Putting something back '

Putting something back

Ok most small suppliers are really doing a great job.
I was reffering to some of the other major shooting sport suppliers.
There are some but many are missing.
Also I am curious as to what some of the guys in the clubs are doing '
I guess it's a duel question.
A major supplier does very little at times Most of the times it's small guy or a vendor that get's behind the shooting sports.
The major conglomerates i believe are cheap skates.
That's just my personal opinion.
I would like to Hear from others about this.
Berger , does a lot so does Hodgdons and a few others already mentioned,
I'm talking BIG DOGS .
Companies in this sport don't "give back"? :confused:

Here's the list of companies and individuals who have donated prizes to the Postal Matches put on by Steve Grosvenor and Jason Stanley:

5) Seb Regular Rear Bag Sebastian Lambang

(5) Seb Big Foot Rear Bag Sebastian Lambang

Stainless Micro Bullet Seater Dan Reichert at L.E. Wilson

Reamer of Choice Dave Kiff at Pacific Tool

Barrel Tuner Butch Lambert at S.E.&A Eng.

½ off any Shilen Barrel Mikel Shilen at Shilen Barrels

(2) -$50 off any Kreiger Barrel Sandy at Kreiger Barrels

Beggs Tuner and installation Gene Beggs

Cert. 1 bore guide of choice Dave Halblom/Flying Fish Fundamentals

Cert. 1 bore guide Mike Lucas 803-356-0282

50% any stockdip Todd Springer at HydroDip

(2) QPQ processed barrel Joel Kedrick at MMI trutec

1 box (334) 80gr 6mm BT bullets RG Robinette at BIB bullets

1 box (334) 112 gr 30cal FB bullets RG Robinette at BIB bullets

$100 gift certificate Harrel’s Prec Lynwood & Walter Harrel

1 front and 1 rear bag Barbara Boulanger at Edgewood

(2) $50 money orders Mike Bigelow at Mike’s Custom 515-795-3279

Silenco Ear Muffs Willy at Graf and Sons

$250 off Tooling Dara Stringer at Manson Reamers

$250 off Alpine or Timberline action Jim Borden at Borden Rifles

$25 gift certificate to Midway USA

$25 gift certificate to Russ Haydon's Shooting Supply

(2) $25 gift certificates to Sinclair from Geoff Esterline at Sinclair

$25 gift certicate to JLC Precision from Jim Carstensen at JLC

$25 gift certificate to Russ Haydon's Shooting Supply


That is many thou$and$ :eek: of dollars in products and gift certificates!
Putting something back

Great bunch of companies'
Nice people too.
We always appreciate those people .
Just wonering were the big dogs are'
How about some more comments from clubs. Ps all I'm not negative"
These are not the cheap skates"

I am not a benchrest shooter though I would love to be one so I really don't want to over step my bounds here, but here goes.A couple of years ago my wife and I finally got some time off at the same time a benchrest,silloette,etc,national shooting events were being held at raton and we got to go.I had my cheap simmons spotting scope watching the match when this ole fat guy came up and started talking to me just like he knew me.A truly nice guy,made me feel like a belonged there.I asked his name,,,Butch Lambert..Told him I knew alot about him from reading his post in BRC.In a little while Jack Sutton from Hart Barrels set down beside us and was the nicest guy,politely answered every question I asked reguardless of how stupid the question might be.[Can't tell you how sorry I was to hear about his wife.] Little while later Lester Bruno stopped by and talked until he had to go shoot.[and there were many more].Thats some heavies making a novice of novices feel at home,and the same thing happened at the pistol silouette w/Ron Stryker and that bunch.My football coach [1965]had a one liner ...birds of a feather flock together.Oh how true.Butch or Jackie asked one time ..How many of you guys once raced?Holy cow the guys came out of the wood work.Drag racers,motocrossers,Dragboats,dirt trackers,Nascar lovers....The point is Birds of a feather flock together.There aren' many birds like you accuracy nuts with your interests reaching form horizon to horizon.If you think shooting for bigger and more prizes is what it will take to creat more shooters I personally believe you should reassess the reason you shoot.I don't mean this negative,What I'm getting at ,there aren't a heck of a lot of folks left on this earth that have the character that the majority of you guys have.Not alot of people are gonna fit in..That is their fault,not bench shooters fault................................................Lynn
How many here put something back into the shooting sports?
Just wondering" How many have helped new shooters get started, donated prizes?, Have companies or product that shooters use and would like to have some donated for rifle matches?.
Many people Take, some are quite wealthy from making a living in the shooting sports. So how many chip in once in a while?

Yeah I give back. I just spent 100 bucks to shoot five targets this weekend. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely charitable through my church, but don't hold your breath waiting on me to subsidize a wealthy mans sport.
Yeah I give back. I just spent 100 bucks to shoot five targets this weekend.

And would do it again next weekend if I could. I'll tell you guys if you want to give a little to help I'll tell you a good one that I support every month. http://www.mbfoundation.org/

Among others I support these two charities every fourth quarter. These are two really good ones.

I would like to here more mike'
If you don't want to post it public feel free to PM me'''

Gerry first of all, as I said, the Bible tells us to be very quite about when we do good deeds lest we already have our reward. Saying that, I will tell you that I know of more than one individual that have donated prizes to matches that had no financial reward what so ever in doing so. I know folks that have donated products for various reasons, not the least of which was to help young, beginner or needy shooters out in a pinch. There is no way I would give that info either public or private.

I have personally donated prizes totaling in the thousands to various match directors to use for the kitty. One year alone I donated over $3000 in rifle stocks for awards at various events from Texas to Virginia. I was and am a small, very small business. That was hard to do, but I did not do it for the $$ I might have made from it because I only went to my local range and the nationals......remember that very small business statement! I did it because of my love for the sport. My competing came to an abrupt end in 2002 and I have not picked up a rifle, or donated but one prize since then! For small businesses or individuals there have to be priorities.

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What Do We Expect

I have been involved in many Competitive Endevours through my 61 years.

Through the 70's I raced APBA Boats, Super Stock, SK, and K Boat.

When I quit that I raced a high gear only Fuel Harley Drag Bike untill it tried to kill me.

I then built a Show Car, and did that untill I picked up shooting again in the mid 90's.

On all of these activities, I spent thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars. We competed for nothing more than a couple of hundred in prize money, a trophy, and bragging rights, which we all know the worth of.

In any Club I have ever been a member of, you generally have 1 percent of the members doing 100 percent of the work.
When they get tired, someone else generally steps up, or what ever activity was at hand simply dies.

At the Tomball Gun Club, we are fortunate that we now have quite a few members who are willing to step forward and lend a helping hand so the burdens do not overwhelm a few.............jackie
yep people will give $ $ in a heart beat.......but ask them to help move brush or clean up the range help with targets..NO way:(


You need to come to San Angelo and watch the rimfire bunch at our San Angelo Gun Club. You can get 4 to 6 of us together on a short notice to work on our range any time. We don't just talk a good job, we do it. It is the glue to our group.

It is also the Cowboy Shooters and the Action Pistol Shooters. We are all proud of our club.

Concho Bill
Gerry first of all, as I said, the Bible tells us to be very quite about when we do good deeds lest we already have our reward. Saying that, I will tell you that I know of more than one individual that have donated prizes to matches that had no financial reward what so ever in doing so. I know folks that have donated products for various reasons, not the least of which was to help young, beginner or needy shooters out in a pinch. There is no way I would give that info either public or private.

I have personally donated prizes totaling in the thousands to various match directors to use for the kitty. One year alone I donated over $3000 in rifle stocks for awards at various events from Texas to Virginia. I was and am a small, very small business. That was hard to do, but I did not do it for the $$ I might have made from it because I only went to my local range and the nationals......remember that very small business statement! I did it because of my love for the sport. My competing came to an abrupt end in 2002 and I have not picked up a rifle, or donated but one prize since then! For small businesses or individuals there have to be priorities.


Mike. Thanks for that. I think that happens at my club. A couple guys won't say what they do. But, when it was deemed appropriate, our Match Director was awarded a "nice prize". I thought, I should be allowed to contribute. And ask why no one said anything to me. I was told it was donated. And the donor would not miss the money......Sometimes things just happen. And you just don't know the whole story.

Gerry. I think you might be barking up the wrong pole/tree.
It's really hard to find a company, that does not contribute something. In their community and field of expertise.
Even if you work there. You may not know. And sometimes they don't' want you to know. And for very good reasons....
Putting something back

Looks like this is turning negative"
Thats . not my intent"
I'll get to The point.
It's not all merchandise.
Lets see how many people really kick in'
How much time do most of you put working to
Run a shoot?. That's some of what i'm looking for.
The Really big dogs i am talking about haven't even been listed.
It's always easy to turn this into a negative post.
If you want to go ahead but thats not my intent.
That aside lets see how many actually promote shooting benchrest.
I liked the story about going to the range and some of the top shooters answereing questions We need more of that. The negative {slightly } i can ignore. this is not about Merchandise, It's about Support and getting the BIG DOGS TO KICK in. They have been around for Centurys,
Now they are parts of international conglomorates,
These are the big dogs.
I can't tell you exactly where the BIG DOGS have kicked in to benchrest shooting in particular but the BIG DOGS contribute heavily to the shooting sports in general. For 4 years my son was a counselor or assistant instructor at the NRA Whittington Center Adventure Camp for Kids. Before that he attended as a camper. At the awards dinner many thousands of dollars of prizes were given out. My son finished second in two divisions and came home with about $600 in prizes. Every camper took home at least $200 in merchandise and the winners of each division (rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzleloader) each received a nice gun--all donated by the BIG DOGS. All the firearms used by the campers were donated by the manufacturers, as well as the scopes, camping equipment, cleaning equipment, targets, and ammo. I recall my son saying they unloaded 30,000 rounds of centerfire ammo from one manufacturer alone.

Look up the list of contributors to the Adventure Camp for Kids and you will see it is a very long list of BIG DOG companies.
Looks like this is turning negative"
Thats . not my intent"
I'll get to The point.
It's not all merchandise.
Lets see how many people really kick in'
How much time do most of you put working to
Run a shoot?. That's some of what i'm looking for.
The Really big dogs i am talking about haven't even been listed.
It's always easy to turn this into a negative post.
If you want to go ahead but thats not my intent.
That aside lets see how many actually promote shooting benchrest.
I liked the story about going to the range and some of the top shooters answereing questions We need more of that. The negative {slightly } i can ignore. this is not about Merchandise, It's about Support and getting the BIG DOGS TO KICK in. They have been around for Centurys,
Now they are parts of international conglomorates,
These are the big dogs.

Gerry I don't think this is getting negative at all. I think you may be getting answers you were not looking for and possibly taking that as negative.

Put yourself in one of the "Big Dog's" shoes for a moment. What if they donated a rifle to each and every shooting event in the US each year?

Go the the different group's websites, count the number of matches, then don't forget that there are the Cowboy action shoots, the IPSC shoots, the IDA Shoots, the Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clay shoots plus the International shotgun shoots here in the US, the local clubs that don't compete except for fun, I mean we can't leave them out since they use the same products. If you will spend the time counting all those matches, you will quickly see that even the Big Dogs can't sustain that kind of giving every year.

One last comment and then I am done. When was the last time you, or anyone else went to a shoot that had Big or Little Dog donations, and when the match was over someone wrote either size Dog a letter thanking them for their support of the sport? In all the years I donated products, I got 1....one letter from someone that thanked me for the prize I had donated. That was from the prize winner. Now the match directors had already thanked me, but it sure would have been nice to have some support for the effort!

This actually might be a two way street!
