S&B Primers in Hall


In an effort to conserve my supply of Federal 205Ms I want to try some Sellier & Bellot primers for fireforming my new batch of 6PPC for my Hall M. I've been told that my Hall will not ignite Rem 7 1/2 primers, but will it set off the Sellier & Bellots? If anyone has any experience with a Hall and S&Bs please let me know how it went.


Hall action?

A Hall action will "ignite" anything any other action will ignite. If it won't, it's broken.

Installing a new spring is easy once you figure it out.
O.K., I gotta say, the comment:"[fill in blank] is easy once you figure it out,"
although painfully true in many contexts, would be easier to take if you'd at least give the guy a hint. Instructions would be better. You run this board, I know, but are you havin' a bad day, Wilbur? Much of life revolves around the occasional thrill and usual auguish of having to "figure it out" and the consequences of having failed to do so. Either I'm too sensitive or you're rubbing someone's nose in it.
I offer my apologies if I've overreacted.
It helps to have the firing pin removal tool sold by several different advertisers here, check with Lester or Ron, or Sinclair, or a half dozen others.
In an effort to conserve my supply of Federal 205Ms I want to try some Sellier & Bellot primers for fireforming my new batch of 6PPC for my Hall M.

I've been told that my Hall will not ignite Rem 7 1/2 primers,

but will it set off the Sellier & Bellots? If anyone has any experience with a Hall and S&Bs please let me know how it went.



I've been told ??? By who ??? Load up a couple rounds with Remington 7 1/2 primers, take it to the bench, and see what happens. Then YOU'LL know !!!
Over my head...but

O.K., I gotta say, the comment:"[fill in blank] is easy once you figure it out,"
although painfully true in many contexts, would be easier to take if you'd at least give the guy a hint. Instructions would be better. You run this board, I know, but are you havin' a bad day, Wilbur? Much of life revolves around the occasional thrill and usual auguish of having to "figure it out" and the consequences of having failed to do so. Either I'm too sensitive or you're rubbing someone's nose in it.
I offer my apologies if I've overreacted.

Here's my recollection:
Use a firing pin assembly removal tool to get the bolt apart. The tool is used to hold the cocking piece out of the "notch" allowing the assembly to screw out of the bolt body. The cocking piece has a hole and in that hole is a pin. Using a punch, drive the pin to the bottom of the hole and screw off the shroud counting the number of turns. Replace the spring, screw the shroud back on the number of turns you counted and drive the pin half way in. If you drive it all the way you gotta start over. If you can't turn the shroud (pin aligned) you're done - except for screwing the assembly back into the bolt body leaving the cocking piece resting in the almost imperceptible notch.
Why would you think that Wilbur is having a bad day?? If he suggested that you needed a new barrel, would he have to tell you how to chamber it?
Sorry, your post hit me in the wrong way.
Before you do anything

TRY the primers! I once had a similar problem with a BAT I owned only to find out that the firing pin had not been adjusted properly. I think the pin needs to be extended .055 or so to ignite things. You can measure this by letting your cocking piece fall into the notch and then measuring how much the pin sticks out of the bolt face. Without a tool it's a B word to get the bolt cocked again but it can be done. Go ahead and buy yourself a tool to disassemble your bolt anyway, never hurts to take it apart and check things out on a periodic basis.
In an effort to conserve my supply of Federal 205Ms I want to try some Sellier & Bellot primers for fireforming my new batch of 6PPC for my Hall M. I've been told that my Hall will not ignite Rem 7 1/2 primers, but will it set off the Sellier & Bellots? If anyone has any experience with a Hall and S&Bs please let me know how it went.



Do you believe everything people tell you ?
I have three Bat actions, one has some difficulties with Rem 7 1/2's which I do not understand since I have shot a lot of them through my other 2. So I would never say an action could not ignite them without even trying them.

BTW I replaced the spring in my problem Bat and a well known gunsmith even adjusted my firing pin fall and it still fails to ignite one every now and then. The remingtons do have a harder cup than the 205m's so I understand why the problem happens but not how to fix it. It fires them about 24 out of 25 times BTW

Why would you think that Wilbur is having a bad day?? If he suggested that you needed a new barrel, would he have to tell you how to chamber it?
Sorry, your post hit me in the wrong way.

My answer to your question is, "No." But what I was reacting to is the, "[it] is easy once you figure it out," which is quite a bit different than the example you give. Lots of things are easy once you figure them out, but knowing that to be true isn't much help. Help is more like, "here's a suggestion," or "here's how you do it."
I suppose curing cancer "is easy once you figure it out." I don't recommend you say that to folks; bound to pisss someone off and rightly so.
And yes, the comment may not have been intended the way I read it. Thus, my apology. Two wrongs, etc., so if I overracted, I'm sorry. Perhaps I wasn't having a good day.
And, no, I don't know how to chamber a barrel. I suppose there are those who have, without help or training, figured it out. They probably now think it's easy. If I couldn't ask, I'd probably hurt myself before I figured it out.
I had an issue last year where my rifle would pop Federals but not CCI.

I figured it was the spring, but I took it to a gunsmith to investigate.

Ended up, the gunsmith had to adjust the cocking piece.
Settle down there tigers, I didn't expect to get everyone's panties in a bunch over my simple question. Don't worry, I'm not offended by any of the posts on this thread, you guys don't know me from Adam so you have no idea what I do or don't know about rifles or their care and feeding. Some of you do know the two gentlemen who warned me about using Remington 7 1/2s in Halls, but maybe it was just a problem with their rifles as Mr. Grosbier mentioned he had the same issue with a BAT.

To address some of the questions raised in answer to my original post: I do own a Hall firing pin tool and know how to use it. I'm quite familiar with how a rifle functions, how to reload and develop loads for bench guns and various other types of rifles (fwiw). I don't believe everything I hear (or read on the web for that matter).

I was just wondering if others had heard a similar bit of information about Rem. 7 1/2s and if anyone had tried S&B primers in their Halls (before I trusted them in my fireform loads). My range time is infrequent compared to many of my retired, emty nester brethren (my wife and I both work for a living and we have small children at home) so I like to preload my fireform loads at home. Having someone with more experience with a Hall and various brands of primers might just save me some time, and for me time is money and so much more. I guess I'll just sit around and hope that my 10,000 Wolf primers get here before my rifle does so I can still conserve my Federals and not have to gamble with the S&Bs.:D
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