Fitted the adjustable to the MPR. The POI dropped on the vertical by 12mm.
Wound the cone all the way home, shooting free-hand indoors, rezeroed and experienced the normal pattern of rotation expected.
6mm adjustment took the groups sub 6mm, another 0.25mm saw the rotation lost and pellet on pellet, largest hole diameter 5mm.
Guinea-pigged Graham on a rifle he's never shot before and he slotted 8 into the same hole ......... freehand!!
Evidently he's ordered one in brass and gone shopping at Air Arms.
Well having marked hundreds of S400 shot cards I know that the rotation is there and my own used to display it, you know my views. I don't doubt they do something just don't know whether they strip air. Your own cards have certainly straightened out with much less rotation displayed in the past.
Although to be fair the RT is jetting 80bar as opposed to 150bar. Maybe that is why it needs nothing?
Maybe putting a rifle with a stripper in Robins new torture device might glean something (that sentence just sounds wrong).