Social Security.........this really pisses me off!!

EVERYBODY steals these days

Except the hard working honest folks that keep the world running. Lord knows, we get very little protection.

Don't get me started on politicians. Both parties and the independents have lied to us and stolen from us as long as I have been watching politics. I can think of very few that I believe in and admire. Now the Republicans have their vaunted tax cut, they admit they will come for our social security and medicare before too long, while the big recipients, the wall streeters and all, will continue to reap the benefits. Trump, Ryan and McConnell tout our cuts, but mine is trivial and it will sunset in a few years. Will my Medicare and Social Security still be there when I need them?

My father-in-law saved diligently and when he had a heart attack and ended up brain-damaged, he and my mother-in-law went into a Masonic home. Thank God for the Masons. He was a fifty year Shriner. He died five years later of lung cancer. My mother-in-law was able to keep her apartment there until she got dementia and had to go to their assisted living facility, where she remains. This costs $11,500 per month. We had to exhaust all her funds and then Medicare took over. Trump, Ryan and all would take this away. People like us don't have that kind of money, and we don't have the resources to take care of a demented elderly person in our home. We would have to quit our jobs and stop being productive members of society, then exhaust all our funds so we'd have nothing when we need it.

My wife and I have been frugal and we have no debts. We also have no children. What will happen to us if we become demented and can't care for ourselves? I hope we have enough faculties left to go outside and sit in a snow bank until it's over rather than become victims of God-knows-what.

We have been victims of the Anthem hack and the Equifax hack. We monitor our credit religiously. It is frozen at all three reporting agencies and we both maintain Identity-Guard to make sure we are not victimized by identity-theft. We constantly get calls from heavily accented people wanting to log onto our PC's so they can "fix" them. I abuse these people viciously and still they call. We check out all weirdness on our PC's. Microsoft and HP push more useless BS on us every day, degrading our system performance. I am a lifelong programmer and have the skills to fix these things. I feel so sorry for those that don't. I also feel sorry for those that are victimized by the phone scammers because they don't know any better. Maybe our government could find the source of some of these scammers and hackers and take them out. No trial, just shoot them on the spot when found.

Then there's the complexity of dealing with Social Security, Medicare, employer retirement misinformation. When will the good people get the protection they deserve. I'm not asking for a hand-out, just for the victimization to stop. It comes from everywhere.
SS entitlement

Jacki, all I can say is for the last 10-12 years I have seen people that I know or are acquainted with lie their a$$ off to their doctors, so they can get SSDI! I just saw one of them Christmas eve and she is as healthy and mobile as anyone could be and she gets $1300.00 a month for disability! Now here’s the kicker, that disability is due to so much drug abuse when she was younger that she is not capable to work. The other one I know was with a buddy working on cutting down a tree, and drinking beer, fell out of the tree and ruptured a couple of disc’s in his back, he claims he can’t work anymore, gets $1500.00 a month disability and works on the side helping install heating and ACC systems. The system is totally out of control, and there is not enough enforcement going on, couple that with Doctors that help game the system, and we have a perfect storm that is breaking the SSDI system!

Yes the Leftist party know these people make good, dependable voters.

I have read many stories about how many deadbeats are getting on social security disability. This is hearsay, mind you, but I'm told that state employment counselors in Vermont and other states help able bodied people get on disability because their age and lack of skills mean they will likely not find another job. I also have it on good authority that many attorneys nationwide make a good living helping able bodied persons get on disability.

I am 3 1/2 years from turning seventy and drawing maximum social security. When I'm 70 1/2 I will have to start drawing the minimum on my 401K, which is fairly substantial. I will also be able then to start drawing my pension from my employer while still working there. Maybe, at that point, I will reduce my work week to 3 or 4 days per week. I have to work at least 24 hours per week to draw full insurance benefits. Why would I do this? Because I don't trust that social security, my pension, my 401k and my Medicare will be there when I need them. I want to accumulate as much cash as possible so I don't have to eat cat food some day.

Am I paranoid? You betcha. In today's political climate we have to rely on our own resources as much as possible. Fortunately, I don't have a bucket list, I don't much care for travel, most of my friends are at work, and I don't hate my job. A big night out for my wife and I is a burger at Chili's. Maybe, I'll make it to the end without having to sleep under a bridge.

By some gold and silver in small denominations for little insurance.
Democrats ???

all you have to do within a certain time limit of turning 65 is to sign up for part A. If you are still employed and on a private health plan, like me too, you do not need to pay for part B...until you fully retire and are no longer covered by private insurance.

On your other point of all the young'ins there..SS has been politically hijacked by the liberal democrats to the point of including lots of people who have never paid anything into the system (another voting block). That's where the reference to entitlement comes from. Hells bells, the only ones who are entitled to anything are the ones who have busted their gonads over a lifetime and paid 7.5% on top of the employers 7.5% to the system. Everyone else is a freeloader, period, and the politicians who have played loose with the system should hang their heads in shame...if they have any. --Greg

The Democratic party disappeared years ago. They are Socialist/Fascist. They stole Bernie Sanders playbook years ago. Watch how they behave on the news........
SS vs the state

all you have to do within a certain time limit of turning 65 is to sign up for part A. If you are still employed and on a private health plan, like me too, you do not need to pay for part B...until you fully retire and are no longer covered by private insurance.

On your other point of all the young'ins there..SS has been politically hijacked by the liberal democrats to the point of including lots of people who have never paid anything into the system (another voting block). That's where the reference to entitlement comes from. Hells bells, the only ones who are entitled to anything are the ones who have busted their gonads over a lifetime and paid 7.5% on top of the employers 7.5% to the system. Everyone else is a freeloader, period, and the politicians who have played loose with the system should hang their heads in shame...if they have any. --Greg

You should research what your public employees pension system is. Many draw SS also. I researches it here in IOWAIt's unbelievable ,what they receive in benefits. The taxpayer meaning you, pay both pensions. The employee pension is funded before you can provide for yourself and family.
ss act of 1935

Social Security program. The most undermanaged..over fleeced Federal program....ever..period. Having recently(last 60 years or so). Starting with the Great Society of LBJ when he let Lady Bird Johnson usethe Highway Beautification Act of 1968 use this TAXPAYER FUNDED AND TAXPAYER FUNDED to buy shrubbery for the InterstateHighway System.

Later, Poverty Programs have been added as “Entitlement Programs”.

TheSocial Security Trust Fund, with all the extra added is, amazingly, secure till about 2032!,!

That said, if the average Joe and Jane Voter don’t get off their @$$ and vote and hold your ELECTEDS to their sworn oath......


1935 Jerry ,is when it all began.
Ok, 1935. Today I emailed my US CONGRESSMAN AND MY TWO US SENATORS. I even phoned my US Congressman at home. What have you done? ( neither Tennessee US Senator is worth a pile of dog poop!!)



My US Congressman is Sheila Jackson Lee. Do you really think she wants to hear from me?
My US Congressman is Sheila Jackson Lee. Do you really think she wants to hear from me?

Were she my elected US Rep, I would be in her office or have contact with her office weekly.

Houston, center of the Space Age.

Houston, hurricane washed out.

Houston can do better.

You are a serious dreamer if you think anything is going to get better. Just a steady decline until it all blows up.
i know no politics, but it is all politics.
ss started out well, then politicians got involved.
both parties, one more than the other, buy votes
by adding groups to eligible ss benefits.
people that never paid in.
ruined the system
if only WORKERS that paid into the system were
getting benefits, it would not be broke.

Democrats: Buying votes with the public treasury since FDR.
Dated a girl whose father was murdered. Mother got SS, as did all the siblings after fathers death.
Co-worker said his sister in law got SS disability, then got her children on SS.
People from other countries get SS also. AND HAVE NEVER PAID A CENT IN TAXES. Yes, this pisses me off.

If they had enforced the immigration laws there would be no dreamers and we wouldn't have to press 1 for English.
I am pissed off to.