observations from the range today...


Your comment about ppl rolling their eyes is so true. I have yet to convince a single person that does not shoot BR to buy a flag or put up a ribbon. At our club, I have seen exactly zero flags by anyone not in the br league.


Your comment about ppl rolling their eyes is so true. I have yet to convince a single person that does not shoot BR to buy a flag or put up a ribbon. At our club, I have seen exactly zero flags by anyone not in the br league.



But just mabe a couple new >>accuracy<< shooters may now SEE the light (wind;))... Are now asking for ideas on buy'n or building a set of flags.

When they SEE the reverse and the bullet respond accordingly, the lightbulb goes off so to speak.

These new guys are seeing why I pause for an eternity at times between shots. Conversly, when I run and gun... At times...

serenity prayer

God, grant me te serenity to accept the winds I cannot change.
The courage to change my point of aim.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Many be the time..

...that I wish my first 3 shots at 300 were that close together....wind flags and all...

I met a guy at the range shooting a Rem XR-100 in .204 Ruger and a Barska scope. He also had a nice set of wind flags. I shot on a bench next to him and while I was sending lead downrange and guessing, we was reading the flags.

When it came time to change out targets, I was amazed at his itty bitty one hole target. He stated that he had been testing his handloads and he thought he found a good load. He also said that he never shot BR without his flags. I can see why. :)
Can anyone recommend some flags that are affordable for someone just starting out? Does everyone use pretty much the same set-up at 1-200yd? Right now I just use fence posts and survey tape, but would like to take the next step and buy (or make) something a little better.


Be it so, a ribbon on a stick is sure better than nothing.

But windflags are not really that expensive. And, unlike powder, primers, bullets, and even barrels, they do not dissappear with each shot. I have had the same set of flags, (my own), for the past 10 years.

Go to the section on windflags back on the home page. While I prefer a single vane, a daisy, and sail tails, matches are won with just about every design you will see. I would avoid designs that tend to be too ragile, or are not easy to break down and store. Remember, you will be tossing these in the back of the truck, or in the trunk, more times than not.,

As for how many. I set five at 100 yards, more or less evenly spaced, the first about 15 yards out. At 200, I use six, just spread out more. In all honesty, any more is too much for my limited brain power to digest...........jackie