OK Buckos!

On Moderating:

The most important thing in moderating anything is not to discuss or argue with the players. A moderator on a forum such as this should simply delete what offends them and don't discuss it with either the offendor or folks who are curious. The duty of a moderator is to keep the discussion on track and civil, period. Anyone offending that gets cut off, without discussion, Period. It might be better if moderatores were not identified.
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Now Mr. B, it is just that kind of inaccuracy that pisses me off.

The thread was


It was tim who said

You'd be well advised to secure the services of a capable sporter smith. The amount of metal on that lug and how much it's backbored is a fine art and you get one shot to get it right relative to removing metal.

Which is a good, honest reply, and I appreciated it. Being stubborn, I want to do the work myself, and proposed

The one thought I had was to take two boxes of Ely "Black Box" Match, one 1043 and one 1054, and shoot groups, alternating ammo speeds withing the group. When the shots print together -- or close to it -- I'm there.

Other, better ideas?

Your reply was

Sounds like you got it figured out. Good luck.

So you didn't give away any secrets. BTW, If that worries you, why post?

The reason I thought it might be snide is even if the technique is valid, I wonder if the 11 fps difference is enough? There are reports of 40+fps difference in lots. But I don't know, I'm a newcommer, looking for advice. Taking you at your word, (1) it's a valid technique, and (2) the proposed 11 fps is just fine.

* * *

As to the 6-groove barrel posts, what makes you think I don't understand? At least a significant portion. Anyone can read Rimfire Accuracy, and most glean the friction that exists between certain parties.

What tends to happen in the CF world is people help each other. I don't remember a smith coming on line & saying "I know how but I won't tell you." They many not post at all, but generally, people help.

For example, people have trouble with crooked barrels in CF too. Or worry about the barrel opening up under cutting. 4-Mesh -- a very, very good machinist & when he feels like it, gunsmith, felt it was in the profiling operation (tapering) causes most of the problems. Here is what he says:

I've been saying all along that the tapering jobs these places do are suspect. I do my own, but I do it in 2 operations in a 15" lathe. (Real nice one). I have to turn the barrel around to get both halves, and they never have any problems. I do them in high pressure coolant, and do the entire thing with a finish insert with .016r on the tool. A 135 deg insert. The material comes off the barrel like grey dust. I run them at sorta middle of the road speeds iirc. Been a while but I'd say probably running 700-1000 rpms. I don't want to throw the thing around as it's tapering and if there is any imbalance, it would show up if I cranked it up to 4500 or so.

Use the information if it helps you.

Nothing anyone has said leads me to change my mind about the RF forum. Too much us versus them, too much getting things wrong -- like what you just reported as your good will & and my intransigence.
Boys ,boys who dat putting yall on a short leash? Not Beau this time.BlueFin where are you? Team Eck has been notified there is someone that wants to modify yalls behavior and the Chief Cook & Bottle Washer is calling all you Bucko`s to get in line. I thought yall had this thing the way you wanted it ,what happened?
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Thanks for the refresher Charles. I remembered it wrong but I agreed with Tim's advice and when you failed to heed the advice of a top RF shooter giving you his best advice and instead you offered your idea of doing it yourself - I wished you luck. Did I think you would succeed - no. I wasn't being snide so much as politely dismissive. It does sound like there are two camps for you, but it seems like it's RF vs CF. It sounds like you don't respect us much. Maybe stick to the CF forums then and let someone who actually likes RF moderate this one.
I wasn't aware that I had to choose between RF and CF.

Wilbur, do you need more? I need a respite from the circled wagons.
Wilbur can peanut butter be used as a hearing aid? Chief
You're post #22 is illustrative of many things and in particular how some of this stuff evolves. I answered a serious question from a "newby" the way I always have, with a sincere attempt to assist. That often is how questions from newby's get answered.

Invariably thes things often get to a point where somebody who should know better simply makes an incomprehensible reference. It is ,after all the nature of the internet quite often. It also, quite often, leads to a retort of some sort, just like the 2nd law of popular internet forums......trolls appear with regularity, the best we can do is identify them, with or without humor. Your job is simple, if it gets too far break it up and send'em back to their respective corner. It is expressly not to meauure what's relevant...to you, interesting....to you, humerous.....to you, and why at the end of the day there has not been what I'd call serious issues historically until recently......by you. Even in the past when Wilbur has seen fit to lay on hands when needed....it's been suficient. Now we seem to have some draconian implimentation concerning relevancy. When did I miss that meeting

That's a good post. I would never delete something I thought irrelevant. It is human to whine a bit, and from time to time, I do. It was my opinion, and occasionally I express them as a private citizen. I'm not alone -- goodness, someone complained on Dennis Sorensen's post on the rules


. . . Over 20 post's on a alternitive to lighter fluid. How to clean a barrel. How to run a powder measure. We should discuss, are you safe with a center fire rife?

Obviously, I believe there was more going on with the barrel thread, just as Bill B indicates. But no deletions, no infractions, just a whine. And I was set up & taken down very nicely. Mel Eck's saying "say something" (so I did) and Tuna's saying "why did you post?" was well played.

Not sure why we have to play those games, though.
Issac, My only real beefs with the 6-groove thread are two -- its length without anything except what I take as testimonials (you might consider that unfair), and that it gives the opinion there is something special about these barrels. No one knows what makes a good barrel. Certainly not a manufacturing technique such as cut rifling versus button rifling. Certainly not the number of grooves. Just because Bill Calfee has been known to utter absurdities is no excuse. It seems he's not the only one to give a lot of words with no information.

I think your bringing up the other rimfire forums also shows there is an us-versus-them mentality at play. I agree Benchrest Central should be a bulwark; should be above "us versus them," and most importantly, should be helpful to new shooters.

Just look at some of the other forums on Benchrest Central, an how helpful they often are. "Which is best" questions abound, and need to be dispelled. There is a current question about "what bullet is best with X many grooves" (see http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?80248-Barrel-twist-rate-and-of-groove-question). OK, I'm cherry picking, but part of the role of BR Central is to help, or try and help people realize that they have some serious misconceptions.

I made a post on the rimfire forum asking about how to tune a sporter barrel by removing metal from the "bulb" at the end. "It's a fine art. Get a good gunsmith" was the reply. Fair enough to state that as a caution, but when I continued, not much information was added. I still don't know if Bill B. was being serious (I took it as such) or snide. And see Tim's now deleted remark to Pete Wass. Well, you can't but Wilbur can.


* * *

It is not a friendly place, save for the group that's kind of made it into their own social network. A bit of that of that is OK, can be ignored by those of us not in and no desire to join that group. Sadly, all too often, those who aren't get remarks like the one tim gave, then to his credit, removed.

* * *

I didn't realize Mel Eck is feuding with Don Stith. Why should I? Makes it hard to get simple answers, and not my problem. What was my problem was when he hinted that Stith didn't do good work, and when asked to reconsider the post, said his remark was to stand. Someone had to go into that thread & clean up all the nastiness -- I assume Elmer or Wilbur, but of course I don't know.

(That is another rule of BR Central, you don't bash someone's work, you find another way to resolve a problem.)

* * *

To try and be clear: there is too much insulting going on. There are products/tradesmen being dissed. There is a clique mentality -- and while we can live with some of that mentality, it sometimes takes a serious misstep.

I have expressed some of those feelings on the forum, have given a couple infractions, and have deleted a couple of posts. Aside from Hambone's posts, I believe I've deleted two or three since starting to pay attention to the Rimfire Forum this summer. I now have a reputation. I can live with it.

I'm not going to go into Hambone.

Charles, I can understand all of that. I don't agree that this site in unforgiving to the new guys. I am one of the new guys and I felt mostly at home, the moderating got to be oppressive. Personally, I agree with the people that advocate for getting a good gunsmith, not just because one of my good friends is the best there is but, I think that it is good fair advice. You can waste a LOT of money just chopping up barrels to learn how to make a sporter. Ask Gordon, he did it, it took him a year and heaven knows how many barrels to learn how to make the very best barrel. It could be that I prefer this type of communication, as opposed to the way Bill Calfee "teaches". Also, I take umbridge with BAD ADVICE. Call it competition between sites or whatever you want but, BAD ADVICE is being doled out on other websites.

I have my own very personal reasons for not wanting anything to do with the stock maker, I am not airing them but, I will say that I got caught up in it and I shouldn't have. This is the place to be for rimfire benchrest and I will advocate vehemently for this site to stay great.
Isaac, to think the rimfire gunsmiths are limited to two is a bit odd. If I wanted to be a national level competitor, I'd take a rifle built by Calfee (as long as I didn't have to listen to him). I'd take a rifle built by Gordon Eck, and from his website, it would be fun to listen to him.

There are all sorts of newcomers. It is fine, and safe, to assume the newcomer knows nothing. But when they do, and insist they want to press on, why not share?

If you want a fun Calfee story, some time ago he posted here (BR Central) about his "new" idea on angled sears. I pointed out to him Karl Kenyon had that notion 40 years before. Mr. Kenyon was so adamant about that, when he made a trigger for a 40-X, it came with instructions on how to regrind the cocking piece to 90-degrees. That's how the Kenyon trigger was always configured -- even for the Remington. Ol' Calfee wouldn't talk to me after that . . . and kept right on claiming the idea. His physics lacks a bit, too.

Oh yeah, I'd take a Kenyon built rifle too . . .

But I'm not interested in becoming a national level rimfire shooter. Or national level point-blank CF shooter, for that matter. Most of us aren't. We shoot local and regional matches, and enjoy ourselves. In my case, I get as much fun out of building them as shooting them, particularly experimental rifles. Some success there, BTW, and at a national level, but that's not relevant to this thread.

If you look at the other forums on BR Central, they fit that notion. So much of the technical things discussed are down in the noise, esp. if you can't read conditions. But they are discussed, and occasionally, a good idea comes forth. More often, a local-level shooter gets a little better, and that gives them pleasure.

What's wrong with that? Why be so dismissive of them? Economically, where would the sport be without them?

Issac, My only real beefs with the 6-groove thread are two -- its length without anything except what I take as testimonials (you might consider that unfair), and that it gives the opinion there is something special about these barrels. No one knows what makes a good barrel. Certainly not a manufacturing technique such as cut rifling versus button rifling. Certainly not the number of grooves. Just because Bill Calfee has been known to utter absurdities is no excuse. It seems he's not the only one to give a lot of words with no information.

I think your bringing up the other rimfire forums also shows there is an us-versus-them mentality at play. I agree Benchrest Central should be a bulwark; should be above "us versus them," and most importantly, should be helpful to new shooters.

Just look at some of the other forums on Benchrest Central, an how helpful they often are. "Which is best" questions abound, and need to be dispelled. There is a current question about "what bullet is best with X many grooves" (see http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?80248-Barrel-twist-rate-and-of-groove-question). OK, I'm cherry picking, but part of the role of BR Central is to help, or try and help people realize that they have some serious misconceptions.

I made a post on the rimfire forum asking about how to tune a sporter barrel by removing metal from the "bulb" at the end. "It's a fine art. Get a good gunsmith" was the reply. Fair enough to state that as a caution, but when I continued, not much information was added. I still don't know if Bill B. was being serious (I took it as such) or snide. And see Tim's now deleted remark to Pete Wass. Well, you can't but Wilbur can.


* * *

It is not a friendly place, save for the group that's kind of made it into their own social network. A bit of that of that is OK, can be ignored by those of us not in and no desire to join that group. Sadly, all too often, those who aren't get remarks like the one tim gave, then to his credit, removed.

* * *

I didn't realize Mel Eck is feuding with Don Stith. Why should I? Makes it hard to get simple answers, and not my problem. What was my problem was when he hinted that Stith didn't do good work, and when asked to reconsider the post, said his remark was to stand. Someone had to go into that thread & clean up all the nastiness -- I assume Elmer or Wilbur, but of course I don't know.

(That is another rule of BR Central, you don't bash someone's work, you find another way to resolve a problem.)

* * *

To try and be clear: there is too much insulting going on. There are products/tradesmen being dissed. There is a clique mentality -- and while we can live with some of that mentality, it sometimes takes a serious misstep.

I have expressed some of those feelings on the forum, have given a couple infractions, and have deleted a couple of posts. Aside from Hambone's posts, I believe I've deleted two or three since starting to pay attention to the Rimfire Forum this summer. I now have a reputation. I can live with it.

I'm not going to go into Hambone.

Charles, you are right, posters should not be allowed to bash someones work. It is hard to communicate that to a moderator when they won't accept a pm.
But there needs to be moderators who can differentiate between bashing and informing the members, it just seems to to me that there is some trouble with mods here in that respect, JMHO.

Mike - You can't tell the difference. By that I mean, I can't tell the difference and you can't tell the difference. It's that simple. Early on, there was a rather long thread involving ten or so users that were expressing displeasure about a fellow that sold moly coating products. The thread seemed "informative" as you reference but it turned out that ALL (not some, ALL) of the posts in the thread were made by two guys. One of them sold another kind of bullet coating product and the other was his traveling buddy.

Currently there are several users with multiple user IDs - some as many as six and I gave up trying to count the IDs some of the spammers have registered. The difference is that I don't care how many IDs a non-spammer has and I can block the spammers to some extent. Wait...I don't care how many IDs as long as they are not used to be disruptive.

Removing posts/threads that are consumer issues is a long standing policy - years and years. That said, folks are free to use PMs and email and nobody can get in the way of that. How about..."I just got a raw deal, contact me for details." Serves the same purpose - unless there's an axe to grind.
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That kind of deciet should not be tolerated.Is it that difficult to keep users to one ID Wilbur?( I really know nothing about forums and how the software runs)
Sometimes it's OK

Often, folks need another ID so they can say what want to say and not offend a close friend or damage their business. The software itself just registers folks and verifies email addresses. It does have a couple of features to prevent the same email address from registering again but them there's hotmail.

Often, things are not what they seem. Typically, when someone uses their "alternate" ID it's harmless. They just want to make an anonymous statement and that's the only way to do it. If I "outed" these folks (not going to) I'm guessing you would be certain that I was lying.

Well...how does Wilbur know? If I told, I would have to kill all Y'all and start over.

i am not very good at expressing my thoughts but here goes.

what i have noticed is more and more responses are not nice to preconceived dumb questions or questions that have been asked a million times.

it also seems to me that more people just have to get in on the action even if they don't know anything about what is being discussed.

even good questions and answers are picked apart until somebody gets offended and the thread deteriorates.

i am seeing this kind of stuff happening on every site i visit.

this started late last year and in my opinion is getting worse.

I'll crawl back in my hole and just watch some more.
Wilbur, do you need more? I need a respite from the circled wagons.

What happened to the bring it on attitude?

Now you know me. I can fight off this stuff, and I'm stubborn.

When the tide of opinion is that you've over stepped the bounds and aren't doing a good job. It is time to give up.
Real Names should be required

For those who don't know, there is a CF Chat Room that is frequented mostly by CF Score Shooters. The traffic there is usually in the evening hours. The first requirement to be able to participate is one must use their real and full name. Anyone who is afraid to use their real name perhaps should consider not participating. If this were my site, I woud require everyone to use their true and correct name.