OPEN LETTER to DFW shooters

Come shoot with us on Saturday August 25 at Arlington Sportsman Club for our 100 yard VFS club match.
We don't care if you are a member of NBRSA, IBS, REP, DEM, or LIB.
We even don't care if you have been kicked out of any of those groups.
If you want to shoot and not have to worry about the politics of any sanctioned bodies, then have I got a match for you. '
You won't win any world records.
We don't give out tons of wooden plaques.
We will have a good time, and you can visit with some of the greatest guys in this area.
If you shoot better than anyone else that day, you can win one of these Super Limited Winner patches, that are priceless (actually they are $5.95 on ebay…. but don't tell anyone).


This is a very relaxed but competitive VFS match.
It's only $10 to shoot ($5 for members).
Check in is at 8:00 am
We start shooting as close to 9:00 as possible.

Club is located at:
11500 CR 525
Mansfield Texas 76063

We shoot the 4th Saturday of the month and will be keeping season long stats for Shooter of the year.
Monthly updates will be posted at
Brilliant satire...

That's too funny Wes. I appreciate the humor and got a healthy chuckle from your post regarding recent goings on! I'm a bit removed to attend, but if I was in the area and had the opprtunity I would jump on it. Good luck and good shootin' to all...
Wes, I would love to come up and shoot, but we are really busy at the Shop, and Saturday is just another Work day.

It looks like you are doing a fine job.
That's too funny Wes. I appreciate the humor and got a healthy chuckle from your post regarding recent goings on! I'm a bit removed to attend, but if I was in the area and had the opprtunity I would jump on it. Good luck and good shootin' to all...

Thanks, I wasn't sure if people would laugh, or I would get kicked off the forum. I just wanna shoot. I don't care who is president of this, or who is president of that. I don't care if you shoot left handed or right handed. I don't care if you shoot an f-class gun, or a rimfire gun. I just like getting together with some friends, and have a little friendly competition. I tend to stay away from confrontation. I know you need leaders to make things happen. I also know that when ANY GROUP gets too big, trying to make every happy is next to impossible. I am worried about that in my shoots. 4-5 years ago we had 8 folks shooting. We now have 20+. I know the day is coming that one group isn't going to like the way we do this or that, and they are going to leave. But until then..... I am going to continue to do what I do, and hope that people show up to shoot. If they don't... well... then I will have a whole mess of patches to sew on a really nice jump suit to wear when my grand kids get older.
Wes, I would love to come up and shoot, but we are really busy at the Shop, and Saturday is just another Work day.

It looks like you are doing a fine job.

Jackie.... you just take care of your self... I would love for you Houston boys to come up one day to shoot with us... that would be great!!!!
Wes..every recreational Sport could use an attitude like yours. ,,hint, hint. Keep it fun and void of politics. I believe attendance will continue to grow.

I like the money pots. Trophy's dont buy lunch.:)

Thank you Wes.

I have had the most fun at these matches. I just got back into rifle shooting after a 13 year layoff, and was welcomed with open arms at this match. Wes does an awesome job! Thank you for donating your time and efforts to put on an awesome match.
Just blame it on Wes.
He starts the shoot to early.
And whatever.
Be there or be square.:cool:

0900 is too early? I think not. Just got back from the Rattlesnake match today and intend to be at the match on Saturday. Loaded enough 30 BR before I left. That reminds me that I'll just have to unload my reloading gear from my truck.