Scope Power Checker

I use a big dot, It just fits inside the black with a little white showing .For hold off I just touch the black, that cuts down on Eye strain.
younger people could see better through 6X scopes. Two Summers ago there was a 14 YO lad who began shooting 6X rifles with the group of guys I shoot with. He cleaned our clocks for a few matches and we older guys went around mumbling about young eyes.

Finally, one day I got to chatting with the lad and asked him if he could see the rings on the target. He looked at me and said "NO", as if It was a rediculous question. Not many matches later he became "Mortal" and began to slip back in the standings.

Of all the 6X scopes I have owned, the first Black Burris I owned is the only one I was ever able to see the rings on targets with. This leads me to believe the optic in 6X scopes haven't improved over the years. I have had a lot of scopes since and none have been as good as that one Burris.

In my view of this, shooting 6X isn't about being able to see anything other than a clear picture of the reticule and the black on the targets. I can't imangine anyone blind enough who is able to shoot who can't do that. I wear Tri-focals and I still see only what I have always seen , the picture I discribed above. That is as good as it ever has been or is ever gonna get.

It isn't a good thing switching back and fourth between scope powers in the same day and that is what folks in the Rimfire Games do. In my opinion, that is the biggest problem folks have. Some people can do it fine but it has not been a strong suit for me over the years and still isn't. Again, shooting 6X isn't about seeing anything, it's about making good guesses on where to divide up the pie.

If you shot a card with a superior optic, Pete, you'd realize how wrong you are. So many of these scopes that appear fairly good give you just enough eye strain so that over a 30 minute card, by the time you come down the last row your eyes are really fading. A good optic, properly set up is a lifesaver. The problem is that few 50+ year old eyes can deal with marginal glass and truth be told most scopes in the $300 range are just that and most simply cannot get the subtle parralax out, you go back to what you thought was OK it's like looking through wax paper.
The problem with being exact

With that logic, you might as well eliminate the 7 1/2 pound, convex stock, safety and magazine requirement. Then you no longer have a sporter class.

Don and others in the 6X camp,

The weight of a rifle can be easily established with a set of scales but the exact power of a scope presents a greater problem and that is why we are having this discussion.

Establishing the exact power of a scope is a little bit subjective. By Wilbur's scientific method which is accurate there is room for small mistakes. What if the 40 mm objective lens is stopped down to say 38 mm or the image being focused on is not at infinity? These things would through the results off.

If a competitor honestly believes that his scope is 6X but through accurate checking it is proven to be 6.6X and so he is disqualified, what would be gained? I can understand someone who tries to shoot with a 16X scope being eliminated.

There is a huge difference between and honest competitor and a cheater.

I know the post started out there. However it quickly veered off into the " I could shoot a lot better score if I didn't have to meet the power limit rule" Shooting a good score while meeting the restrictions is what the game is about. There are such tremendous monetary rewards for shooting a winning score, you could never pay for the cost of boosting a scope. When I first got into this game, I had a friend that asked Premier to boost a 6 power scope. They refused to do it. Apparently there was a centerfire class that used 6 power scopes and they were aware of that.
I have lobbied for sporter class to be shot last instead of first. I believe that the 6 power puts enough strain on the eyes that it can carry over to affect how well you shoot in the other classes. This is more noticeable to me on the local one relay matches where there is no time for the eye to rebound.
Don: Can I join your lobby? Good idea, shooting sporter last. I would step down off my soap box for this change. Of course we are assuming that our old eyes would recover during lunch before we start shooting the UL. Nothing is perfect, and as we all know changing the scope mag limit is an uphill battle, and distasteful to many. Perhaps shooting sporter after 10.5 and 13.5 would be more acceptable. What say guys/gals? bob

I tend to lean the other way. My biggest problem comes when we have a double match and go to the 6X after using the 36X for two targets.

Uh Oh! Jim thanks. I'll have to give it a test. I cannot remember shooting backwards ie big first then 6X. Just proves no matter what happens not everyone is going to be for it. bob
You last match sporter fans want to kill the class fast, that will do it. Last thing in the world I want to do is shoot a sporter after the wind, sun, and let's not forget mirage are up. 6x scope with 12 noon mirage? can you say "screwed"?
Tim: Please leave the "kill sporter" lay. None of us want to kill sporter. I love it myself. Some of us think we can improve a good thing. You obviously don't agree and I respect that. But please, not kill it. bob
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Tim: Please leave the "kill sporter" lay. None of wants to kill sporter. I love it myself. Some of us think we can improve a good thing. You obviously don't agree and I respect that. But please, not kill it. bob

The classic question comes to mind about "fixing something that ain't broke". Going back and reviewing the sporter, we have better ones than ever, better scores than ever, more 250's than ever, better competition than ever, high levels of participation. Sounds like somebody is doing something right.
You last match sporter fans want to kill the class fast, that will do it. Last thing in the world I want to do is shoot a sporter after the wind, sun, and let's not forget mirage are up. 6x scope with 12 noon mirage? can you say "screwed"?
Do you have any data to support this claim or is it just conjecture and fear mongering? I shot at Black Creek for many years That is where I developed my love for sporters. All matches started at 1 PM..
Perhaps the ranges in Virginia and North Carolina that shot double three gun matches last summer can weigh in.
Below are my sporter scores from the double matches I shot this past season.In general the first target was shot between 9:00 am and 10:30 AM. The second target between
12:00 PM AND 2:00 PM.As you can see the scores are all over the place.There are so many variables I personally can't see any difference whether we shoot sporter first or last.
You'll have to draw your own conclusions

DATE First Second
5/8/10 244-9 237-8
5/15/10 248-14 249-14
5/22/10 248-13 247-16
6/12/10 243-16 249-11
7/3/10 246-16 247-12
7/24/10 245-12 245-8
7/31/10 244-11 244-10
8/1/10 246-6 248-13
9/11/10 246-13 246-12
9/18/10 244-12 246-11
10/2/10 249-14 245-5
10/16/10 250-16 247-11
10/27/10 247-12 244-11
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>>More than a couple of the top scoreline sporter aggs were attained by guys firmly in the old fart catagory.<<

Ernie, Tim must be referring to you here, cause Greg and I are clearly not in that category. ;-)
>>More than a couple of the top scoreline sporter aggs were attained by guys firmly in the old fart catagory.<<

Ernie, Tim must be referring to you here, cause Greg and I are clearly not in that category. ;-)

Ernie yes...with oak leaf clusters, you probably apprentice old fart....... unless we're measuring from the forehead up.
Do you have any data to support this claim or is it just conjecture and fear mongering? I shot at Black Creek for many years That is where I developed my love for sporters. All matches started at 1 PM..
Perhaps the ranges in Virginia and North Carolina that shot double three gun matches last summer can weigh in.

Support the conjecture that there's more wind, sun and mirage????? you really need data for this? Well go out side until one of two things gets dark or the birds come and cover you with leaves.
Support the conjecture that there's more wind, sun and mirage????? you really need data for this? Well go out side until one of two things gets dark or the birds come and cover you with leaves.
Sounds like a poor excuse for not being able to handle conditions.
You last match sporter fans want to kill the class fast, that will do it. Last thing in the world I want to do is shoot a sporter after the wind, sun, and let's not forget mirage are up. 6x scope with 12 noon mirage? can you say "screwed"?

So you're an advocate for the sporter, but only when the conditions are good?
So you're an advocate for the sporter, but only when the conditions are good?

Not really. We shoot several of our matches at big open 30+ bench clubs and quite often it's anything but good. Shooting sporter first gives you a fighting chance, however.
>>More than a couple of the top scoreline sporter aggs were attained by guys firmly in the old fart catagory.<<

Ernie, Tim must be referring to you here, cause Greg and I are clearly not in that category. ;-)

Bill, I think Tims feelings get hurt when a couple of old farts like Wallace and myself best him on the sporter scoreline.