Putting something back '



How many here put something back into the shooting sports?
Just wondering" How many have helped new shooters get started, donated prizes?, Have companies or product that shooters use and would like to have some donated for rifle matches?.
Many people Take, some are quite wealthy from making a living in the shooting sports. So how many chip in once in a while?
How many here put something back into the shooting sports?
Just wondering" How many have helped new shooters get started, donated prizes?, Have companies or product that shooters use and would like to have some donated for rifle matches?.
Many people Take, some are quite wealthy from making a living in the shooting sports. So how many chip in once in a while?

Gerry the Bible says to not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. I believe that addresses two problems with tooting your own horn. One is pride! Second, sometimes when you give a product away, there are those who feel obligated to see that as something more that what it is, and want the same kind of deal!:D Do you want to guess how I know that?:eek:

Putting something back

I would like to here more mike'
If you don't want to post it public feel free to PM me'''
I've taught several newcomers the basics, got them interested in reloading etc.
Putting something back

Good to hear that gunner. thats what makes the sport thrive.
We need more like you ' We were asked 2 meetings ago to help promote
Putting something back

wow George "' Looks like some HAPPY KIDS'
The old timers look like they are having fun Too'
I wonder why the prizes dried up. Looks like a good way to attract shooters and business....
New Shooter

This balloon shoot has attracted some new shooters including myself. Thanks to all of you for your help and guidance with me and my questions. I haven't met George yet but hope to at the first Somerset match.
Putting something back

I see George is working hard.
Any suppliers kicking in?
Any one sponsoring your match George?
I have designed a better Benchrest bench. Now I am working on the prefect shooting stool for it.

Concho Bill
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I am not quite sure what your point is.

Those that make their living and become, as you say "wealthy', from catering to the shooting sports, do so because they are good business men.

Manufacturers and supplyers are under no obligation to do more than what they are in business to do. That is, supply quality products, at a competitive price, in a reasonable time ........jackie
Putting something back

100 guns? 100 shooters? Good turn out george.
That would be 100 customers correct or even 50 if they shot 2 guns .
The tough times thing is a falisy. They are making money hand over fist.
The military contracts alone are worth a bundle.
One thing is for sure you have to clean your rifle even when your not using it. At least patch and solvent"'' It doesn't have to be expensive
just something to let the shooters know the companies support them.
The people in Washington might have changed.
But, low cost bidder still gets the job.
Like Jackie said What is your point?

Maybe, I am giving something back by replying to you.
Or that I am actually a member of 2 clubs. Can't seem to talk people into joining.
They just want a free ride to my club. And be my guest. Not a problem.
Still can't get them to join.
Times must be tough. :eek:

Have you ever been in business?

Are you a Union member?

Do you reside in Washington, DC ?

Putting something back

Looks like i hit a Nerve Some are cheap sons of a gun.
The best advertizing is done by the shooters.
Some are quite generous , Others ignore and won't even give you a reply.
Time for some more to kick in. shooters too have to teach the new crowd.
Of course there are those that are content on being a big fish in a small Pond"
The object is to see just what is happening to the clubs and support for the clubs. Million dollar sales and no reply. At least a reply
I could name names but i won't.
Time for them to get with the program
I don't know the point of one poster.
Union, business, DC?
Whats that got to do with this post?
Lets see how many are willing to PITCH IN'
I see plenty of small business kick in How about some of the BIg dogs
That supply the govrernment. Can you Guess that one.?
We are ok when they have time for us' When they need sales
What about the rest of the time? Get it?
I like georges post he's teaching how many others?
Maybe if the BIG DOGS pitched in More the shooting population would increase" Get it?
One thing i will Never understand is how some companies can spend
Big money on advertizing and not even support shooting clubs, with a small token of products'
Putting something back

To zippy.
Your doing good even if they don't join.
Keeping people informed is very important. Maybe they just don't care for one particular Type of shooting. Not everone will try benchrest. Some like high power or skeet of trap etc. the object is to inform some as to the character of shooters. When you mention gun, some duck under a table , because the media has blackballed the shooting sports.
I think, I understand a little.
I can't think of any company in Shooting Sports, that don't' give back.
Larry At Midwayusa gives a lot. Tons.
Berger, Sinclair, Lou Murdica(Thanks Lou), Sierra, Kelbly's......
Francis B. has a very long list for the IBS Score Shoot at Holton, MI.
The Postal Guys have a long list.
But, I am sure there are others.
Oh. And I think the MSM does not contribute anything. They try to destroy. :mad:
Putting something back

Your right Zippy.
Those suppliers are the top notch group and a few more .
I think some recognition to them is deserved.
Still there are others that just sit by.
I would like to see more join in. especially at the shoots to show the
shooters that they care. It's not always money or product either, someimes it's technical know how and the genuine interest and comunications with shooters.
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This might not account for much, but i work for the city i live in and, i speed some of my lunch hour picking up 223 lake city remanufatured brass off the ground at the firing range and i give it to a youth shooting program. It makes me feel good! I have a good life, as many of us here do i would expect. Like i said maybe it isnt much but i do it anyway! Lee
Putting something back

Skeet Thats great. '
Something that small all adds up , so don't make light of it.
The junior programs are the future of the shooting sports.
How many here put something back into the shooting sports?
Just wondering" How many have helped new shooters get started, donated prizes?, Have companies or product that shooters use and would like to have some donated for rifle matches?.
Many people Take, some are quite wealthy from making a living in the shooting sports. So how many chip in once in a while?


I still don't get your point. I thought at first you were talking about fixing things up at our local clubs or helping new shooters get started but you add in the the part about the people who are getting wealthy somehow from selling stuff to the shooters. I don't know of anyone who has gotten wealthy from building and selling wind flags or even building and selling rifles. Most of the suppliers do give back to shooting as a way of advertising.

It sounds a little like you are suggesting a "share the wealth" plan for others to do. We shooters are not beggars. I have my charities that I support.

Would you please explain what you are suggesting? I may have missed something.

Concho Bill