Opinions please, Scales


I was down in the shop today working with my scale and I read the little note tucked under one leg..... "this day August 5 '09 I used this checkweight (the weight inside the scale compartment) and it weighed 1545.46gr. Wiped it off on my shirt :)eek:) and it weighed 1545.37.."

this is a checkered work shirt I've poured concrete in!!

obviously not one of my "good weights." :D


Decided to get a nights sleep before going on about Ohaus. Had a message on my answering machine from a supervisor at Ohaus wanting to discuss my posts here. So I won't go into that yet. However, last night when I opened the box containing my Navigator scale I discovered physical damage that was not there when I sent it to them. Again I won't discuss the details on this until I talk to the supervisor, hopefully tomorrow.

centerfire, I don't play roulette so I didn't play RED. I did, however put $10.00 into a quarter slot machine and got up to 273 quarters up. When that ran down to 250, I cashed out and took my $62.50 and quit winners. I'm not much of a gambler. :eek:

Spent $50.00 at The Gun Store to blow 50 rounds of .45 ACP through a Thompson sub machine gun. At my age(69) that was better than sex. :D
My daughter did the same from an M4. She was thrilled.
22-250 Varmint Rifle
Rifle: Rem. 700, Dave Kiff Bolt, Krieger 27 1/4”, Shielen Trigger
Scale: RCBS Rangemaster 750 ($100.00, is 5yrs. old) weigh each load.
Weather Condition: 70 degrees, Wind Calm, Sunny, 5 p.m.
This Target was shot at 100 yrds.
Center target, zero scope (Leupold 6.5x 20x)
Left Target dot 32.5grs. Right target dot 32.7grs.
These are five shot groups. I find .2gr. does not make a lot of difference to this rifle. Again, this is my varmint gun.
Ron Dye

P.S. The attached file has had to be downgraded significantly and if you really want to see it without the downsizing just let me know.

ok two things.

first the scale is only a plus or minus 0.1 scale.....
so any load of 32.5 is possibly 32.4 to 32.6
and any load of 32.7 is possibly 32.6 to 32.8....
that means that both loads could have been the same...32.6 or as far apart as 32.4 to 32.8.

so with the scale in use...no real info.

now here is the good news. what everyone is looking for is a forgiving load window. some load that shoots excellent and just as well a tenth or so on either side of that load.....looks like you are there!

mike in co
Powder Throwing at a short range BR Shoot

I have been reading since 2006 about weighing powder being a necessary thing for ultimate accuracy. First on 6BR and now here on BR Central.

What needs to be pointed out is that except for the shooters using a RCBS Chargemaster and the few that weigh at home the majority of short range BR still use a powder thrower at the Shoots.

Shooters not attending a short range BR shoot might have the idea that most shooters weigh each load of powder, taint so. Since the begining of BR back as far as 1944 some kind of powder thrower has been used to load powder into cases. Some of the older powder throwers used were the Belding and Mull, Ohaus/Lyman 55 later with Culver and Jones inserts, Redding, and Bonanza. I left out a few but you get the idea that powder throwing in BR was and is today trusted to powder throwers. I have several electronic and balance beam scales. I take my Competition Edge Dynamic scale to Shoots now. Used to take my Ohaus 505 scale for many years to the Shoots. But I only use a powder scale to check powder weight that I am throwing especially if I am changing powder lots. Most times I never use my CED scale at a shoot, I have all my loads recorded, I use either my Bruno thrower or one of my Culver type throwers.

I shoot with some of the best BR shooters in the World and almost all throw powder loads out of a powder thrower. A few use the Chargemaster, probably count them on one had at say a 50 shooter shoot.

The point of this whole speel is that short range BR has always been a powder throwing game. To me that is why throwers like the Bruno, Jones, Harrel, Redding and other throwers are used by the far majority of loaders and will continue to be that way.

I have nothing against weighing powder I just don't see an advantage to it. If weighing powder down to the .05 grn was what it took to win you would see most shooters using a 123 scale or a Chargemaster almost exclusively, like I said earlier I only see Chargemasters and few of those and have never seen a 123 scale at a BR shoot. BR is a shooting game, loading being important but a 1/100th a grn of powder plus or minus is not what determines if you are have winning load. Powder loads thrown from a powder thrower if thrown properly are going to shoot winning groups and aggs if you have a rifle set up properly and you read conditions well.

To end this long Post there are allot of readers on BR Central that don't shoot BR. This a realistic approach of what really goes on in powder throwing at short range BR shoots. Never been to a LR BR shoot or a Score shoot so I can't say how they throw powder.
That's all I gotta say.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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Good post
Good point


Powder loads thrown from a powder thrower if thrown properly are going to shoot winning groups and aggs if you have a rifle set up properly and read conditions well.

Pretty much says it all........;)


I ordered my HCB 123 last Monday from affordable scales. Thought if might get here by Friday but no show. Left for Tomball on Saturday and really enjoyed the match. At least I wasn't puking up my toenails like I did when I came down for the February match. When I got home tonight I had a couple of messages on my answering machine from a neighbor down the block. Seems the seller put the wrong house number on the shipping label and the scale got here Friday but to the wrong address.

The user guide leaves much to be desired when it comes to physical description of the scale's features. In the steps for internal calibration it says to "use the handle to help lower the weight.....". Is that the little screw-like thing in a clip underneath the front of the scale? Also, on the basic setup, it's not clear if you're supposed to re-install the shipping screw after placing the plastic pan on the balance. Your thoughts?

Well I am glad you received your HCB123. After you get acquainted it is very easy to work with. Regarding the internal calibration. Take the little rod under the unit and stick it into the hole in the plastic square located on the rear side at 11:00 o'clock. When told to move the weight swing the rod to about 2:00 o'clock. Then return when advised. Now remove the rod and slide the scale forward enough to be able to snap in the rod with your fingers without disturbing the scale. Then slide the scale back. I now use my external weight that came with my Dillon scale and therefore both scales are zeroed to the same weight.
Regarding the screw. This is for transporting the scale. Remove and save for future. Put on the plastic pan and then the SS cover.
Don't forget to charge up your battery for 24 hours.
The little green charging light might be amber to yellow then to green when the battery charges. When you turn on the scale the diagnostics #2 I think is the (VOL xx) Voltage like 7.7 volts. Just to let you know.
I still have not plugged in the CD to my computer so I do not know if there are any better explanations on the computer.
The battery is very common and is about $10.00 need one.

Called Adam Equipment this morning and got help right away. That's not too common these days. Turns out that the user guide shipped with my scale was out of date. There is a newer one dated May 2009 that now includes descriptions and pictures that explain features and functions and answered most of the questions I had. This implies that the scale I received may have been sitting on a shelf for a while. There still is no info on the weigh under feature but the person I talked with said he would send me info as soon as he could gather it.

The included CD contains a folder labeled fscommand that has a driver CDM_2.04.06.exe that is the driver that establishes communication with other applications on a computer. Adam has a Data Utility(DU) that allows data to be collected on a computer and analyzed and/or used in spreadsheets. You can download the software for a 14 day free trial and purchase for $75.00 if you find it useful. I still have the Balance Talk software that came with my Ohaus Navigator and may see if I can get that to interface with the HCB 123.

Looking forward to using this new scale and will try to protect it better than I did the Navigator. :eek:

By the way, how's this for scale protection? This was at Tomball yesterday


And here's the builder


Thanks for the response. I'll call Adam Scales and ask for the new book also.
I'm sorry you lost me when you started speaking computer-ese as I have no idea what you are saying (trying to help me). I think I'll just leave the computer alone.
Your scale protection looks fine. I think 1" plexiglass should be the standard for scale cases. Don't you?;) Wow what a case. Nice!:)

Just thinking: If you are going to use your RCBS scale with your new HCB123 I recommend using one of your RCBS calibration weights instead of the internal calibration weight. What this will accomplish is your HCB123 will read the same at .x and will also show .xx This will then let you know if your high or low on your charge. By using the internal weight, this just confused me with my weighing from the Dillon to the HCB123.

Thanks for the response. I'll call Adam Scales and ask for the new book also.
I'm sorry you lost me when you started speaking computer-ese as I have no idea what you are saying (trying to help me). I think I'll just leave the computer alone.
Your scale protection looks fine. I think 1" plexiglass should be the standard for scale cases. Don't you?;) Wow what a case. Nice!:)

You can print the new manual from their web site. Unfortunately that's not me in the picture. I didn't build that case. Wish I had the skills to do so. Didn't catch the guys name but I bet Jackie Schmidt knows who it is.