-ejected case out of the action port.

There is more to these "gates" then just needing to close. Otherwise we would all be using $70 Marlin actions.

In my experience-based opinion, the Stiller 2500X is the best action I have used that excels both in it's accuracy inducing features and in its shootability. IMO it is the best rimfire action that Stiller has produced. My 2500X rifle has become my primary heavy rifle and it has been a pleasure to shoot. The Lone Star will be a good platform to base a quality BR rifle around, the 2500X is better.
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In the end, both will support the same accuracy. The 2500X is much smoother, easier to load, easier to operate the bolt, etc.
I like my Myers a whole lot

I don't think they are being made anymore though. The two reasons I bought the Myers were 1. Ease of loading and 2. It ejecting the empty cases to the opposite side of where I am loading from; ease of use, in other words. The action looks somewhat like a 37 Rem in that the loading port is in the top of the action and that, to me, makes the most sense of all. The rifle is starting to shoot pretty well I think now that it has been re-barreled.

Thank you fellas, that's the kind of info I was after. Now that I am educated a bit on actions, let me ask you all this. Is there anything special one needs to know about chambering a rimfire barrel. Ive done fairly well with my centerfire barrel work, so I feel I am ready to learn, and even attempt my first rimfire chamber. Soon anyway. Any tricks or tips?
One other thing. Are rimfire actions glued into the stocks, like centerfire? Lee
I have not seen a 2500x yet but will this weekend. From all I've read on the forums guy like them a lot for the reasons Bill mentioned.
I've already made my decision though that it is what I would use though. I need a RBRP though & am not sure they're made yet. The reason I'd go with the 2500x is Jerry. Period. I like how involved he is with our sport & is generosity both financially & taking the time on these boards to explain whatever means a lot to me. Thanks Jerry!
How 'bout it? Any RBRP being made?
I have not seen a 2500x yet but will this weekend. From all I've read on the forums guy like them a lot for the reasons Bill mentioned.
I've already made my decision though that it is what I would use though. I need a RBRP though & am not sure they're made yet. The reason I'd go with the 2500x is Jerry. Period. I like how involved he is with our sport & is generosity both financially & taking the time on these boards to explain whatever means a lot to me. Thanks Jerry!
How 'bout it? Any RBRP being made?

Keith, SPF makes the 2500X in RBRP, in fact, that is what I shoot. I'm not a lefty but I shoot a RP because it was ordered for a lefty (Gordon) and it loads so easily that it is not a problem for me at all. See you Sat.
All said and done

In my opinion, Mr. Stiller has made some mighty fine actions over his action building career. I have owned and used a few of them over the years. I have not handled one but from what I have seen written about the 2500X, he has paid a lot of attention to most of the details I would want in an action; ease of loading being a very big one. Nothing worse than getting a round stuck in an extractor groove or jammed some place else it doesn't belong. If I were to buy one I would want it to have a mini ejection port in it's right side or a loading/ ejection port in the top of the action, otherwise, I would be good with it.

I have a Stiller 2500X

Action. It and components are down at my long time..dare I say it...centerfire gunsmiths shop to be assembled. No qualms on my part.
Not the place

To enjoy yourselves in an argument about nothing. You're all above that...if you didn't know.

Deleted several posts - very sorry if I deleted something that needed to stay. If so, just repost it.