Solvent Tests

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I watched several tests on cleaning solvents this morning on YouTube. I had seen one of them before but there are others now since I last looked. Pretty good stuff I think. One test is done in a lab using sophisticated lab equipment and was gratifying to see. Old Hoppes stands pretty tall as does a few others.

I was looking for a lead killer. Birchwood Casey seems to be leading in the lead removal segment of cleaners.


type in cleaning solvent tests. You should have several come up. I think I might have typed in Lead removal liquid first. If you aren't familiar with YouTube, there is usually a menu of related videos on the right of the screen when one's request comes up. I spent more time watching Youtubes than I do TV these days. Great stuff on there. Way better than TV, IMHO>

Yeah Old Hoppes

I watched several tests on cleaning solvents this morning on YouTube. I had seen one of them before but there are others now since I last looked. Pretty good stuff I think. One test is done in a lab using sophisticated lab equipment and was gratifying to see. Old Hoppes stands pretty tall as does a few others.

I was looking for a lead killer. Birchwood Casey seems to be leading in the lead removal segment of cleaners.


Yep I liked the old hoppes. I acquired quite a good supply of it years ago when they said they were removing the nitrobenzene from it. I eventually ran out but before I did I ran a sample of it through a mass spec and compared it to the new version. As I have a licence to purchase all sorts of chems many people can't I just added the NB back to the hoppes at the correct molarity. Now my new hoppes works just as well as the old. What one man can do another can undo.
Yep I liked the old hoppes. I acquired quite a good supply of it years ago when they said they were removing the nitrobenzene from it. I eventually ran out but before I did I ran a sample of it through a mass spec and compared it to the new version. As I have a licence to purchase all sorts of chems many people can't I just added the NB back to the hoppes at the correct molarity. Now my new hoppes works just as well as the old. What one man can do another can undo.

Wasn't ammonium oléate one of the bad things in Hoppes too? Carbon tetra chloride was another of those things that were going to end life as we know it. Oh well, we are all going to drown when the icebergs melt!

Yep I liked the old hoppes. I acquired quite a good supply of it years ago when they said they were removing the nitrobenzene from it. I eventually ran out but before I did I ran a sample of it through a mass spec and compared it to the new version. As I have a licence to purchase all sorts of chems many people can't I just added the NB back to the hoppes at the correct molarity. Now my new hoppes works just as well as the old. What one man can do another can undo.

Andy what do we have to do to get a 5 gallon bucket of the good stuff.
Don't know if my two bottles are new or the old, but I use it first...( I like the way it smells too ;) ) then chase it with Butches. Borescope shows a clean barrel with 1700 through it.
Wasn't ammonium oléate one of the bad things in Hoppes too? Carbon tetra chloride was another of those things that were going to end life as we know it. Oh well, we are all going to drown when the icebergs melt!


Jerry, can I borrow or steal that last sentence? That is a good answer for a lot of todays worries !! :)
Thats the biggest threat we face these days from what i hear. I thought it was terrorism boy was i wrong!
Could be tricky

Andy what do we have to do to get a 5 gallon bucket of the good stuff.

First of all to answer Jerrys query. The ammonium salts were only used as an accellerator to spped up the reaction. Other compounds are just as successful. To the best of my knowledge there was never any CTC in old hoppes or listed on the old MSDS sheets that I can recall.

Getting a 5 gal lot of the good stuff means getting a hasmat 7 licence to buy NB or knowing someone who can purchase it. Then simply adding it back to the new formula at the correct molarity. Only a small number of chem suppliers would stock it and it would probably be regulated in the amount you could buy per year.
Pete if you want a good Lead remover
use this 50% white vinegar, 50 % hydrogen peroxide
Fill the barrel up and let it soak.
This works just as well as mercury and is less toxic. After soaking watch the Black goo come out""'
One of the best carbon killers is Reds solvent {home brew } IT 's on the web you can also add 10% ammonia to red for copper removal.
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I've tried all thatr tuff,

Get into you wives stuff and get her GOO GONE. It is great on lead.

I want a solvent that will keep the lead from building up; that is to say, being able to take out what has been lain down on each card. There is no time for soaking when one has about 10 minutes to clean and get back to another card.

What compounds Rimfire residue is the wax. I have found a couple of wax removers that kill the wax but they do not kill either carbon or lead. The search continues.

\ One that I like is Montana Rimfire blend It work,s really well for between the cards.

If you have build up scrub it good with the vinegar and peroxide then dry patches between strings soak the barrel when not in use and a lot of your problems should go away.

If they don't then maybe you have a rough bore and need an Iosso scrub or JB job to polish the bore Flush the bore with brake cleaner or carb cleaner after to make sure the iosso is all out,
Neat thread. Not sure I'll change my cleaning routine but it's always good to hear about other products. So far my targets and borescope like Kroil & Butch's. I'm also hitting the throat with Iosso every 100 rounds.
