This evening I was setting up my first rifle with a tuner and VonAhrens weights. I followed Mr. Killoughs directions about setting up the tuner, but I made some observations and I'm wondering if they are normal. To start I shot a 3 shot group with the tuner at 250 and the 1oz weight on the tuner. Per Dans instructions you are to add .5 oz at a time and shoot a group at each weight level. Then find your smallest group and leave the weight at that, and then adjust the tuner. I was expecting that as I would shoot and add weight I would slowly get smaller and smaller groups until I reached a point where the groups would start to get larger again. This wasn't the case, instead 1-2.5 oz were bad groups, 3 oz was a really good group, 3.5 was bad 4 was great 4.5-6 were bad and so on. Is this normal? After I did all of the group shooting I put the tuner at 6.5 oz and shot a target for score. I shot a 247 8X and the last 10 shots were so dark that I really couldn't see the crosshairs (not to mention the mosquitos were eating me alive). The 3 points I dropped were all in the last row of targets. I'm happy with the way the guns is shooting, just a little confused about why the group sizes are all over the place. I hope this made sense to everyone. Any help you can give a new guy is appreciated.