Shut 'er down!!

Nearly a century ago the good St Bernard stated "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" or something to that effect....

"Lord Protect Us From Well Intentioned Fools!!!"

My buddy, the Senator says "it all started with suffrage. That's when we realized "we can get away with this!""


On the news today I heard a comment from a representative who had been to another of the Obama meetings with legislators, that he again lectured them. I'm pretty well convinced now that Obama thinks he was elected Emperor. He seems to ignore that these Senators and Representatives also won their election. The Senate and the House of Representatives are not subservient to the office of the president no matter how much Obama thinks they ought to be. We're getting into very dangerous times with Obama in office.
Shut er down

I've felt that way since his first mandate.
He has a lot of help too. So what's next? Is the congress going to actually do something?. Even With both houses split ?
Its a tough battle to get rid of him. I knew when he spoke that he was communistic. He sounds like a graduate from the Joseph Lennen school of Government.
Between Slick Willie and the Bushes, now this character its pretty much a big mess.
!!good grief people give it up!!

Why don't all of you" political experts" e-mail or p.m. each other????:rolleyes:
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I don't read it, I just see how many pages you have generated,for what???

I see that my comment went right over your head. First. I have only a few posts in this thread. Second, do you consider yourself as a self-appointed censor or arbiter of what gets posted on this site? As long as the posts stay within the guidelines defined by the site owner and the moderators then it's really none of your business if you don't care for the topic or the discussion. You have complete freedom to ignore.
He joined the discussion when he asked " for what". The way it looks to me anyway.
Okay Adam I agree.
Terry-I think benchrest shooting is a vulnerable sport because of the expense of the components, equipment (guns, rests and reloading equip), custom guns and items and travel expense it could be hurt severely or doomed by laws such as these and others from different angles because not a lot of people participate in this sport on a national basis. So why not discuss things that potentially can affect our sports and our freedoms?
Thanks, back to our regurlarly scheduled progran of cussing and discussing the scum sucking pigs that are trying to make

us buy something we don't want.....but are willing to fine us if we don't.

Now for the Benchrest analysis......It's like requiring EVERYBODY to pay to shoot the Nationals even if they have no desire to go.

How are you Liberals going to justify's the same reasoning that's got us to this point.

Or.....maybe we should take a quote from Hillary and apply it here......What does it matter????
If a presidential candidate ran for office in the 50s, 60s or even the 70s and said "what we need is a domestic army as strong as the regular army" (probably not perfectly quoted, however is easy to google), this candidate wouldn't have a chance in hell getting nominated let alone elected. I would like to see one or more of the posters on here explain what they think he meant. I have my own beliefs on it. Where's Chris Matthews when you need him!
Shut er down

Now the obumma claims that congress has no reason to not fund parts of the government.
I guess he never read any parts of his proposed budget.

There's plenty of pork and blame to go around for all of them.
How about them actually looking at the budget and shutting out some of the unneeded spending. The sequester was one example , just a simple cut back of some spending.
They need to dig deeper then the proposed cuts that are in place,

Congress Has to some how decide how to pay down the national dept. The very Idea of borrowing money from communist China is repulsive to me.
We are in a lot of trouble , Just think about it sometime.

China and other countries have moved into Daily commodities along with the Saudi Arabia and others, They indirectly shape the daily lives of Americans by making us dependent on them For
On our daily needs . Not to even mention the stripping of our Natural resources.
We Have been sold out BIG TIME.
Oh, and why do they have great healthcare plans paid for by us, and they B**** about us getting cheaper healthcare...???
Why does it take 1500 odd pages to write the healthcare bill? Just extend Medicare.
Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot again.

I am a retired gov't. worker, and I tell you that my health insurance is no different from millions of other retirees. I pay premiums--not cheap--and the govt supplements, just like other millions. No free ride on the taxpayers. And if ObamaCare is such a bad thing, why is it the GOPs fault? But I agree, it is a bad law.
Shut er down

I can give you 2 reasons why its such a bad law.
1 They are double dipping for the same services. The poor who can't afford services get them from the Social services I pay for on a local Level. Property taxes.
2 It encourages certain people to jump the boarder. By taking care of them we have created a monster.
These people drive down wages, are responsible for our higher taxes
It winds up being wealth redistribution.
Basicly its a new social program that we can't afford with the current workforce They are cutting back on one program Medicare, and taxing medical equipment to help pay for it.
Obamacare -

State of Indiana,

IU Medical Health Organization announced that it is laying off 900 employees due to obamacare.

Deaconness Hospital and it's associates announced that it is laying off 800 employees due to obamacare.

1700 medical personnel to be unemployed by the end of the year, with more hospital chains to announce their layoffs due to obamacare.

Cook Inc., the company that developed the stints that are in wide use. Mr. Cook is the richest man in the state of Indiana. Since the passing of obamacare, he has moved close to 2000 jobs overseas due to the costs and taxes that obamacare will cause.

Indiana Schools have laid off or cut the working hours of over 3000 employees due to obamacare.

OBAMACARE sure seems to be working here.....

"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt....I am for a goverment rigorously frugal and simple" - Thomas Jefferson

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicous, they have more need of masters" - Benjamin Franklin


Remember when the perscription drug bill was going to be a cure all.....
The Bangor Maine

Daily News had an editorial yesterday criticizing our Governor for not setting up a health exchange. Our Governor, God love him, is a fiscal conservative, anti big government person. In the editorial she commented that had the Gov. setup an exchange all the folks wanting to sign up for health insurance would have been able to and blamed him for not setting it up and the difficulty people are having accessing the Federal website. Go figure!

Well, how do you fight that logic? The Governor said, you want Obamacare, you setup the website and signup procedure. Predictably, the website is a fiasco! If they can't get that right, what about Obamacare will be right? It will quickly drive us into a deeper debt situation that we are already in. The whole health care development is just the first step toward total Federal control of health care in this country.

Have you ever watched a puppy follow its mother around trying to latch onto a free teat for its next meal?
Shut er down

Excelsius ins has stoped doing business here , no more Blue cross and blue shield insurance for seniors supplementl ins to medicade
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