I made this FL bushing die, a seater(copy of LEE dead length seater), and a form die.
This was my first attempt to make a set of dies(apr a year ago).
In the process, I thought it was a little stupid to turn down the top of the die.
So, before making the form die, I backbored the dieholder and realigned it. This way, I can screw the die through the headstock, for the first setup(bore/ream the chamber end).
Bore, single point thread, "face of" the dieholder works. Cases and loaded round is as concentric as with any of my regular dies.
But is there a faster/better way?
I suppose it is.
I thought of the steady rest. Or a tube with 4 + 4 bolts(and a backstop for the die). Then I can align it, for sure.
Ended up with the "screwup" thing, hehe.
I will try to make dies with the above methods too. Then I can compare.
Any other suggestions? Written words, pictures, or video.
There is thousands of videos out there, regarding thread and chamber a barrel. But almost nothing about dies. STRANGE.......
You can see that my pictures, is "screenshots" from video files.
When I have tryed the other methods, I will try to post videos on ytube. But time, my friens, time.