Obama's books

Blame is not the issue! The issue is that some want so much to believe the negative about liberals that they don't stop and apply the test of common sense to the Cr@p out there. It shows a biased attitude!

Example: Are you aware of how much commentary there is out there about McCain collaborating with the Vietnamese in making statements and 32 videos against the U.S. and giving classified information about bombing routes while a prisoner. So should it be accepted as fact??? Not in my opinion until clearly proven! If that commentary was about Obama it would be accepted as fact by many on this forum without question.

D, can we agree that this is just part of the political process? I for one believe people are generally smart enough to see thru the BS and make a rational well thought out decision regardless of what is posted on this forum or any other forum.

I don't feel the need to jump to JM's defense everytime something negative or fictitious is said about him. I understand that it happens and is expected.

In the end I think people will look at their platform and what they stand for and make their decision based on that, not on some email that a poster is sharing.

I never said teachers were bad. If a teachers is good they probably don't need collective bargaining anyway. The problem is unions continue to keep and fight for the worthless teachers that should have been ran off a long time ago. The unions will continue to fleece the government and industry, until they destroy our children and our jobs....they are never satisfied....always looking to the next contract to steal more and more power, money, and benefits!!

"I never said teachers were bad." :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
It shouldn't be!

There's alot in this world that shouldn't be. That doesn't mean it's going to change just because you think it should.

There are aspects of your life that I think shouldn't be, but I can't change them. That has to come from you. And I'm sure you could say the same for myself.
D .................................................. ...................

I apologize...I should have said not ALL teachers are bad, but you know as well as I that unions defend the worthless ones that should have been ran off years ago. I have always said, If you show-up for work on time, do your job, and not cause any trouble, what do you need a union for. Everyone I've seen organized in the last 20 years has been by the most worthless employee's that should have been ran-off years prior to the union. I have seen this happen three time in my career, and everytime the plant ends-up closing because of the union's greed and the force-feeding of them to keep the worthless employees. When teachers form a union they just keep asking for more and more, and doing less and less, until they bankrupt the state and frustrate the taxpayers. Correct me if i'm wrong, but look at all of the states that have unionized teachers....are the states almost bankrupt and the education sub-standard?? Obama wants to continue the downward spiril in the name of additional votes. How much has the government spent on education in the last 20 years? What are the results? Has the unionized teachers improved?? I rest my case!!! The war in Iraq seems pretty cheap now doesn't it!!