Range trip to try new bench and some LT30

The stools at the Visalia range are very good (for non adjustable ones). If the board of this club approves, we will probably copy them and since the range is hardly ever full, having two or three different heights spread out among the benches should be about as good as we can do. I have a piece of 12" ID double wall corrugated plastic pipe, and will be building a stool using it , like the one's that are at Visalia, for two purposes, to demonstrate the design, and for my own use. Those stools are light, just about bomb proof, and comfortable.
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I vote that all members just bring their own adjustable throne with them. What a novel idea. I have not been to many ranges where the seat provided by the club is worth much.

George Kelbly bought over 60 of the good hydraulic stools when they had the world team shoot. That was what, 5 years or so ago. They have lasted very well.
Lakeland Range

I don't remember the directions but the range is on the same road as the race track where they race those little gas engine cars - the kind that fit on a loading table. You wouldn't think that a range was actually there but it is! The address and contact info:

2000 Lasso Lane, Lakeland, Fl 33801
email: lakelandrpc@gmail.com | Phone: (863) 665-0092

The website:


If you're in Lakeland, go east on Rd 600 (this is right off US98), turn right on Reynolds Rd, for approx 1 mile,,,, turn left on Maine Ave. (you will cross over Main St on Reynolds. Don't confuse it w/Maine Ave.)
Follow Maine ave, approx 1/2 mile,, you will see large Budweiser Distributor on right. Turn left on Lasso Ln.
Follow Lasso until you see large fence gate w/wheels. This is the entrance to rifle range. On a match day you could punch in 8888 on keypad for gate. Gate will open. Nice covered loading area, plenty park space, and the nicest retired military range officers & target crew.
OK, My opinion

Peter, I know you shot at the Indian Hammock range with Jon Newman several times. I built the benches there and was looking for some input as to whether or not they were OK to shot off of. I have shot on the benches at Manatee and those were the only other benches that Ive ever shot on that were not junk. I saved the mold for the ones at the Hammock incase I ever needed to make more. Should I hold on to it, or does it need more work?

The benches are fine and stable BUT too close to the front of the shelter. The sun is too bright there. A 3' or 4' overhang in front would cure the issue. I prefer a different shape with benches but I may be in the minority. T benches don't fit my body well vs. "Home Plate" shaped benches.

I miss Jon. I didn't always agree with him but admired his diligence with the shooting he did. He recorded every shot he took in detail and kept the data in his laptop. I can't seem to even keep written notes that I am able to understand after a few months.

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This is the range I shot at

If you're in Lakeland, go east on Rd 600 (this is right off US98), turn right on Reynolds Rd, for approx 1 mile,,,, turn left on Maine Ave. (you will cross over Main St on Reynolds. Don't confuse it w/Maine Ave.)
Follow Maine ave, approx 1/2 mile,, you will see large Budweiser Distributor on right. Turn left on Lasso Ln.
Follow Lasso until you see large fence gate w/wheels. This is the entrance to rifle range. On a match day you could punch in 8888 on keypad for gate. Gate will open. Nice covered loading area, plenty park space, and the nicest retired military range officers & target crew.

One of the best ranges I have shot at in terms of facilities. I think the security is a bit over done. Lots of ranges, open to the public are wide open when the aren't closed. Liability paranoia, perhaps? It's a shame the word liability was ever uttered to the general public. I spent the bulk of my working career as a general lines insurance agent and saw that word eat up way too may freedoms we use to enjoy. TOO MANY LAWYERS looking to hit Home Runs is my view.

pictures of mold?

Boyd I had to go to Atlanta for a few days, dad had to have his artificial hip replaced and he is 91 and needed someone to oversee the operation. I am back and the boss is out of town next week turkey hunting so I can get it done with out too much explaining. Hope to have pictures for you some time next week.
........... I can't seem to even keep written notes that I am able to understand after a few months.


I used to write important stuff on poorly shot targets. Didn't know what it meant by the next weekend. I find those now and then...sifting through stuff....and they always bring a smile even though I don't know what it means. I can easily tell that the target wasn't worth keeping. I found a really big group a while back that didn't have anything written on it. I suppose I thought I would never forget what happened to that one.

I used to write important stuff on poorly shot targets. Didn't know what it meant by the next weekend. I find those now and then...sifting through stuff....and they always bring a smile even though I don't know what it means. I can easily tell that the target wasn't worth keeping. I found a really big group a while back that didn't have anything written on it. I suppose I thought I would never forget what happened to that one.

Sorry Pete I missed your reply. That's one thing I liked about Jon you could tell him he was wrong but it wouldn't stop him from helping you get a gun on track. I didn't agree with him all the time either. I didn't know much about shooting at that range when we put in the benches, I had only shot there once before installation day and I put them where he said. The sun could be a B**** there. With the berms the way they were the wind could be tough also.
I did not shoot his 30 BR

Pete did Jon ever shot his 30 br while you were there? Do they all shot that good?

Jon told me the 30 BR was too much for him to shoot in his condition. Yes, "most" 30 BR's shoot exceptionally well and are easy to tune. Jon was most impressed with my being able to tune in a pre-load to a tiny hole just using the tuner on my rifle. He often commented about it to folks. I abandoned tuners on CF rifles not long after that though, I found they let me down sometimes and I didn't know how to deal with them when that occurred. I'm pretty much out of CF shooting now a day though. I went back to my "first Love", Rimfire Benchrest.
