Selected members of UN general assembly gate crash NBRSA general membership meeting!

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
The Sludge Report 9/25/09: Moammar Gadhafi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong Il turned up unexpectedly at the 2009 NBRSA general membership meeting Friday after the conclusion of the awards ceremony. Ahmadinejad snatched the microphone from Maney Garcia and gave a 30 minute rant in which he stated that the IBS never occurred, that Tony Boyer was the Great Satan and that the 3000 uranium enrichment centrifuges set up in Gene Begg's tunnel were for peaceful mirage dissipation purposes. He was then distracted by Jack Neary streaking the range in his new Benchrest Hall of Fame burka and wantonly exposing his ankles and wrists. This allowed Gadhafi to take the microphone and give a 3 hour rambling speech in which he repeatedly referred to Gary Ocock as his brother. This confirmed the suspicions that many in the audience had harbored for years. The Libyan facial hair and clothing fashion icon then demanded a location to set up his tent. Ron Hoehn immediately, in a gesture of international cooperation, cleared a site for him in front of the 200 yard berm. Kim Jong Il looking snappy in his 8 inch tall platform shoes, Texas "big hair" bouffant and dull gray Mao suite with GREAT LEADER embroidered on the back demanded that the 2010 group nationals be held in Pyongyang instead of Kansas City or North Korea will consider it an act of war by the NBRSA. All of this elicited little interest from the membership having exhausted themselves earlier on the emotional subject of adding varmint for score to the organization. Tim
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It passed on a 1 year trial basis. No records will be set during this period. The vote from the directors was a tie with the president breaking the tie. It will be heavy varmint with best edge scoring. By the way I forgot to mention that Ahmandinejad also announced a new Iranian cultural revolution at the meeting starting with a TV reality show: Dancing With The Ayatollahs. Tim
I think Dr. Tim has a secret tap into the nitrous oxide line at the hospital. That and pure oxygen should have one flying very high. Or maybe its the fumes from the weed whacker blender mixing into the mixings. I hear Tim fuels the whacker on everclear and castor oil.

I think Dr. Tim has a secret tap into the nitrous oxide line at the hospital. That and pure oxygen should have one flying very high. Or maybe its the fumes from the weed whacker blender mixing into the mixings. I hear Tim fuels the whacker on everclear and castor oil.


No Don............ Unfortunatly :p:D The Good Dr. is spot on with his report!

"wantonly exposing his ankles and wrists".............


I spoke to Tim for the first time...what a guy...I was disappointed that he didn't bring the weedwhacker mixer...bummer...


I was appointed to the exaulted position of "designated driver" every night when we all went out to eat. My Kidneys will not allow me to consume, so I was witness to some pretty strange behavior from some otherwise "normal" human beings.

It's amazing what a bunch of 60+ year olds will talk about. I think John Horn came up with the best saying of the week. With out getting too graphic, he coined the phrase, "so hard a cat can't scratch it", when discussing a certain product marketed to men of our age

Of course, we were talking about Heat Treating Actions.:D.....jackie
Man, you been down there in the swamps to long. That phrase is at least 60+ years old. I think I was about 12 or so when I first heard it. Glenn is right a little gin is ok, but a bit to much and you have a "no go" gage.

It passed on a 1 year trial basis. No records will be set during this period. The vote from the directors was a tie with the president breaking the tie. ......... Tim

I kinda knew how the BOD voted but was asking how the membership meeting discussion went.
Membership Disscussion

Wilber, It was a non issue for the membership. There were a couple of statements expressing the fear that group shooting will be doomed but the president gave his word that if this looked like it will happen then varmint for score will not continue in our organization.Unlike Washington DC, our President's word carries a lot of water with the voters and there was not a lot of grumbling. The only controversy was when Roman Polanaski (Whom I must confess I had no idea was a member) got up and argued passionately that the age of consent be lowered to 12 years just like it is in the middle East. Tim
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Wilber, It was a non issue for the membership. There were a couple of statements expressing the fear that group shooting will be doomed but the president gave his word that if this looked like it will happen then varmint for score will not continue in our organization.Unlike Washington DC, our President's word carries a lot of water with the voters and there was not a lot of grumbling. The only controversy was when Roman Polanaski (Whom I must confess I had no idea was a member) got up and argued passionately that the age of consent be lowered to 12 years just like it is in the middle East. Tim
...but....but...but....what are they gonna do with all them 11 year old brides in Georgia if that passes???