Roger Avery Wins at River Bend


Ray Brooks
Roger Avery overcame some switchy winds to win River Bend's monthly club match. This month was a score match shot in overcast, threatening weather that didn't really have much windspeed until the last few minutes of the last target of the day [ ask me how I know this :rolleyes:]. It WAS the nomal mixed up conditions that we have battled most of the year with it being rare for all your flags to show the same condition.

The temp was down about 10 degrees below what we have been having this month which was appreciated. There was only a few moments of mirage at the start of one of the last 100 yd targets but it went away before anybody started shooting their record shots. There were 13 shooters with 4 factory rifles and 9 BR rifles.

We started out at 200 where we had 6 shooters go clean. The highest number of 250's shot at 200 in the previous 2 matches of the year is 3 so Roger's presence must have made everybody bear down a bit more :D . Roger and Jim Andress tied for the 200 yd win with 250-13X. Wes Burke was 3rd with a 250-11X. Bill Griffith shot a 238-2x to beat the other 3 factory class shooters.

After lunch we moved the target frames to 100 yds. The conditions didn't have much wind speed but there was enough going on to make shooting a 5X pretty difficult. Only seven 5X targets were fired and only Bill Dittman and Roger Avery managed to shoot 2 of them. Steve Black did manage a 5X with his Bruno built 6BR. Bill Dittman won the 100 yd segment with 21X with Roger second on 20X. Wayne Hunt lead the factory guns with a 247-4X.

200 yds:
1-Jim Andress 250-13X Tie Breaker
2-Roger Avery 250-13X
3-Wes Burke 250-11X
4-Scott Dittman 250-8X
5-Dave Rabin 250-5X Tie Breaker
6-Ray Brooks 250-5X
7-Brett Green 249-7X Tie Breaker
8-Bill Dittman 249-7X Tie Breaker
9-Steve Black 249-7X {6BR}

1-Bill Griffith 238-2X Factory Class
2-George Krall 236-2X Factory
3-Wayne Hunt 228-2X Factory
4-Hal Barnes 215-0X Factory

100 yds:
1-Bill Dittman 250-21X
2-Roger Avery 250-20X
3-Brett Green 250-18X
4-Dave Rabin 250-17X TB
5-Jim Andress 250-17X TB
6-Wes Burke 250-17X TB
7-Steve Black 250-17X {6BR}
8-Ray Brooks 250-16X
9-Scott Dittman 199-10X

1-Wayne Hunt 247-4X Factory Class
2-George Krall 245-7X
3-Bill Griffith 230-2X
4-Hal Barnes 219-0X

Grand Total Results:

1-Roger Avery 500-33X
2-Jim Andress 500-30X
3-Wes Burke 500-28X
4-Dave Rabin 500-22X
5-Ray Brooks 500-21X
6-Bill Dittman 499-28X
7-Brett Green 499-25X
8-Steve Black 499-24X { 6mm Class Winner ;) }
9-Scott Dittman 449-18X

1-George Krall 481-9X Factory Class Winner
2-Wayne Hunt 475-6X
3-Bill Griffith 468-4X
4-Hal Barnes 434-0X
I see Roger is up to his old tricks winning again!!!! congrats. Maybe that old croooooked barrrrrel will still shoot!!!!

Whoever said nice guys finish last, have never met Roger.
Thanks but it was all the gun. It had 28 rounds on the barrel when I went. The magic man Mr. Rivers just did a superb job chambering it. All I had to do was pull the trigger. roger!!