Savage vs Custom Action

So, you're saying Savage actions, capable of setting records at 1000 yds can't compete at short range? (snicker)

That's exactly what we're saying. Snicker or no snicker.
But if you feel the need to dump thousands into making a short range BR gun on a Savage just to find out what everybody else already knew, go right ahead.
build you a savage, smoke all their ass and prove your point.....
I have known several people who were convinced Savage actions were just as good. They all sank a lot of time and money into Savage based rifles. They all shoot custom actions now. This was good enough for me , I never tried a Savage.

You just can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Have you been to a benchrest, or F Class match? The F class 10 ring is 10" (1,000 yd.) and the X is 5", also F class shooters have the time it takes to pull the target between shots to reload. This is not to say that their sport is not challenging. This is a very different situation than benchrest. If you are going to challenge peoples information, don't you think that you should at least do a little homework?
Boyd Allen
I didn't really intend my original post to turn into a pissing contest. I've certainly got what I wanted out of it... which was an education. My current plan is to keep shooting my F/TR rifle in the factory class of our fun matches (he! he! I'll win best in class every time) until a good, used 30 BR custom turns up at a reasonable price.
You might also keep an eye out for PPCs. Several options there as long as the price works out.

1. Maybe the bolt face will already handle BR as well as PPC.
2. Perhaps the bolt face can easily be modified.
3. You might be able to rebate BR rims to PPC size. Like if you have a lathe/mini lathe.
4. You might opt for the 30 Major which is a 6.5 Grendel necked up to 30. That's what I shoot.
until a good, used 30 BR custom turns up at a reasonable price.

A proven 30BR Farley action and 5 barrels / various components ... For sale.
PM sent to ya Doug..

I am not a gambler by any means but i will bet you just about any amount of money that the barrels on the savage team f-class shooters are hand picked, or even made especially for the team. I know some 600 yard guys that do well in the factory class while shooting 600 yards. Every one of them has gone through several savage barrels to find one that is competative. One friend of mine went through 12 savage barrels before he found one that would compete. Fact!! Lee
I am not a gambler by any means but i will bet you just about any amount of money that the barrels on the savage team f-class shooters are hand picked, or even made especially for the team. I know some 600 yard guys that do well in the factory class while shooting 600 yards. Every one of them has gone through several savage barrels to find one that is competative. One friend of mine went through 12 savage barrels before he found one that would compete. Fact!! Lee

Very likely Skeet. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

Also, what exactly has "team Savage" won? 1000 yard titles and championships are pretty vague terms. To me, in regards to "records", anything that is not shot in an IBS,NBRSA, or Williamsport registered match never happened. Anyone can hold a match, tailor it to whatever rules and results they prefer, and call it a "world record" if something good is shot. B.S. I've shot many, many of these so called "fun 1000 yard shoots" and they change rules and firing proceedures and sequences every time you go. Just depends on who's hosting it and what crazy idea hit them while eating their Cheerios that morning. You never know what you're going to get and they count for nothing but fun to me. For me, a world record must be shot in a world recognized organization or it's just holes in a piece of paper.............
That being said, there aren't a ton of 1000 yard NBRSA matches held each year (main reason why I had to get into short range BR to scratch the competitive itch), but what matches are published very seldom have Savages listed in the equipment lists.
So, you're saying Savage actions, capable of setting records at 1000 yds can't compete at short range? (snicker)

It's just like comparing a low end KIA and a high end Mercedes to me. Both can run, but.....
If you know a bit about mechanical engineering you should know the differences between the Savage and Custom Actions.
Ask the best shooter in the world of your choice to compete with a stock Savage in a big-registered BR match (any), if he wins I'll give you/him a dozen rests (cost about 10K $).

Well, OK, Histle, if you're confident, here ya go.

Sunday September 9th, Miami Rifle and Pistol Club. 100 and 200 yard score benchrest match. $100 per point difference. Bring your factory Savage and bring cash.

Greg J.

Is that offer still good? I have a factory savage that may not be the best but it has been good enough on more than one occasion. I can think of one other person lurking out there (DG) that may feel the same way.
I've skimmed the posts --which isn't to say I've read them. Too much suspicious yellow liquid.

From the Original Poster, were talking only about the action, right?

The first thing that comes to mind is, if "Savage" were replaced with "40-X", would anyone say anything different? How heavy is the Savage, anyway?

Can a 40-X win? Yes. Best choice? unlikely, especially if you consider cost, where resale value is included in "cost." If cost is no object, then there is nothing wrong with a re-worked 40-X (or Borden/Stiller/whatever/ equivalent). I prefer RBRP anyway.

For many of my rifles, the action is a breech block only -- well, that plus ignition. It might take bunch of work on the ignition system with a Savage -- I don't know -- otherwise, nothing wrong with a Savage breach block.

For the one's I'm talking about, the rifle is barrel blocked, the scope goes on the block, and it's the block that's bedded to the stock. And yeah, as a group they shoot better, with the added cost of making the block, and added penalty (small) of weight.


EDIT: in passing, two of those barrel blocked rifles use BAT actions...

Edit no. 2: Another one of them (yup, barrel blocked) is on a 700, but the bolt on the 700 has been reworked to use a Savage bolt head. Two reasons. (1) I can change from a magnum to a .30/06 case head real easy, and (2) I do like the floating locking lugs of the Savage design.
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Give Kevin Rayhill a call at Stockade gun stocks in Chadron Nebraska.Listen to what he has to say.He builds extremely accurate rifles using the Savage actions.He also uses Benchmark brand barrels.I received my 6br,in his stock,and I can hang with the custom 6ppcs all day.At our local club match I won shooter of the year in modified class,using the rayhilll built 6 br.
Bo both SGJennings and caroby,

Point taken and I actually ended up buying a 6PPC that I will be able to convert at some point if I want to. I shot real well my first match with it taking 4th with a 250-18X at 100yds (against 100% 30BR shooters). But I was using ammo prepared by the guy I bought it from. I suspect it will be a real challenge at 200yds in "for score" matches. But hey!, it was a blast!!!!

So, my new quest is to be able to make perfect ammo for it ($$$ cha-ching on new "stuff" for reloading $$$). There needs to be an expert YouTube video on this ammo preparation stuff. I'll produce one when I feel my ammo is good enough to justify it.
Bo both SGJennings and caroby,

Point taken and I actually ended up buying a 6PPC that I will be able to convert at some point if I want to. I shot real well my first match with it taking 4th with a 250-18X at 100yds (against 100% 30BR shooters). But I was using ammo prepared by the guy I bought it from. I suspect it will be a real challenge at 200yds in "for score" matches. But hey!, it was a blast!!!!

So, my new quest is to be able to make perfect ammo for it ($$$ cha-ching on new "stuff" for reloading $$$). There needs to be an expert YouTube video on this ammo preparation stuff. I'll produce one when I feel my ammo is good enough to justify it.

Doug, get the case length, powder, weight , bullet maker, searing depth into or off the lands from the prior owner. At 200 it's about shooting a 250, x will take care of themselves. The ppc is competitive though u do give up bullet diameter with it. Good luck. Greg
Is that offer still good? I have a factory savage that may not be the best but it has been good enough on more than one occasion. I can think of one other person lurking out there (DG) that may feel the same way.

I was sooooooo close to posting "I'm your Huckleberry" about that match. (excuses...)Between soccer, football, my wife's weekend to work, and a trip to urgent care to get my son's wrist x-rayed, I could not make it. My 30BR Savage is capable of the scores that people have posted at that match.

I agree that custom actions are better, but there are plenty of Savages out their that can shoot. IIRC, Craig has had high score at Miami Rifle & Pistol with his factory Savage in 6BR. Even beating "that guy" with the .332 neck 30 BR. I had high score at the Varmint Hunters Association Midwest Regional with a factory Savage 6BR two years ago. The factory Savage beat the entire field of custom rifles. In fact, there as a second Savage that tied the high score for custom in the same match. Savage actions can be a good way to get started and learn about benchrest and target shooting. However, once you decide to "go pro", if you have the money, it is hard to give up any advantage that the custom actions can give you.

Maybe I can meet up you guys at Miami Rifle or Paper Tigers before I rebarrel the rifle to 6BR for my daughter to shoot at the next VHA match.

While I'm posting, I want to say that Darrel Buell has denied that any cherry picking was done with Savage FTR rifles. Take it up with him.

David Geier
Read the thread. I'll extend the offer. Any score match at MR&PC, not Varmint, not candy shoot, any *factory* Savage, $100 per point difference on the total 250.

and, I want some heads up so that I'm not there trying something different, like shooting my son's 6 BR.

BTW, your 30BR Savage is obviously not factory.

I have a Savage. I like Savages. I *love* the versatility of the barrel nut. I just wouldn't recommend a Savage to a new shooter wanting to be competitive in VFS. My experience has been that the used, already proven PPC is the way to get started. Other venues? No opinion offered.
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