So, what makes great 22 Rimfire ammo great?

I'm pretty new to fitting/chambering 22RF bbls - have done only five to this point, and they were all for bolt repeaters, not single shot BR rigs. They include 3 Kriegers, one Benchmark 3-groove & one Lilja titebore. Actions included Stiller 2500XR, Rem 40X & 40XB (old rifles sold by CMP), and most recently, a Vudoo Gun Works V-22. These rifles are all used in practical/tactical-style matches, where there's a fair amount of movement, mixed positions, and targets from 25 to 225yds (so far...).

I think the accuracy requirements here are much more relaxed than for 22RF BR shooting, but we all still want all the accuracy our custom actions & bbls can produce, within reasonable cost. So I naturally gravitated towards mid-price range ammo, like SK Rifle and Pistol Match, though I've also bought some more expensive stuff like Lapua Center-X & Polar Biathlon. In dealing with a couple of wholesale distributors (I'm a ffl), I've found that once I was able to explain why I wanted to buy only a couple of boxes of each lot# that they had in quantity, they were cooperative. I tried a dozen lots of Rifle Match before finding one that I felt good enough about to buy in quantity - they had two cases of it, so I bought both of them. Had heard a lot about how well SK Pistol Match shoots, so bought samples of 6 lots - the most impressive thing about it to me was that four of the six lots shot really well out of three different rifles (Krieger, Benchmark, & Lilja bbls). So is this coincidence, or is Pistol Match really that much more consistent than Rifle Match? There wasn't a whole lot more consistency over the chronograph, though I was chronographing only the good lots that I'd picked & purchased in quantity. Center-X had the lowest ES of any of the grades I shot, including Polar Biathlon, which costs twice what Rifle or Pistol Match runs. I've shot some 20rd groups at 200yds with all these grades & brands, and while one excellent lot of Polar Biathlon that a friend gave me was superior to all else, results with another couple of lots of it were not as good as either Rifle or Pistol Match.

The downside to all this is that even the distributor who helped me test & pick lot#s of Rifle & Pistol Match ammo was reluctant to do anything of the sort when it came to the Lapua Polar Biathlon. The salesperson I spoke with told me that organizations & individuals were buying full cases of the stuff as fast as they could get it in stock, so why should he bother to break into full cases to sell someone a couple of boxes? Either that's pure BS, or there are some folks out there with much deeper pockets than I have... Or is that attitude a result of Capstone Precision being in charge of Lapua/SK distribution? Or, are wholesalers tired of being stuck with quantities of the lots that don't test as well as the good lots? Whatever, I don't currently have any intention of buying ammo in quantity w/o testing samples of several lot#s in my rifles - in my not so experienced experience, there's far too much variation in accuracy from lot-to-lot, whether it's the mid-range priced stuff, or the ammo that's $15 & up per box.
I'm pretty new to fitting/chambering 22RF bbls - have done only five to this point, and they were all for bolt repeaters, not single shot BR rigs. They include 3 Kriegers, one Benchmark 3-groove & one Lilja titebore. Actions included Stiller 2500XR, Rem 40X & 40XB (old rifles sold by CMP), and most recently, a Vudoo Gun Works V-22. These rifles are all used in practical/tactical-style matches, where there's a fair amount of movement, mixed positions, and targets from 25 to 225yds (so far...).

I think the accuracy requirements here are much more relaxed than for 22RF BR shooting, but we all still want all the accuracy our custom actions & bbls can produce, within reasonable cost. So I naturally gravitated towards mid-price range ammo, like SK Rifle and Pistol Match, though I've also bought some more expensive stuff like Lapua Center-X & Polar Biathlon. In dealing with a couple of wholesale distributors (I'm a ffl), I've found that once I was able to explain why I wanted to buy only a couple of boxes of each lot# that they had in quantity, they were cooperative. I tried a dozen lots of Rifle Match before finding one that I felt good enough about to buy in quantity - they had two cases of it, so I bought both of them. Had heard a lot about how well SK Pistol Match shoots, so bought samples of 6 lots - the most impressive thing about it to me was that four of the six lots shot really well out of three different rifles (Krieger, Benchmark, & Lilja bbls). So is this coincidence, or is Pistol Match really that much more consistent than Rifle Match? There wasn't a whole lot more consistency over the chronograph, though I was chronographing only the good lots that I'd picked & purchased in quantity. Center-X had the lowest ES of any of the grades I shot, including Polar Biathlon, which costs twice what Rifle or Pistol Match runs. I've shot some 20rd groups at 200yds with all these grades & brands, and while one excellent lot of Polar Biathlon that a friend gave me was superior to all else, results with another couple of lots of it were not as good as either Rifle or Pistol Match.

The downside to all this is that even the distributor who helped me test & pick lot#s of Rifle & Pistol Match ammo was reluctant to do anything of the sort when it came to the Lapua Polar Biathlon. The salesperson I spoke with told me that organizations & individuals were buying full cases of the stuff as fast as they could get it in stock, so why should he bother to break into full cases to sell someone a couple of boxes? Either that's pure BS, or there are some folks out there with much deeper pockets than I have... Or is that attitude a result of Capstone Precision being in charge of Lapua/SK distribution? Or, are wholesalers tired of being stuck with quantities of the lots that don't test as well as the good lots? Whatever, I don't currently have any intention of buying ammo in quantity w/o testing samples of several lot#s in my rifles - in my not so experienced experience, there's far too much variation in accuracy from lot-to-lot, whether it's the mid-range priced stuff, or the ammo that's $15 & up per box.

It has gotten to the point, unfortunately, that much match grade app, particularly Lapua, is bought blind.
With limited supplies, it now goes damned fast. That said, a lot of it goes to shooters, many of which usually have multiple guns and fairly often it shoots acceptably in one or more.
Should that not work, plan B is that after comprehensive testing, you make a modest price reduction and supply somebody that simply will not jump through hoops for supplies and has little or nothing.
No ideal by any standard but it is what it takes. There is often some very, very, good stuff that can lay around undiscovered for some time.
Some of the best ELEY I ever got were lots from a good 2-3 months back that simply languished.
From what I hear, Lapua is aware and is pursuing a 2nd machine to come on line down the road.
That's kind of what I was afraid of Tim. Ah well, I've got a good enough supply to last me well into next year (I think), so will simply wait to see how things shake out. OTOH, I do try to make the Missouri State 600yd Prone matches at Bucksnort Range near Marshall, Mo. in October. A phone call to Capstone in advance might make it worth going up there a day early - the Sedalia exit off I-70 is at the same interchange as the Marshall exit.

The only downside to selling ammo that doesn't shoot up to expectations in my rifles is that most of the guys I know I could sell to also have custom barreled rifles, and it's unlikely it'd shoot any better for them than it did for me...
That's kind of what I was afraid of Tim. Ah well, I've got a good enough supply to last me well into next year (I think), so will simply wait to see how things shake out. OTOH, I do try to make the Missouri State 600yd Prone matches at Bucksnort Range near Marshall, Mo. in October. A phone call to Capstone in advance might make it worth going up there a day early - the Sedalia exit off I-70 is at the same interchange as the Marshall exit.

The only downside to selling ammo that doesn't shoot up to expectations in my rifles is that most of the guys I know I could sell to also have custom barreled rifles, and it's unlikely it'd shoot any better for them than it did for me...

I would not assume that at all, some ammo that might be so so in yours might shoot great in another gun/ barrel. I have helped out a local guy with that exact result in just the last year or so.
I would not assume that at all, some ammo that might be so so in yours might shoot great in another gun/ barrel. I have helped out a local guy with that exact result in just the last year or so.

No truer words were ever spoken, That stuff doesn't shoot good in my 1807 Annie but you put Federal Ultra in it and I shoots small holes at 50 and 1/4 min. at 100..... I guess barrel and chamber tell you what works in the gun. On paper the federal works from 50 ft. to 200 yds,so what works inside works outside in high winds in a factory barreled action, restocked Annie ....... Jim
Reason I mentioned that was that in testing several brands & grades of ammo over the past few years, when I found a lot that shot well in one of my barrels, it nearly always shoots well in the others. Aside from the factory bbl on my Anschutz 2011, all are customs I've chambered with an Eley EPS reamer, and even the 2011's bbl has shot consistently good with ammo that the customs like. Don't like the idea of trying to sell something I have doubts about to any of the guys I shoot with, but can always let them shoot a few rounds of it after a match if conditions are good enough to allow.
Reason I mentioned that was that in testing several brands & grades of ammo over the past few years, when I found a lot that shot well in one of my barrels, it nearly always shoots well in the others. Aside from the factory bbl on my Anschutz 2011, all are customs I've chambered with an Eley EPS reamer, and even the 2011's bbl has shot consistently good with ammo that the customs like. Don't like the idea of trying to sell something I have doubts about to any of the guys I shoot with, but can always let them shoot a few rounds of it after a match if conditions are good enough to allow.

I know, it is funny I must have the only odd ball that shoots this Federal Ultra , 5 different lots and they all shot good but the last one is really great. The big plus is nobody uses it and you can buy it for 8.09 a box...... win win........ lol......... Jim
Reason I mentioned that was that in testing several brands & grades of ammo over the past few years, when I found a lot that shot well in one of my barrels, it nearly always shoots well in the others. Aside from the factory bbl on my Anschutz 2011, all are customs I've chambered with an Eley EPS reamer, and even the 2011's bbl has shot consistently good with ammo that the customs like. Don't like the idea of trying to sell something I have doubts about to any of the guys I shoot with, but can always let them shoot a few rounds of it after a match if conditions are good enough to allow.

Any time I ever had, or been asked to sell ammo I have always given them a box gratis to shoot and make sure. At that point if somebody likes it and takes it that's as fair as anybody can make it
jim1K - Wonder what chamber your bbl has? I tried three different lots of the UM22 from Midway in my rifles, and none of them liked it at all. Made me wish I had the $200 I spent on it back to invest in a good lot of SK Rifle or Pistol Match.
jim1K - Wonder what chamber your bbl has? I tried three different lots of the UM22 from Midway in my rifles, and none of them liked it at all. Made me wish I had the $200 I spent on it back to invest in a good lot of SK Rifle or Pistol Match.

My 1807 is bone stock except it has been restocked. The thing will not shoot anything but Federal Ultra. It does have a tuner and a weight on it and it is left handed.... but it Flat shoots Federal........ Jim
Jim, Guess I ought to try the remaining Federal in my 2011 - it was NIB when I bought it on GunBroker, so naturally still has the OEM bbl. Thing is, it seems to like the same lot#s of SK Rifle Match & Lapua Center-X as my custom barrels do - but that's no reason not to give the Federal a chance...just in case. I don't shoot smallbore matches anyway - just use it for prone practice & to exercise my shooting eye with irons. The Robertson H&H prone stocks on my BAT 3L prone rifles are a near perfect copy of Anschutz's xx11 series wood prone stocks, so they make great trainers for CF LR prone shooting.
Jim, Guess I ought to try the remaining Federal in my 2011 - it was NIB when I bought it on GunBroker, so naturally still has the OEM bbl. Thing is, it seems to like the same lot#s of SK Rifle Match & Lapua Center-X as my custom barrels do - but that's no reason not to give the Federal a chance...just in case. I don't shoot smallbore matches anyway - just use it for prone practice & to exercise my shooting eye with irons. The Robertson H&H prone stocks on my BAT 3L prone rifles are a near perfect copy of Anschutz's xx11 series wood prone stocks, so they make great trainers for CF LR prone shooting.

The guy I got the gun from is a 1000 yd. shooter and they shoot the rimfire 200 yds. It was a shooter with Federal Ultra Match. I will shoot it some this year 50 and a 100 yds. I tried RWS R50 and it shot bad at 50 the high winds but Federal UM22 shot a hole......... jim
The guy I got the gun from is a 1000 yd. shooter and they shoot the rimfire 200 yds. It was a shooter with Federal Ultra Match. I will shoot it some this year 50 and a 100 yds. I tried RWS R50 and it shot bad at 50 the high winds but Federal UM22 shot a hole......... jim
Better get all you can.. from what i have read.. it is being discontinued! i have seen prices as low as 800 bucks a case for it
Post # 14 pretty well covers the O.P's original question. Consistency in manufacturing and attention to detail helps a lot.

If your barrel does not like this Eley diet then unless you can fit a better barrel then find some better ammo. The only alternative that I have found is Lapua Polar Biathlon for cold weather use but then cold weather in Oz is less than 10°C so pretty warm for some people. Using an Annie 1411 btw.

Just as a disclaimer. I resent paying top $$ for the top shelf stuff but I like to win against people who pay $1000's for their .22 rig and then try to compete with the cheapest ammo that might work. It ain't rocket science!

* doghunter *
Better get all you can.. from what i have read.. it is being discontinued! i have seen prices as low as 800 bucks a case for it

I did, I'm good for the rest of my time. But I will always keep looking for something better. I never did try 922A it may work....... jim
Good deal! I tried it, my rifles don't like it

I know I think I have the only one that shoots it, plus any lot seems to work good ..... good selling point, shoots cheap if I decide to send it down the road. It doesn't like Eley, RWS R50 and Lapua....... jim
I know I think I have the only one that shoots it, plus any lot seems to work good ..... good selling point, shoots cheap if I decide to send it down the road. It doesn't like Eley, RWS R50 and Lapua....... jim

It's funny that you say that your rifle really likes the UM22.. and not the R-50.. fore there is a bunch over on RFC that swear that UM22 and R-50 are the exact same thing!
It's funny that you say that your rifle really likes the UM22.. and not the R-50.. fore there is a bunch over on RFC that swear that UM22 and R-50 are the exact same thing!

I was told the same, and it cost me a ton to find out it isn't........ jim