Firstly thank you to Tuna for getting the measurements of the bench.
As I pointed out in my first reply on this thread that I wasn't coming to this event due to health but I know that there are some other wheelchair people that have been in teams in past events, and my concerns was this type of bench has not been seen in Europe and looked a little bit of tight squeeze or maybe extremely high.
My question was not to cause arguments between people or to put a dampener on this great event, but purely to make sure that these benches were wheelchair friendly for those are in a wheelchair. If I was coming over and had spent a huge amount of money only to find that I couldn't get onto a bench, I would be extremely upset, even though I am sure that members would try to help out as much as possible.
Peter has rightly pointed out that not all wheelchairs are the same because of the reason of the persons disability and the type of chair that they have.
This U-shaped bench for a wheelchair user means that they have no turning point to be 70 degree on the bench or more like on a conventional bench. With my small frame of a body and width of wheelchair at just 24 inches means that I can scrape into the U-shape and would mean I would have no movement to turn onto the rifle like a conventional bench, if someone was larger the wheelchair width would even be more and would mean that they would not fit into U-shape.
Nearly all shooters would bring their own drum stools to sit on so that they could get themselves to the right height, this is not a privilege that someone in a wheelchair has they are at a fix height and have to make do with what height the range has in benches.
I know that the club has made a lot of effort in making their range ready for this event and spent a lot of money to accommodate this event, but the disabled part has been overlooked which is not a dig at the club or the committee that is managing this event.
I love this sport because disabled shooters are on the same par with able bodied people and is one of the reason why I got into this sport. It's the only sport that I know of that disabled don't have to have there own games or matches, they are treated as equals.
There is a system in place with the federation being the WRABF that says if you have any questions for the AGM to be held after this event to put them through their Rep. I think that it's clear from this thread that there has to be a standard type of bench used for this kind of event and even if it was a European one. I hope that the type of bench used in future events is brought up in the AGM,
I have spent my time when I have come across a wheelchair user to promote this sport to them for the reason that I've mention above.
I for one don't want special treatment when it comes to shooting or a handicap given to me because I'm in a wheelchair, from photos of other ranges in the States I've seen has been normal type benches were you sit on the left or the right of it, sat in the middle is very different and has to be thought out if you are going to be seen as a disabled friendly club or range.
I am sorry that this has cause so much argument which was not my intention by any means, it was purely to clarify the bench accessibility.
I hope that this event is a great success and will be watching from home as the news comes through on how everyone is doing and wish everyone well and a safe journey to and from the event.