On Target, tool for measuring targets/groups

Printing "OnTarget"

I have not tried it with this program but many times when I want to print a graphic, I use the windows "print screen" feature. That key is, at least on my keyboard, top right. You have to hold down the shift key and hit print screen. This makes a copy of the entire screen. I then start up Word and copy it into word. If you click on the graphic, a small window comes up with some functions one can use. One of these is the "crop" feature. One could crop the picture down to just the target and information you want. You can resize that if you want and then print it.

Good Luck.

Very interesting. I suspected you were using Visual C++ with MFC. I have used it since Version 1.0 many moons ago. As a matter of fact, I have to get back to my Visual C++ Graphical User Interface for Finite Element Numerical Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport models. lol

I have written numerous commercial programs with it in the Environmental Engineering/Hydrogeology arena. As with you, the ballistics software I was messing with has its root in this large base of souce code I have written over the years. It seems a number of shooters are dabbling with programming for the shooting world niche market. I think they have all realized that shooters in general would require a large amount of technical support for a fully functional product. They also realize that the amount of money most shooters would pay for a program would not make it profitable considering this potential high volume of technical support required. Maybe the solution is to sell the program for a relatively small amount of money and put in a 900 number and charge for support.

Those of use with the interest and the skill set should really find a way to put our heads together and get that full featured program written instead of reinventing similar yet mutually exclusive wheels.

Anyway, good luck with your efforts. Looks good so far and let me know if I can be of some assistance in your efforts.


You make some very good points.

Give me some time to get the new version of OnTarget released and settled down. Then let's get together and have a brainstorming session about what's needed and how to get it accomplished.


I have been using "Group Size Calculator" for a while. I will give this a look see when I get home this evening.
From what i have seen

There isn't the sophistication at the various clubs in terms of computers and people to use them to use the program; not at places I have shot at.

In the Score segment we are still using an aniquated program that requires a dos computer and software to be able to do reports!
IBS has a new Excel program that will do Score Matches 100, 200 & 300.
Jim has it on the IBS website for download.
Good Day Doug /

Could you please provide address for IBS web site - and does the excell program you mention cost anything or is it free to clubs?

The Spookster!
version 1.10 release

I've finished and released the new version of the OnTarget program.

Here's the link to the website www.ontargetcalc.com

There are several new features including a user defined point of aim and an export feature for getting the data imported into Excel.

Check the history and features pages on the website for more information.
