Simple floating reamer pusher

When Chad shoots a handfull of teen aggs with a barrel chambered on a CNC I'll become a believer.

30 years experience as a Toolmaker (back when CNC was tape driven) tells me not to hold my breath waiting for it to happen...:D
When Chad shoots a handfull of teen aggs with a barrel chambered on a CNC I'll become a believer.

30 years experience as a Toolmaker (back when CNC was tape driven) tells me not to hold my breath waiting for it to happen...:D

I'm with you AJ. I wrote my first Numerical Control tape in 1968 on a Frieden Flexowriter for an American 25" lathe with a General Electric Mark Century 100 series control. N/C and CNC are great. You can certainly make a bunch of good parts on them in a hurry using good machining practices and you sure can make a bunch of bad parts on them using bad machining practices in the same timeframe.
I know more cnc operators who have little knowledge of principles and
can't thread pipe. Untill someone tells them how. Should something not
work out, they are done. The difference between great women and
bad is not the equiptment, they are pretty much equipted the same. The difference is in their minds, same as gunsmiths.
Very nice job of crowning and threading a barrel muzzle. Thank you

Here a some photos of a simple reamer pusher I use to ensure my reamer can align itself with the bore....I use an open end wrench held in my hand to keep the reamer from rotating during the reaming process...and feed small .025" then remove and clean reamer...the 1/4 x 28 hex bolt has the head machined square and polished...the shank with the ball end is also polished to allow smooth movement as the reamer is being pushed...

This should work just fine if you pre bore your chamber after indicating the throat area of the barrel as close as you can... Your "reamer holder" will allow the reamer to move a little as it is guided by the pre bore. I use a very short "handle" held by my hand and it has the clearance to rotate freely if I let go of it. I only chamber at 45 to 100 rpm and have never had a problem hand holding the reamer. If you hold with a neutral grip (not forcing it to the side) you should achieve a fine result.

I think a key component of a "reamer holder system" is that it does not hold the reamer in a fixed position nor force it off plane.
I like holding the reamer pusher in my hand as I can feel whats going on inside the chamber. if by some chance a chip goes where it shouldn't, I can feel that and shut everything down or back out before to much trouble. I would feel naked if I couldn't feel my cuts. Lee