OK..... here's the way I did it 
I'll try to provide cites, probably not always possible.
But first we'll examine the new envirobuzzword "sequester"......an old word that's been brought into the fore because rednecks is impressed by syllables. "To sequester" is to set aside or save, often in a hidden or out-of-sight fashion. Another synonym is to 'store.' Most people just say "store" as in "I've got some cash stored up for a rainy day".....but if you've an agenda to drive you use the word "sequester" because it sounds impressive. So, real world folks store up or "sequester" money for a while, then they spend it. SPENDING it shows it's worth, shows how much money you "sequestered."
Sequestered; https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sequester
We are carbon-based lifeforms, trees are carbon-based lifeforms. And crude oil is a distillation of this carbon. Over time sunlight has collected on this planet, some of it in the form of plants and animals...., this carbon-based life has died, broken down and distilled into an energy dense substance called crude oil which we've adapted for use as fuel. When this fuel is burned, you SPEND or release the sequestered energy........ just like draining your bank account. The real worth of the thing is realized when you cash it out.
OR, just burn the plants or animals before they leach down, and you'll still get some return.
But burning, spending, releasing or "getting the energy back" allows us to see how much energy is stored in the plants and animals.
ALL of this can be lumped into the catch-all "bio-mass"......... cuz that's what it IS. It's a good descriptor.
It's all fuel. It all can be "spent" and the output measured.
But gasoline fuel is more energy dense than fresh biomass, so we make a comparison..... gasoline against wood. We spend the sequestered energy and measure for results. How much wood to equal how much gas.
((BTW your lawn "sequesters" carbon too, and the brush along the fenceline..... it just gets spent quicker than a tree.....))
So, wood to gas;
Using today's numbers, real world it takes 90 tons of biomass to make 1 gallon of gasoline.
That's NINETY TONS of tree to render down into a gallon of gas.
easy-to-read cite : https://www.quora.com/How-many-dino...of-oil-or-how-many-gallons-from-each-dinosaur
I'm guessing a "big" pine in the op's area will come in around 30" diameter. (no cite, just a guess) which in my tree-farm logic brings a "big pine tree" in at around 16-18 tons of biomass.
A big pine tree can be rendered down to make about a quart of gas.....all costs aside, this is the GROSS fuel available in said big tree.....and all those big pine trees in history HAVE rendered down to make about a quart of fuel. It's taken a lot of trees to make our fuel reserves, millions of years worth of solar energy, collected underground. Unfortunately it takes more than a quart of gas to RENDER the tree.... but let's leave that aside for now
And if you instead "sequester it" (which really means, just save it for later) then you've "sequestered" about a quart of fuel.
BTW, we harvest trees here some....the entire West Coast is on about it's 4th cutting. That's 4 farm crops. No sentiment, no hugging of the old growth, it's a crop.
I had a logger over yesterday..... gonna' cut some.
And replant.
I've got 6 generations of trees on my property.
It's beautiful. I am blessed to live in a park.
Next door to me is a third gen bunch of hippies who were willed a section+ by their forebears. They dress period style and run a "sustainable farm" down along the road and pay for it by logging behind the ridges where the city folks can't see it. Based on this input, the neighbors on the other side of me got their parents to buy THEM a 27 acre piece so's they could 'live the dream."
Unfortunately, they didn't quite see the bigger picture..... They don't have 300 acres of (paid for, WORKED for) trees to farm..... They went into it with the staunch belief that "sustainable small farms" was a real deal. OOOPS....now they're welfare pukes, pure and simple, living from subsidy to subsidy and selling withered third world produce at local Farmer's Markets. The property looks like Afghanistan. I'm sad for their children.
And THIS is why I'm a conservative.
On a side note, I live in an affluent area.....consequently we get scammed a lot. They recently spent several million on a "biomass conversion facility" just up the road from me and got NOTHING back, not only didn't turn a profit but abandoned the facility once the money was spent. And now they're planning another one, a BIG one!!!
this one, now at 4 BILLION proposed cost....... now THAT'S gonna' set the planet back a piece! LOL https://www.opb.org/news/series/longview-energy-project/
On MY steenking fishing hole on MY beautiful river (with 31 hydro dams on it)
And I even picked a liberal cite, I must be getting "fair and balanced" in my dotage....
I'll try to provide cites, probably not always possible.
But first we'll examine the new envirobuzzword "sequester"......an old word that's been brought into the fore because rednecks is impressed by syllables. "To sequester" is to set aside or save, often in a hidden or out-of-sight fashion. Another synonym is to 'store.' Most people just say "store" as in "I've got some cash stored up for a rainy day".....but if you've an agenda to drive you use the word "sequester" because it sounds impressive. So, real world folks store up or "sequester" money for a while, then they spend it. SPENDING it shows it's worth, shows how much money you "sequestered."
Sequestered; https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sequester
We are carbon-based lifeforms, trees are carbon-based lifeforms. And crude oil is a distillation of this carbon. Over time sunlight has collected on this planet, some of it in the form of plants and animals...., this carbon-based life has died, broken down and distilled into an energy dense substance called crude oil which we've adapted for use as fuel. When this fuel is burned, you SPEND or release the sequestered energy........ just like draining your bank account. The real worth of the thing is realized when you cash it out.
OR, just burn the plants or animals before they leach down, and you'll still get some return.
But burning, spending, releasing or "getting the energy back" allows us to see how much energy is stored in the plants and animals.
ALL of this can be lumped into the catch-all "bio-mass"......... cuz that's what it IS. It's a good descriptor.
It's all fuel. It all can be "spent" and the output measured.
But gasoline fuel is more energy dense than fresh biomass, so we make a comparison..... gasoline against wood. We spend the sequestered energy and measure for results. How much wood to equal how much gas.
((BTW your lawn "sequesters" carbon too, and the brush along the fenceline..... it just gets spent quicker than a tree.....))
So, wood to gas;
Using today's numbers, real world it takes 90 tons of biomass to make 1 gallon of gasoline.
That's NINETY TONS of tree to render down into a gallon of gas.
easy-to-read cite : https://www.quora.com/How-many-dino...of-oil-or-how-many-gallons-from-each-dinosaur
I'm guessing a "big" pine in the op's area will come in around 30" diameter. (no cite, just a guess) which in my tree-farm logic brings a "big pine tree" in at around 16-18 tons of biomass.
A big pine tree can be rendered down to make about a quart of gas.....all costs aside, this is the GROSS fuel available in said big tree.....and all those big pine trees in history HAVE rendered down to make about a quart of fuel. It's taken a lot of trees to make our fuel reserves, millions of years worth of solar energy, collected underground. Unfortunately it takes more than a quart of gas to RENDER the tree.... but let's leave that aside for now
And if you instead "sequester it" (which really means, just save it for later) then you've "sequestered" about a quart of fuel.
BTW, we harvest trees here some....the entire West Coast is on about it's 4th cutting. That's 4 farm crops. No sentiment, no hugging of the old growth, it's a crop.
I had a logger over yesterday..... gonna' cut some.
And replant.
I've got 6 generations of trees on my property.
It's beautiful. I am blessed to live in a park.
Next door to me is a third gen bunch of hippies who were willed a section+ by their forebears. They dress period style and run a "sustainable farm" down along the road and pay for it by logging behind the ridges where the city folks can't see it. Based on this input, the neighbors on the other side of me got their parents to buy THEM a 27 acre piece so's they could 'live the dream."
Unfortunately, they didn't quite see the bigger picture..... They don't have 300 acres of (paid for, WORKED for) trees to farm..... They went into it with the staunch belief that "sustainable small farms" was a real deal. OOOPS....now they're welfare pukes, pure and simple, living from subsidy to subsidy and selling withered third world produce at local Farmer's Markets. The property looks like Afghanistan. I'm sad for their children.
And THIS is why I'm a conservative.
On a side note, I live in an affluent area.....consequently we get scammed a lot. They recently spent several million on a "biomass conversion facility" just up the road from me and got NOTHING back, not only didn't turn a profit but abandoned the facility once the money was spent. And now they're planning another one, a BIG one!!!
this one, now at 4 BILLION proposed cost....... now THAT'S gonna' set the planet back a piece! LOL https://www.opb.org/news/series/longview-energy-project/
On MY steenking fishing hole on MY beautiful river (with 31 hydro dams on it)
And I even picked a liberal cite, I must be getting "fair and balanced" in my dotage....