Shortages of reloading components

An excellent overview Francis! Fortunately the food supply is a little more stable than the ammunition and component supply - I hope.

With most things people buy a whole lot of people have no idea of the manufacturing and supply process. The stuff has always been on the store shelves, and consequently will always be there. It never fails to amaze me that people, especially those who live in large cities it seems, have NO idea where their food comes from. The stores don't just call up the food factory and order more, it has to be grown, raised, cared for, and turned into food products. It's the same with everything else we buy since hardly anyone grows or makes most of the products they use anymore.
I have 50 pounds of gold sitting in my garage. Today the price just tripled. Should I sell some or not?
And glp, THAT my friend was my point EXACTLY..........

and I thought I had laid all that out in easily understood terms in my first two posts. When I related having spoken to a couple of friends about an order, there WAS NO shortage, or "run" on anything, and my intent was to lay in a supply that would last a couple years for varminting, experimenting, etc. and those comments/cautions were made in July or August last year, I merely looked into my crystal ball. Do I believe in scalping?? No, of course not, Hell, if Pete lived a few miles from me I probably'd given him a grand or two and told him to forget it, I have done that for one of my friends already. I was making a general statement when I related that I had spoken to friends about making a large order. And I had told them then, "We don't know how things are going to go, EITHER WAY, it might be prudent......" Now I hear, "I wish I'd..." (you get the drill).

As for the supply chain, I agree with what's been said, one must also take into account that wholesalers in October/November are signing retailers up for ammo contracts for delivery and payments the following year. Ammo(used to be, probably still is) could be bought and paid for before Christmas, or carried over the following year on "dating" using increasing percentages of interest each month, or, for dealers with the deeper pockets, they could order & pay in Oct-November, get a super deal on price, put it on the ending year's taxes, and get free freight and delivery after February of the new year, avoiding inventory tax; then, if not sold by hunting season, have an end-of-year-blowout sale (based on attractive last-year's costs) and still make a couple points over cost, and be ordering for next year. That's how ammo is sold, which in our present situation has only, as pointed out, exacerbated the condition we're in now. Which IS why I spoke to MY people last year, around July/August. HTH :) OAO ;)
Gosh, I guess I got some folks upset. Really, I do not want to keep people from getting tactical rifles and "popping" as much as they want. The impression given in some replies is that I was trying to attack or ban tactical type rifles. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Live and let live.

Furthermore, the tactical rifle fans often do not reload -- they find economy sources of loaded ammunition and shoot that. In other words, some of them may not even buy primers.

I see from some of the postings that some competitive shooters go through thousands of rounds of ammo every season. Yes, I'm sure some like that are out there. I still think there are lots of people like me who can go a couple of seasons on 1,000 primers. All I am saying is, if you need a few hundred primers a season, do not purchase 10,000. Especially at kited prices. This just feeds the foolishness.

People do not seem to like me to term myself Montana Pete. I lived many years in Montana and did almost all my big game hunting there. Now that I am retired I have gone back to Wisconsin. One guy termed me "Minnesota Pete." Perhaps I'll have to move there next. Actually, I don't care what you call me unless it is "late for supper."

This reminds me of some funny lines from one of the "Naked Gun" movies. They are talking about boxers. The refer to "Kid Dallas from Wichita, who used to fight in Cinncinnati. And his brother, Kid Detroit out of Kansas City, who used to fight in Frisco." And so on.

Maybe I can be "Montana Pete from Wisconsin, who used to shoot in Minnesota."

Just don't call me "late for dinner."
Being prepared

Your posts are on point! If you can't find components, don't blame everyone else; look to your own shortsightedness. Not anticipating and preparing for potential shortages was taught to us as children in the fables like the Ant and the Grasshopper. Most people are responsible for their own destiny. Whether they want to assume responsibility for control over their lives, or not, is exactly why some people have the required components they need and why some are crying that they are without. If primers and components are important, you should have bought anticipated amounts when there was no shortage. This discussion plays into a larger picture.

If this whole house of cards comes tumbling down and you find yourself unprepared for the end result, look to yourself. Anything can happen at anytime ranging from natural disasters to manmade ones. Civil law can break down in a fraction of a second with lawlessness and chaos. Our society is extremely fragile and is already at the tipping point. Going one step further, people should have freeze dried foods, survival supplies, first aid gear, water purification, etc. Hopefully, they'll never need them but need to be prepared for almost any contingency now and in the future. If you haven't considered these scenarios and prepared accordingly, you can only blame yourself.

Lou Baccino
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I am almost certain that that is the most intelligent synopsis of the current situation I have seen yet.

The fact that a guy buys 50,000 primers at a time simply because he is convinced that he needs them for home protection because the "russians are coming" or just to mark them up to sell on gunbroker is something else.

If a guys buys 200,000 primers a year because thats how many he shoots, fine, I'll help ya carry them to the car but to simply buy up EVERY thing you see because you want to gouge folks on gunbroker, or your worried about having enough ammo loaded to be able to defend your home when Tajikistan invades the US, well, thats straight up paranoia.
If a guy wants 20 years worth of primers, "just to be sure he dont run out", it must also be safe to say he has stockpiled 20 years worth of canned goods, water and medical supplies for the coming apocolypse. That be prepared mentality must also apply to life necessities, yes?

And on the flip side of things, it is also nice to find that there are self-less souls on this site that will sell you a couple thousand primers for fair market value and didnt use it as an opportunity to take me to the bank. And he could have.

Thanks again Roger T.

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If you can get somebody to give you $2,017,266.13 for your $672,422.13 (at today's spot price of $922.20 for gold) worth of gold, I would suggest you sell it before they wake up. :D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I normally buy 20000 primers for benchrest at a time. Why...I'm not hording...I just don't want to worry about not having primers...not having to worry about my load changing because I changed lot numbers and it saves me on Hazmat. That many primers will last me around 2 years and I do help friends out when they need it but let me tell a little story. At the east/west shoot, I realized when I setup that I forgot my primer on the table at home. Talk about a "Oh Sh*t". So I go asking, who saves me...Ron Hoehn...Not only did he sell me some primer out of his own stash....he also only wanted 14.00 for 500 primers. I gave him twenty and told him it was a tip. I was tickled the primers I needed...didn't get BOHICA and didn't have to pay 50.00 per 1000 some suppliers are now charging. Ron's getting a lot more of my business in the future (he always did get some). Don't sweat the primer issue....things will be better this fall or winter.

Today while sitting at my desk I got an email notification that Midway just got some 210M'S. I immediately clicked the link and went to the page. I added 5000 to my card (only 5k partially because I remembered this thread adn partially because I have 15k of them sitting at home). Right before I checked out I thought "man, you should let your buds know" so I opened an email on a second screen and send a note to a few people. That email took no more than 30 seconds and then I went back to my checkout cart and hit the button. A failure page came up. I went back and clicked again and once again the failure page. So in a big hurry I picked up the phone and called. Guy at Midway said, "Sorry, they are gone already". Seems they only got in 32k and they were gone in less than 5 minutes from what I can figure. :eek:
Out of the 32k one buyer probably was sold 20K. The email notification of avaliability you recieved was also sent to 20K others.
Stop crying about primers and do something about it. Call Bruno's and get on their waiting list.

We were discussing this at a meeting.............

last night, when I said, "Look, its only common sense, in an election year, particularly if you anticipate things swinging to a Southerly bearing, you try to hedge your bets on the UPside." And, I have to say, I thought there was a chance this guy COULD get in, and do some dirt, so, I did MY thing. Smart, intelligent, soothsayer, prognosticator??? No, perhaps perceptive.....but, to be honest, I just thought it would be a GOOD idea, at the time. Now, some of the guys I shoot with, obviously do too. See ya. :D;)
As much as I dont like to admit it, there certainly is a great deal of merit to the idea of being prepared and while I was not out, I also did not see primers and other components getting this hard to come by. I consider myself "Schooled" on this now.

What I did learn is when in doubt, buy extra and I will never let myself get this low again and my definition of "enough" has increased substantially.

Now, I am going to make it a point to have more than enough extras of every make, model and brand so ensure that I can weather the storm.

What I wont be doing is buying every damn thing I see because I want to sell them on for ridiculous prices. I will also be sure to leave some on the shelves for the more casual shooter that just maybe wants to take his son or daughter out on their first pd hunt but cant because the guy sitting on 40,000 primers already thinks he also need that extra 300 of them.

Its too bad that we have become such a "me first" society. I doesnt seem it used to be like that but there are certainly more mature fellas on this site that would know better than I.:)

Election year politics

last night, when I said, "Look, its only common sense, in an election year, particularly if you anticipate things swinging to a Southerly bearing, you try to hedge your bets on the UPside." And, I have to say, I thought there was a chance this guy COULD get in, and do some dirt, so, I did MY thing. Smart, intelligent, soothsayer, prognosticator??? No, perhaps perceptive.....but, to be honest, I just thought it would be a GOOD idea, at the time. Now, some of the guys I shoot with, obviously do too. See ya. :D;)

Our thought processes were the same on this one. Looking at how the members in Congress were stacked up and the potential of this 'False Mesiah' being elected should have been a wake up call. I don't claim to be anyone special. I stay informed on issues and potential political maneuvering that could affect me; planning accordingly. If you've been around long enough, listened, and kept your eyes open, you've learned to anticipate and 'smell the wind'. It's just another form of survival.

Lou Baccino

Lou Baccino
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bullets are way up

I got a Natchez catolog today and figured maybe I ought to get a couple hundred Speer .308 165 Hot-Cor spitzers for my old deer rifle.
They are priced at about $29 now ! That's more than a $10 jump in 6 months.
Follow the American way, never ever trust any government! Haven't you been shown over time that all politicians will let you down? Every time. Folks seem to believe that he second amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives them rights, this is a huge misconception. These rights came to you from GOD. No matter how much the screaming politicians want it their way.

One world government is rapidly on it's way, they need you to believe you are a slave, after all you folks seem to act like you already you are. Keep the reloading components safely stored, keep the faith in GOD, don't become one of the wants that just wish you had, done it different.:D
Good point, Al, and don't forget...................

keep your guns locked up.
Don't keep guns loaded.
Keep the ammo locked in a separate location.
Don't teach kids how to shoot.
And, my favorite:
NObody needs "assault weapons", or THIRTY round magazines(except the police and the military),the authorities should be called in any emergency.
Yeah, RIGHT.
Well, to my way of thinking, if the police an' military NEED 'em, then maybe I NEED a Beta Mag, or an RPG, because THOSE nitwits(police & military) are NEVER around when y'need 'em, and 911 keeps you on the 'phone.... " NOW what's he doin' ma'am?? What's he sayin'? He IS?, well, my! my! And WHAT was your name again, ma'am? Oh, yes that's right, you did tell me....and what's HIS name ma'am?? He said WHAT?? Well, we'll have a police officer right there ma'am, he's busy onna nother call right now ma'am, then he has his break, so...I guess he'll be there in 30 minutes or so. It's been THAT long ma'am?? Well, are you....COMFORTABLE ma'am??...." :rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D;) Sure, WATCH me.:rolleyes::D;)
Brian Roberts
Thanks for calling me a nitwit, but then I guess that is a complement coming from a non serving **s like you.
By the way I have never seen you out there fighting for american freedoms.
Also I am at the JFK center today if you want to throw out some BS like "you are an ex marine recon, navy seal, Green Beret helicopter pilot" then I can walk right in there and do a back ground check on your military history.