Sanctioned competition


compliant member
How come more ranges don't have multiple sanctioning? It seems that an IBS/NBRSA sanctioned range would be able to double chances for revenue, National matches, Regional matches, and basically everything BR.

I belong to both orginizations; are the ranges themselves allowed to belong to both and hold matches for both?

This topic just came up for discussion in our Region when Denton announced that it was indeed going to have a IBS Registered Varmint for Score Match in October. Denton holds two NBRSA Registered GroupMatches during the year.

There is nothing in either Sanctioning Body's rules that say a Range cannot be both NBRSA and IBS Sanctioned. The Denton situation came about because the Club wanted to hold a Sanctioned Varmint for Score Match, and the NBRSA does not offer that venue.

That being said, there are ranges which hold Matches sanctioned by both Bodies, particuarilly in the North East. Heck, Kelblys has held Nationals for both NBRSA and IBS. So has St Louis.

I don't know if you are aware, but The Gulf Coast Region is sending an agenda item to the National BOD Meeting to have the NBRSA sanction Varmint for Score.........jackie
Thanks for the explanation Jackie,

That sounds like good news. I hope the number and following of BR shooters, regardless of the discipline grows. Heck, I am committing to graduating up to railgun myself.
Both at the same time

The now defunct San Gabriel Range shot both NBRSA and IBS group matches for at least a couple of years.
We used to kid about shooting both at the same time by placing a NBRSA target on top of a IBS target and shooting both at the same time. That way you could be shooting for a record in both organizations at the same time.
Sounded like a good idea but slightly ILLEGAL! I am sure........Gene