Rude Behavior

jackie schmidt

New member
We strive to keep the conversations on at an adult level. If you wish to answer a post with rude and childish remarks, your post will be deleted as soon as one of the Supermoderators is made aware of it..........jackie
We strive to keep the conversations on at an adult level. If you wish to answer a post with rude and childish remarks, your post will be deleted as soon as one of the Supermoderators is made aware of it..........jackie
Jackie, what brought this on? I don't read every thread let alone every post in most threads, but it seems to me like we are getting along pretty good are we not?????
Jackie, what brought this on? I don't read every thread let alone every post in most threads, but it seems to me like we are getting along pretty good are we not?????

Jackie, I think I ask a reasonable question, yet you chose to respond to Doc's, as you put it "strange" post. I'm beginning to wonder if you understand the duties of a moderator!!

Shooters never see many of the post that are deleted. If a Moderator reads a thread that contains a post with derogatory, vile, or rude language, it will be deleted before the vast majority of shooters ever see it.

Sorry it seemed like I ignored your request for an answer. The Supermoderators on take their jobs seriously. I am sure that shooters who frequent this Site do not wish it to turn into a gutter like so many have.............jackie
Shooters never see many of the post that are deleted. If a Moderator reads a thread that contains a post with derogatory, vile, or rude language, it will be deleted before the vast majority of shooters ever see it.

Sorry it seemed like I ignored your request for an answer. The Supermoderators on take their jobs seriously. I am sure that shooters who frequent this Site do not wish it to turn into a gutter like so many have.............jackie
That still doesn't answer my question as to what prompted this thread. As I understand the duties of a moderator is to oversee and correct the technical aspects of a particular forum. An administrator polices the overall "tone" or content.

The reason I would like a more definitive answer is if something different than the usual is going on users need to be made aware pf the problem so they can help prevent it or refrain from becoming a part of that problem.

Wilbur gives the Supermoderators the option to delete post that they feel are not up to the conduct standards of Many will say,"well, who gives you the right to be a censor". In short, Wilbur.

I feel that if Wilbur sees one of the Supermoderators doing something that is contrary to his policy, he will rectify the situation.

We have several posters who are "banned" because they can not carry on a conversation without using abusive language and derogatory remarks.

Remarks that disparage a manufacturer based on "opinion" are also frowned upon. Granted, this can be a gray area. If you order a part, and the manufacturer takes your money and never sends the part, then that would seem a legitimate reason to air out your grievence on this Web Site.

Benchrest is a close knit community. If a shooter comes on the Site and writes, "I won't mention any names, but a certain Barrel Maunfacturer in Nevada makes junk". Everybody knows who he is talking about, and that will in all likely hood get deleted.

Now,if a conversation is initiated with the title, "let us talk about the various differences in Barrel Manufacturers", that would be a legitimate item for discussion,as long as the conversation does to start to disparage one particular business. "I believe cut Rifled Barrels are inferior to button pulled barrels" is a lot different than, "Sharlen makesjunk".

What the Forum gets is just one side of the story. That is why shooters are always encouraged to seek out other options for remedy before coming on this World Wide Site and making diparaging remarks.

This has been going on for years. Like I said before, many post are never seen by the vast majority of shooters, because one of the moderators, or Wilbur, will catch it before much time has past.

I often will get e-mails from shooters, pointing me in the direction of a conversation that they feel has gotten out of controle.

To answer your question, nothing has changed in the past years since I have been a Super Moderator. We have always tried to keep this Site a cut above, because in represents a part of the Benchrest Community. What many know of Benchrest they learn right here on this Forum, from such knowlegable Shooters, and Craftsmen, as yourself.

I would think that the majority would wish to have it remain that way........jackie
Jerry, I think you're not getting an answer because there isn't one. When I woke up one morning & discovered I was a moderator, I asked Wilbur what to do. Wilbur just said "I trust your judgment as much as mine." Geeze. And I though FDR was machiavellian.

I have removed spam. I have posted to threads to caution some other posters that if a certain behavior continued -- sometimes rudeness, sometime advertising -- I'd delete their posts, or the entire thread. Best I can remember, most people understood & backed off.

I have never moved a thread from one forum to another. Don't know how. Would like to, and maybe if we moderators had, we wouldn't have needed the new *competition* forum. I imagine if we had moved threads, some people would have gotten real mad, so it is a judgment call.

But to answer your general question, as always, Wilbur seems to be for whatever works.
I think that Jackie was directing this thread at some person or persons whose threads he had to delete, and if he gives you specifics about those posts, he will be creating a discussion about specific behavior and giving those posters more attention than they deserve, rewarding bad behavior. It has been my experience that those few problems posters who intentionally write in an inappropriately provocative manner because they enjoy the sense of power that they get from causing the reactions that follow. If their posts are caught early and completely disappear, they have little incentive to repeat the performance. I would guess that Jackie is speaking to one or more who don't get the hint.
Thanks, Charles

I guess I just cannot express myself well enough to answer Jerry's question.

I re-read his originol post, and I guess he wants the specific instance that occured in the past weeks that lead to my post. I will not do that.

If you notice, I usually use a 'hard delete" on these post. Not a warning. The reason is the soft delete still has the title showing, and that it was removed for what ever reason the Super Moderator thought was appropriate.

It serves no purpose to leave something hanging out there for all the World to see. If a poster sees one of his post dissappear, he knows that he wrote something that was deemed to be innappropriate by one of the SuperModerators.

As Charles said, Wilbur trusts our judgement in these matters. If that trust is violated, Wilbur can simply remove a SuperModerator's ability to moderate the posts on these Forums.......jackie
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Jerry, Wibur, Jackie ...

I believe the moderators on this site are doing an excellent job keeping discussions educational and civil toned. Which, is what I believe, brings people back to a site and leads to a good exchange of view points. When they get out of hand, the site is degraded, and turns it into just another run-of-the-mill site for gun discussions. This site in my opinion has class.

The thread that Jackie posted should probably be posted as a permanent sticky similar to the Announcement that Wilbur has posted on product promotion.

If you go to other sites, such as our neighbor's at, you'll see six permanent stickies posted on the Main Message Board by the Editor in Chief / Moderator covering various topics including one entitled "Forum Behavior Issue - Watch It Guys." When you click on it, it covers the issue in detail.

If you go to the Savage Shooters Forum after you log in, under News, you'll see a sticky statement that says "Political posts of any type are not welcome on this site. If you wish to discuss such things, please go to one of the millions of political websites, blogs or forums available on the internet." [Wibur: hint ... probably one that should be posted permanently on this site]

By being preemptive, that is, by deleting posts or threads before they balloon to obnoxious levels, by posting permanent stickies, or issuing reminders from time to time (such as Jackie's), you provide everyone with notice of behavior expectations by those who choose to participate, and are admirably servicing this site. :)
Ok super moderators, I see where you are coming from but go back and reread the original post and its tone. That thread opener was provoked by something specific. I sure don't want to know who but I would like to know generally where Jackie is coming from. I will readily admit that I can be testy and over-reactive at times and I would like to know if that type behavior is what had his dander up when he started that thread. OK??
i saw one positive thing in this thread......


one said he did not know how, and i agree if they all knew how and more inappropriate threads were moved, there would be no need for the comp only forum.

thanks to all of you for helping out.

thanks wilbur for the site.

mike in co

Not in the least. You and I are a lot alike. We come from the same background, (skilled crafsmen), and have probably shared many of the same life experiences. Sort of a product of our times.

That leads us to be quite opinionated about many things. Many of these opinions are based on facts as we see them. We present "our view", and while at times it can seem like we are pushing the issue, it is done in a way that is neither derogatory, rude, or abusive.

While many of us disagree on many subjects, I have always found your comments to be those of a Gentleman, and a Teacher. Being firm in ones convictions is in no way the same as demanding that everybody see things your way,especially when that demand is coupled to a insulting and mocking attitude..........jackie

You are right about Jerry. I know that Jerry and I had rubbed heads just a little on here about a year and a half ago. Then one day, I was at a match down in Georgia and seen his name as shooting. So I looked him up (cause I knew we seen thing the same way, just from a different direction). And I can tell you, Jerry's one A'OK guy. He is considerate, very helpful and intelligent to boot....and most yourself...wise!

A note to those with power!

The only problem with deleting a thread because of some rude remark or someone's lousy judgment is that you lose all the good information the thread may contain. In other words you throw out the entire basket of good apples because of a few bad ones.

A lot of the technical or scientific stuff surrounding bench rest shooting is sort of complex and open to different opinions and theories. What you have is posters with different viewpoints, and different levels of intelligence. If there is disagreement, misunderstanding, or let's face it, just plain hardheadedness, then the one with the "power" can solve everything by just deleting it all.

If someone says something stupid, or says it in a stupid way, let him know it - crucify him! But, leave the thread alone! Leave it there so everyone can throw out the silly stuff and maybe make some use of the good. Don't make many suffer because of just a few.
The only problem with deleting a thread because of some rude remark or someone's lousy judgment is that you lose all the good information the thread may contain. In other words you throw out the entire basket of good apples because of a few bad ones.

A lot of the technical or scientific stuff surrounding bench rest shooting is sort of complex and open to different opinions and theories. What you have is posters with different viewpoints, and different levels of intelligence. If there is disagreement, misunderstanding, or let's face it, just plain hardheadedness, then the one with the "power" can solve everything by just deleting it all.

If someone says something stupid, or says it in a stupid way, let him know it - crucify him! But, leave the thread alone! Leave it there so everyone can throw out the silly stuff and maybe make some use of the good. Don't make many suffer because of just a few.

you are assuming there was a thread with history, it may have been just an opening statement and in correct leading to a delete......

heck i asked for posts to be removed from a thread( some of which were mine) to keep it on subject and it did not happen.

mike in co