Pete, why do you ask? As match director, if you don't want or have a score, you have but one option...doing it yourself. If the others don't like the results maybe one will volunteer to take it over. When we were scoring several years ago, I did what others have already stated, I got the refs to score any that would be questionable so there would be no reproach. I did the same for any competitor if it was close. That process probably overused the refs but it seemed like the smart and fair thing to do. In that way, they didn't need to spend any money to have a second opinion. We now have a scorer, a very good one I might add, but when she scores at Capitol City, I will urge her to do the same; have a ref check any that might go either way so participants don't have to use their purse for a second opinion. Our matches aren't like some match with 50 to 100 participants as in some places. At those times a scorer may not be able delay the process as much and keep the process moving.
Randy J.