One piece rests...

Hey Beau,

It is made by a company called shotmaster10x. Mine is great.

Really not like a Pappas. Look at the top. You can check it

out at

Good luck,



Since you're the maker or closely associated, why don't you tell us who you are. Shooters tend to buy from people they know. Don't deny it now, the evidence is too strong.
The Pappas rest does what it's supposed to. It works. It's well thought out and well made. And in relation to some other one piece rests I've seen, which I'm sure are good, it's less expensive.

Jerry, I think you have those nice angular cuts on yours don't you?

Wally if Im the Jerry your asking the answer is yes.
The guy that makes the yellow jacket one piece rest is a shooter and whoops my butt regular.!! His name is Mark Walter and is my good friend who shoots with me at Riverside Gun Club located between Asheboro and Arabamaral NC. garrisone.
I would never dispute the fact that a Pappas Rest is a great One-Piece Rest. There are just so many shooters who are using them, and so many of those shooters who are shooting great because of them. Plus, I have always heard everyone who has ever had any type of dealings with Jim rave about his service. However, the reason I never bought one in the past, and still won't, is because of the positioning of the adjustment knobs, which appear to be pretty much the same on the Yellow Jack. I may be one of the unique few, but for me those knobs are just too far back. And yes, I have tried shooting off of a Pappas on more than one occation.

With my entire body being full of arthritis, having to reach around that far for as long as it takes to shoot a target while trying to maintain any kind of comfort level just aint gonna happen. But, having the knobs further forward like with a Hall • von Aherns, or the Grandfield, makes it so much easier for me to maintain contact with the adjustments while also maintaining a good and comfortable shooting position, and it also means that my hands and arms won't be falling asleep on me during a match, plus that I won't be going home with a headache due to the arthritis in my neck, shoulders and back flairing up after trying to torque my body around enough while trying to reach back for those knobs on either the Pappas or Yellow Jacket.

I understand that I am probably the only shooter reading this who has to not only sleep on an air mattress, but also has to sleep with pillows on either side of him just so that when he rolls over onto his side he can rest either upper arm on them in order to keep from having his shoulders aching all night, plus all the next day. But, these are some of the adjustments we have to make as we grow older. So, I guess it will be a Hall • von Aherns. And, lucky for me, that's a great rest as well.

Dave Shattuck
The Knobs are NOT""" plastic they are machined aluminum. I have seen the rest and it is very well made. garrisone.
Give Thanks

All you One Piece Rest Makers and users, ought to thank Grant Pickard for the idea, and Gary Pearson for starting the manufacture of the one piece rest. All others are copies, although many improvement have been made, the idea is the same one Grant had many years ago before these thing we legal.
Dave: I have problems similar to yours. I solved the issue with my Pappas rest by constructing a U shaped shelf out of 1/2 inch oak stock. It sits over the Pappas rest right in front of the knobs. My right (trigger) hand rests on the right side of the "shelf" and left hand rests on the left side. My left fore-arm rests comfortably on the bench. Left thumb handles the windage knob and first two fingers diddle the vertical knob. It is quick and precise. I'd hate to shoot without it. Food for thought. bob finger
Pappas Rest

I just got my new Pappas rest on Wednesday. I had that same discussion with him about the knobs being so far back. He said he knows it's not the most comfortable place to put them. He said he puts them back there for more vibration control on the rear of the rest. He used to put them up farther to the middle of the rest. He thinks the rest shoots better with knobs in rear. With the knobs back there you don't has 5 to 6 in. just hanging out there without any support. Once he explained it to me it all made sense.


James is correct about the older models. My first was an exact copy of the Pickard/Pearson rest. You could see the vibration in the scope. Several attemps were made to eliminate this, but the only releif was moving the control to the rear. Like I said, the newer model are with these improvements, regardless of how does them. Best Bang for you Buck, Pappas Rest.
The guy that makes the yellow jacket one piece rest is a shooter and whoops my butt regular.!! His name is Mark Walter and is my good friend who shoots with me at Riverside Gun Club located between Asheboro and Arabamaral NC. garrisone.

Hmm, I don't think Landon wanted that information out just yet.
New one piece rest

Hey Beau, Ken's new one piece is now available. I have one coming and could bring it to Buck Creek at the next shoot if you haven't already seen one. There have been a few already made and out there on trial. I'm going to keep at least one of these in stock for sale. If your thinking about a new one you might give it a look. Clint
Currently have a Pappas and am happy with it and especially the service and support after the sale.

However, after testing a Van A, the placement of the controls (for me) is superior.

But the human animal is an amazingly adaptable creature.

Either one will serve you well......
My wife never forgets a birthday or special occasion. Well she surprised me this yr. for sure. A one piece rest. I have very limited experience on a one piece rest, about 10 min. I didn't realize the difference they made. She bought it from my local bullet dealer. Its built by K. Fulghum I have seen his 2 piece before but never his 1 piece. very nice!


Shows overall photo of rest.


adjustable rear, (reversable if needed) also shows the powder coat that is used on the rest. Kind of a granite color I guess.


front top & adjustments
now you gotta get down to buckcreek next year when the matches start back!! we'd be glad to have you and a few other new shooters. we need to get everybody we can to start shooting at every range not just one range.
1 pc rests

i looked at the van ahrens even met roger but it was just a little pricey for me and i like roger vanahrens very well.

so i got a used pappas from jody and i needed some changes made for my martinis. jim supported his product even though i was a second owner. treated me just great.

you wont find a better businessman than jim pappas he stands by his products!!!!
