Results Holbrook indoor bench rest Feb. 2, 2013


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8 shooters as a field target match was also held today.

Mark Normandin brought three Raw guns for people to try. David Shattuck shot the BM-500 .22 open class. Mark Normandin shot his HV RAW TM-1000 and I shot another TM-1000 in LV class.

Tought conditions on the indoor range today. The second range had heavy usage all day with the powder burners walking through and any time a door is open it effects the air currents in our range.

David shot his highest 3 card score ever.

Mark H. also shot his highest score. (looks like Dan's regulator sure helped or was it the corn beef and cabbage?)
Mark Hagan

Mark N. thanks for bring the three RAW guns. David and I with our arthritis loved the ease of loading.


Open Class
David Shattuck BM-500 .22 249 13X, 249 19X, 250 17X 748 49X first place
Al Joly FX-Royal .22 249 13X, 247 10X, 248 18X 744 41X second
Mark Hagan M-Rod .22 246 12X, 248 10X, 249 15X 743 37X third

HV Class
Mark Normandin TM-1000 .177 248 13X, 244 11X, 249 14X 741 38X first
Brad Niese M-Rod .22 241 7X, 247 10X, 243 7X, 731 20X second

LV Class
Paul Bendix Raw TM-1000 .177 248 12X, DNF, DNF 248 12X

Sporter Class
Tim Vandawalker AF Talon .22 199 2X, 227 2X, 233 2X 659 6X first place

Production Class
Franky Monroe M-Rod .22 220 3X, 231 4X, 226 6X, 677 13X first place

Thanks for all the help in range set up and take down, Mark N. for the goodies both food and guns!
David for scoring.

Paul Bendix
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Damn, not only did I miss the match, I missed out on corned beef and cabbage? Congrats to everyone, especially Dave and Mark H!

Thanks for posting the results. Lots of good shooting. I can picture
the smile on Dave's face. He was probably grinning all the way home.


Just want to say thanks to Paul for putting on another great match and also thanks to Dan B for his work on my gun,I know he did some extra work
and it is much appreciated.Thanks to everyone else for answering my endless questions. mark
That is a hell of a score Mark, which pellets did you use?

Just want to say thanks to Paul for putting on another great match and also thanks to Dan B for his work on my gun,I know he did some extra work
and it is much appreciated.Thanks to everyone else for answering my endless questions. mark
Damn, I was so busy smiling that I didn't even notice the corn beef and cabbage. Probably just as well or Saturday may have been remembered as Evacuation Day.

Paul, you know how much I love these matches, but Saturday turned out to be something super special. And I'm still smiling about it. Thank you

Mark, I couldn't have done it without your help and I have become a huge fan of the RAW guns. Of the 75 shots on target all but the two dropped points were where nothing had to be plugged to see if they were a 9 or 10, as they were ALL obviously a 10's if not an X. I've never seen anything like it: you load, take aim, squeeze the trigger, then look to see how much of the 10 ring is left, if any, and 49 of those shots were X's. Absolutely awesome! Sometime I'm hoping to have the opportunity to try it again, only this time using my one-piece rest as I think that will turn the gun into being as close to a Rail-Gun as anyone has yet to see.

One more thing: before going on record I would always shoot 5 shots onto the lower left sighter, and each time that resulted in a tiny hole where no one would know that more than one pellet had passed through unless they were told. That in and of itself was enough to turn my head.

Funny thing: the two misses were both exactly the same other than one being on target #12 and the other on target #25 with both being on the outer edge of the 9 ring sitting at 1:30 as if you were looking at the same target.

Thanks again to Paul and Mark, and now looking forward to our March 2nd match more than ever. I'm hoping to have converted my Theoben back over to being a .22 by then if all goes as planned. But. how often does anything ever go as planned?

what are your thoughts on the Krieger barreled TM? Nice shooting.

Dan, you need to ask? And that thimble made loading so easy. We'll be talk soon, definitely before next month.


Dan,I used the JSB 18.1 inspected the skirts no weighing,shot off Frankys bags.I don`t know how Daniel shoots so well w/stock.Too thick for my hands and
tends to roll.By the way Paul not sure but I think I should have been in open class which would have put me 3rd but that doesn`t matter to me just happy
the gun shot well(10 points)over last match.I may test some 15.9 soon

Nice Shooting but Paul, I didn't see any words to go along with 2 DNFs?? Stovepipes? Bad primers? Barrel full of cosmoline? C'mon, fess up.
Mike ;->
Nice Shooting but Paul, I didn't see any words to go along with 2 DNFs?? Stovepipes? Bad primers? Barrel full of cosmoline? C'mon, fess up.
Mike ;->

minor problem with a new proto-type part. simple fix and Mark shot it on his third card with a 249.
Ron will fill you in more.
I had to make a grand son's birthday party so left as soon as the match was over was the main reason.

I see Brian is running another UK World postal match the last week of March. Three cards so time for some 750's?

Hope the USA has a few more shooters.

The 5 shots into the sighter - - - - --

Damn, I was so busy smiling that I didn't even notice the corn beef and cabbage. Probably just as well or Saturday may have been remembered as Evacuation Day.

Paul, you know how much I love these matches, but Saturday turned out to be something super special. And I'm still smiling about it. Thank you

Mark, I couldn't have done it without your help and I have become a huge fan of the RAW guns. Of the 75 shots on target all but the two dropped points were where nothing had to be plugged to see if they were a 9 or 10, as they were ALL obviously a 10's if not an X. I've never seen anything like it: you load, take aim, squeeze the trigger, then look to see how much of the 10 ring is left, if any, and 49 of those shots were X's. Absolutely awesome! Sometime I'm hoping to have the opportunity to try it again, only this time using my one-piece rest as I think that will turn the gun into being as close to a Rail-Gun as anyone has yet to see.

One more thing: before going on record I would always shoot 5 shots onto the lower left sighter, and each time that resulted in a tiny hole where no one would know that more than one pellet had passed through unless they were told. That in and of itself was enough to turn my head.

Funny thing: the two misses were both exactly the same other than one being on target #12 and the other on target #25 with both being on the outer edge of the 9 ring sitting at 1:30 as if you were looking at the same target.

Thanks again to Paul and Mark, and now looking forward to our March 2nd match more than ever. I'm hoping to have converted my Theoben back over to being a .22 by then if all goes as planned. But. how often does anything ever go as planned?


Hi Dave,

Do you have a theory as to why that seemed to result in a solid X? I have noticed sort of the same after moving the rifle to another position; the gun needing to be shot a couple of times to shoot where it is expected to. Only 68* here today :(

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We don't need to know about that 68°. It was a great day up here today: mid-30's with lots of sun and little wind, so did a good job of finishing up pushing around the end of that 2 feet of snow we got over the last couple of days. Now the place at least looks presentable, plus my bench is now accessible, so we're ready for the next storm to blow through - Friday.

Pete, it always seems that no matter what happens when you're on the sighters it just ain't gonna be the same once you move over on-target. But, having said that, I gotta also say, this gun did everything you could ever hope for both on and off target. Ah, but then again rumor has it that Mr. DanB had worked some of his magic on it just prior to my having a turn with it. And, rumor now has it that he's done a little more since. Worth every penny all around!

Tomorrow night I'll be meeting with the Powers to Be at Pinnacle to see if I can secure 2 or 3 dates over the coarse of the summer. Looks like, if anything, maybe one in April, then one each in September and October. Will know more after the meeting and will post here the results. By the way, I'm going for 6 targets for each event to make the trip more worth everyones while.
